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Add things to spend Legendary Insight

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I have been raiding for quite some time now and have more than 1000LI, I still love raiding and enjoy the content a lot.

But the thing I wonder is that why do we have nothing to spend LI on other than crafting Legendary armor, I have already crafted it and still have +1000LI for what?

I wish Anet could add for example; Bag of crafting materials, bag of gear, ascended armor pieces even sell to vendor option or any kind of thing that we can spend the LI on, because after you craft the legendary armor 1-2-3 times the LI becomes useless and junk. So please add some options to spend Legendary Insight on. Please let me know if you have any ideas or recommendations on how they can do this and maybe Anet will get some ideas to implement it.

Thank you..

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Current LI sink is OK, not great. I'm currently doing the provisioned tokens for my fourth set of legendary armor, but even after I make that I'm still going to be at something like 700 LI. We can currently earn 15 LI per week. The chest of legendary shards which was recently an SAB weekly reward, could be a good reward (maybe also limit it to once a week). This would keep the purpose of LI being for legendary equipment, but extend it past armor into weapons. SAB allowed 3 purchases for week, but that is only during a festival, might be too much for raids. I think 1 chest per week in exchange for 15 LI would be pretty good for raids. Using this rate, you would need to full clear for 96 weeks to get all the shards for any legendary you want.


Bigger problem is legendary divinations, those need a sink desperately.

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I'd love to have something else to spend them on and I didn't even bother to finish the armor collection yet (the grind outside of raids irks me so I only have the ascended set). Divinations I wager are going to be even worse - so far they are only needed for the one legendary trinket we're getting, with no news of more uses.

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> @"vyncius.6105" said:

> i would like to get a posibility to buy ascended gear with li, like 25 li is 1 box of some gear or a trinket


You could also just buy the insignia for 25 LI, thats half of the crafting costs of most ascended armor pieces. And it lets you choose stats on top of it.


LI surely could use some more purpose though. Like maybe let us buy bufffood or utility crates. Or at the very least let us buy the raid shards with it.

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> @"Deadvillager.1956" said:

> > @"vyncius.6105" said:

> > i would like to get a posibility to buy ascended gear with li, like 25 li is 1 box of some gear or a trinket


> You could also just buy the insignia for 25 LI, thats half of the crafting costs of most ascended armor pieces. And it lets you choose stats on top of it.


> LI surely could use some more purpose though. Like maybe let us buy bufffood or utility crates. Or at the very least let us buy the raid shards with it.


RE: Deadvillager

li for asc gear is a waste. I have two characters full of asc boxes. and everytime I get asc weapon from raid I salved them immediately. there is no more space to put asc grear. if you raid a lot, you get a lot of shards, those shards already can be used to purchase asc grear .. asc grear easily farmed.

mystic coins on the other hand is not. it will be nice for 2-5 li to 1 mystic coin.

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> @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > @"Deadvillager.1956" said:

> > > @"vyncius.6105" said:

> > > i would like to get a posibility to buy ascended gear with li, like 25 li is 1 box of some gear or a trinket

> >

> > You could also just buy the insignia for 25 LI, thats half of the crafting costs of most ascended armor pieces. And it lets you choose stats on top of it.

> >

> > LI surely could use some more purpose though. Like maybe let us buy bufffood or utility crates. Or at the very least let us buy the raid shards with it.


> RE: Deadvillager

> li for asc gear is a waste. I have two characters full of asc boxes. and everytime I get asc weapon from raid I salved them immediately. there is no more space to put asc grear. if you raid a lot, you get a lot of shards, those shards already can be used to purchase asc grear .. asc grear easily farmed.

> mystic coins on the other hand is not. it will be nice for 2-5 li to 1 mystic coin.


My very limited bank space agrees with you that you probably have enough magnetite and random chest drops by the time your LI overabundance becomes annoying but mystic coin conversion sounds too lucrative to me. Raids already give you tons of liquid gold, exotics, ascendeds and infusions. Adding mystic coins via LI trade-in option sounds like too much to me.

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Raids are hardly the most lucrative content there is, even if we do not actually consider the effort/gold ratio which would make them look laughably bad in comparison. Attracting fresh blood to our specific commuties is one thing but there should be some long-term benefits for the veterans.

Something like 3-5 LI -> 1 MC is so minor, it would put the value of one LI at around 26-40 silver (not even including TP tax). They would be valued at less than the vendor value of Unstable Cosmic Essences. Another currency item in the need of a real sink as many of us (myself included) have already vendored multiple stacks of them.

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