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*Suggestion* Next Elite Specialization: Assassin - GS Thief


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> @knyy.6427 said:

> > @tongpo.3184 said:

> > > @"Zero Day.2594" said:

> > > > @tongpo.3184 said:

> > > > Pretty sure I have never seen an assassin wielding a great sword...

> > >

> > > Pretty kitten sure, assassins are just killers... That typically take out high profile targets (be it political or religious or whatever other domains).

> > > How and with what they go about it, is left up to them. And if a great sword is suited for the job, or nothing else is around, chances are, they will use it.

> > > Not too sure, if it's somewhere forbidden for them to use a great sword, or really any other weapon.

> >

> > Assassins are quick and use stealth. Yes, they kill, but they do it without getting caught. Hard to be quick and hard to go unnoticed while dragging around a giant sword.

> >

> > How they go about it? Well, thats usually with poison, traps, darts, etc. Warriors jump across a crowd with a giant sword aiming for the head. When assassins kill, no one even notices until its too late.

> >

> > I am not saying forbidden, just that its not their prefered method. If an assassin gets caught and is forced to fight head on, then sure - whatever means. But then, that would be a pretty terrible assassin that no one would ever hire.


> I don't see any problem. Just take his ideas and call or something else then. The name itself is not that important, just the mechanics and gameplay of it's design.


> If you have a good elite spec design, you can choose which flair you wanna give the spec. You wanna go more dark and shadow? Call all skills like that and have the effect be more darkish, or go all bladedancer and have the effect be more iron/silver and show some blades whatsoever. It is possible to change that.



Yeah tbh idk why people are jumping at my throat for the name, i mentioned 3 times now the name should bd changed

Suggest what you see fitting for ghe criteria above...simple.

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> @Murmaider.1805 said:

> This reminds me of a thread a long time ago about Thieves getting rifles and I know how happy people are about that!!


I am loving it, so I don't know what you are talking about. Thiefs finally have a long range option. If we get GS, we will have a good cool looking 2h option. Staff doesn't count because it looks ugly.

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I don't think Greatsword would make an assassin. If anything it'd make a Marauder, Kensai/Sword Saint, or a Highwayman. Think a thief designed to charge in and do fast paced AOE wombo-combo shit with possible Initiative regen. Replace steal with Momentum. Charges as the thief deals out damage - and increases initative regen rate. Activating it launches the thief at the target for heavy damage based on the amount of momentum. Does great sustained damage, but doesn't have cases of spike damage due to AOE nature.


Sword off-hand would likely create a sword dancer, so most likely give thief a support role, reflects, and mesmer stuff.

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> @tongpo.3184 said:

> > @"Zero Day.2594" said:

> > > @tongpo.3184 said:

> > > Pretty sure I have never seen an assassin wielding a great sword...

> >

> > Pretty kitten sure, assassins are just killers... That typically take out high profile targets (be it political or religious or whatever other domains).

> > How and with what they go about it, is left up to them. And if a great sword is suited for the job, or nothing else is around, chances are, they will use it.

> > Not too sure, if it's somewhere forbidden for them to use a great sword, or really any other weapon.


> Assassins are quick and use stealth. Yes, they kill, but they do it without getting caught. Hard to be quick and hard to go unnoticed while dragging around a giant sword.


> How they go about it? Well, thats usually with poison, traps, darts, etc. Warriors jump across a crowd with a giant sword aiming for the head. When assassins kill, no one even notices until its too late.


> I am not saying forbidden, just that its not their prefered method. If an assassin gets caught and is forced to fight head on, then sure - whatever means. But then, that would be a pretty terrible assassin that no one would ever hire.


Now, is that written in stone somewhere, or is it just a fantasy that we've all made up and contribute to?

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Shadow Mage Elite Spec...no more BS specs. We need a full-blown Shadow Magic caster and a rebuff of Shadow Arts that includes shadow tentacles and clones. Let us dual-wield Scepters that allows the Thief to steal their spiritual essence by casting a hex on them -- yes, you read that right, bring back HEXES. Introduce Shadow Form and allow evasion while Shadowstepping.


We need this Elite spec to be really scary that every other profession will fear their own shadows that they will refuse to turn off the light at bedtime and they will pee their pants at the sound of a wind passing by their ears. The scratching of branches on their windows will keep them up all night and when they are fully exhausted, they will sleep...permanently. Bwaahahahahahahahah...


Happy Halloween. :)

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> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> Shadow Mage Elite Spec...no more BS specs. We need a full-blown Shadow Magic caster and a rebuff of Shadow Arts that includes shadow tentacles and clones. Let us dual-wield Scepters that allows the Thief to steal their spiritual essence by casting a hex on them -- yes, you read that right, bring back HEXES. Introduce Shadow Form and allow evasion while Shadowstepping.


> We need this Elite spec to be really scary that every other profession will fear their own shadows that they will refuse to turn off the light at bedtime and they will pee their pants at the sound of a wind passing by their ears. The scratching of branches on their windows will keep them up all night and when they are fully exhausted, they will sleep...permanently. Bwaahahahahahahahah...


> Happy Halloween. :)


I disagree with scepters since I think most scepters look ugly. I would want dual focus though, so I could use the prism focus skin from HoM. It would look like I am using my hands to cast things.

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> @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > Shadow Mage Elite Spec...no more BS specs. We need a full-blown Shadow Magic caster and a rebuff of Shadow Arts that includes shadow tentacles and clones. Let us dual-wield Scepters that allows the Thief to steal their spiritual essence by casting a hex on them -- yes, you read that right, bring back HEXES. Introduce Shadow Form and allow evasion while Shadowstepping.

> >

> > We need this Elite spec to be really scary that every other profession will fear their own shadows that they will refuse to turn off the light at bedtime and they will pee their pants at the sound of a wind passing by their ears. The scratching of branches on their windows will keep them up all night and when they are fully exhausted, they will sleep...permanently. Bwaahahahahahahahah...

> >

> > Happy Halloween. :)


> I disagree with scepters since I think most scepters look ugly. I would want dual focus though, so I could use the prism focus skin from HoM. It would look like I am using my hands to cast things.


Then you haven't seen the Shadow Scepter.

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> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > > Shadow Mage Elite Spec...no more BS specs. We need a full-blown Shadow Magic caster and a rebuff of Shadow Arts that includes shadow tentacles and clones. Let us dual-wield Scepters that allows the Thief to steal their spiritual essence by casting a hex on them -- yes, you read that right, bring back HEXES. Introduce Shadow Form and allow evasion while Shadowstepping.

> > >

> > > We need this Elite spec to be really scary that every other profession will fear their own shadows that they will refuse to turn off the light at bedtime and they will pee their pants at the sound of a wind passing by their ears. The scratching of branches on their windows will keep them up all night and when they are fully exhausted, they will sleep...permanently. Bwaahahahahahahahah...

> > >

> > > Happy Halloween. :)

> >

> > I disagree with scepters since I think most scepters look ugly. I would want dual focus though, so I could use the prism focus skin from HoM. It would look like I am using my hands to cast things.


> Then you haven't seen the Shadow Scepter.


I have. It still looks ugly.

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The thing is, the base thief class already does the "sneaky, one-hit wonder from the shadows" thing well enough. If you're going to do something like a Greatsword, you need to do something that enhances a weaker part of the base class. If you're going to do Greatsword as a spec, why not change things up. For those people wanting a more defensive specialization, or just something different, what if we made the Greatsword a defensive weapon?


We already see elements of this in other classes. With built in evades on Ranger AA, Warrior Whirlwinds, Blinds on Guard 3, and the 4 on Ranger, Greatsword would be better off as a defensive skirmishing weapon that solves a problem with which thieves struggle (cleave) and give them an ample source of block. I really like the way Underwater spear on the thief plays, partially because it rewards intelligent initiative usage, and I think Greatsword could do the same.


AA (GS 1): Basic auto attack chain. However, the third strike casts a unique buff on the thief, and plays around the main mechanic of the class - It's a 1 second long block buff called Sudden Deflection. When this buff is expended, similarly to Aegis, the thief gains a stolen skill, just as if you had stolen something from your target.

F1: Instead of steal, you get a new ability that places the unique buff Sudden Deflection on you, with a duration of 1 second. If you block an attack, you gain a stolen skill, using a different roster of skills, similarly to how deadeye changes your stolen skills to something appropriate for the spec. However, the class mechanic changes your F2. You no longer activate your Stolen Skills. Instead, they are used when using specific attacks with each weapon, and are used by some of the class's new utilities. You can, however, store up to 4 stolen items, which are activated sequentially.

GS 2: Skill 2s on thief tend to be mobility skills for melee weapons, or at least semi-mobile skills, but we're drawing inspiration from other greatswords in the game, which tend to have their 2 skill be a big, AoE damage ability. To that end, the 2 ability will simply be a large, upward slash that hits enemies in a cone in front of the thief. However, importantly, this skill also discharges the thief's current stolen skill, effectively casting both at the same time. It activates an additional stolen skill for each enemy struck.

GS 3: Usually a movement skill, and no different for you. This ability shadowsteps you to a target location with a range of 600, and places Sudden Deflection on you. It does nothing else, but has a relatively low Initiative cost.

GS 4: Normally a PBAoE or semi-ranged attack, GS 4 Works similarly to Guardian 5 crossed with Revenant Sword 3 - You blink between targets near you, gaining a stolen skill from each target struck. You can gain multiple stolen items from the same target.

GS 5: Typically a utility skill, for this one we're going to reference Deadeye... just a bit. GS 5 shadowsteps you behind your opponent. If you strike an enemy with the attack at the end of the dash, you deal increased damage for each stolen skill you have.


As for traits, utilities, etc., there would be more stuff along the theme of using lots of Stolen Skills and having benefits for it. Maybe even a Grandmaster that turns all Stolen Skills into pockets of AoE damage instead of the variety of boons and effects they would provide, and possibly something that adds poison to their activation. You could even go nuts and make the utilities Kits that have synergy with all your stolen skills, but that seems like a TON of work. I dunno. Still, I think it'd be fun, primarily because it really emphasizes the idea of stealing lots of stuff, gives thieves access to regular blocks, and solves the problem of cleave. I know it isn't really in the spirit of the OP, but I just had fun thinking about it.

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> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> Shadow Mage Elite Spec...no more BS specs. We need a full-blown Shadow Magic caster and a rebuff of Shadow Arts that includes shadow tentacles and clones. Let us dual-wield Scepters that allows the Thief to steal their spiritual essence by casting a hex on them -- yes, you read that right, bring back HEXES. Introduce Shadow Form and allow evasion while Shadowstepping.


> We need this Elite spec to be really scary that every other profession will fear their own shadows that they will refuse to turn off the light at bedtime and they will pee their pants at the sound of a wind passing by their ears. The scratching of branches on their windows will keep them up all night and when they are fully exhausted, they will sleep...permanently. Bwaahahahahahahahah...


> Happy Halloween. :)


Shadow Dancer? The Thief is already heavy on the DnD references. Might as well throw in a prestige class

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I like the idea of dual sword Thief spec _if only_ because it's the only class in the game that has a true two-weapon attack in the #3 slot. A dual-sword Warrior, for example, attacks right, right, right, left, left, never both at once. I definitely want to see a "Hundred Blades/Blurred Frenzy" style hit-spam attack that uses two swords at once. That's not my favorite weapon for the next Thief spec, but it would be better than most alternatives.

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> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> Shadow Mage Elite Spec...no more BS specs. We need a full-blown Shadow Magic caster and a rebuff of Shadow Arts that includes shadow tentacles and clones. Let us dual-wield Scepters that allows the Thief to steal their spiritual essence by casting a hex on them -- yes, you read that right, bring back HEXES. Introduce Shadow Form and allow evasion while Shadowstepping.


> We need this Elite spec to be really scary that every other profession will fear their own shadows that they will refuse to turn off the light at bedtime and they will pee their pants at the sound of a wind passing by their ears. The scratching of branches on their windows will keep them up all night and when they are fully exhausted, they will sleep...permanently. Bwaahahahahahahahah...


> Happy Halloween. :)


A shadow Caster-type would be cool, but I just don't think it fits the rest of the Thief make-up. I'd prefer this as a Necro spec.

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