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For Fun Deadeye Build [MIGHTy Thief]


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[gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQNAsYUnkFDFOhNOBOGDsPhFaCzLM8FKD8DzlZ0ULAMhmNA-jBCBQB7RPQN2foSq/gFlenRJYAeAAA4EAMSlBAA-e](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQNAsYUnkFDFOhNOBOGDsPhFaCzLM8FKD8DzlZ0ULAMhmNA-jBCBQB7RPQN2foSq/gFlenRJYAeAAA4EAMSlBAA-e "gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQNAsYUnkFDFOhNOBOGDsPhFaCzLM8FKD8DzlZ0ULAMhmNA-jBCBQB7RPQN2foSq/gFlenRJYAeAAA4EAMSlBAA-e")


Role: Might Mule

**If you are looking for super high end "Meta" builds then this isnt the forum post for you.**

Small note. Did anyone else notice that when you are a Deadeye the Ambush and Thieves Guild Skills can spawn a Deadeye NPC which will Kneel and spam Three-round Burst and Death's Judgement.


This build has one focus in mind... Stacking absurd amounts of might very quickly throughout your entire party, and when alone, to all of your Thieves in Thieves Guild.

If playing in a group change Thieves' Guild to Shadow Meld for additional Stolen Skills. If you still need more drop a Signet for another Cantrip.

The personal DPS of the build isnt anything special even with the Thieves out but it will Stack might like nobodies business often being able to push out 25 Might to 5 Players in seconds before the fight even really begins and through the use of Cantrips and "One in the chamber" as well as Mark CD reduction traits maintain them pretty consistently.

If you find yourself running low on initiative or need an extra bump to group might you can use the Mercy Skill which will grant you a 1 Stolen Skill(10 Might) and then re-mark for 2 more stolen skills (20 Might).

I find staggering your Might application at the start to be the best so you dont drop all 25 stacks almost immediately when their duration starts to get low and keep a steady stream.


In terms of percentage based damage buffs you dont have much with this.

Sigil of Force 5%

Rune of Strength 5%

Exposed Weakness 10%

Lead Attacks 15%

Malice 3~15%


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