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Bots in PvP?


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Just played sPvP(ranked) for about 5-6 hours. Has no one noticed the absurd amount of bots in their games? or is this just me? (bronze/silver)


They stand in base for a few seconds after the game starts, run to home, then run mid. I noticed this because they would get stuck on the geometry (especially on Kylho) and start to jump in place until an enemy is in their radius. I tested this during a match and it looks like if they're stuck, there is about a 600 radius in which they will attack if you're within it.


Literally every match I played tonight had at least 2 of these bots. I came to the forums to see if anyone else had this issue in their games and saw only a couple of posts with no discussion :(


You pretty much have to roll the dice in PvP as the team with the most bots will get completely stomped


Has there been any word from the Devs somewhere in these forums or elsewhere about what they're gonna do about this? As a player returning for PoF who used to love the sPvP and would play hours and hours of it everyday, it's a little soul destroying to come back to the game with stuff like this going on. Loved the expac but if this kind of behavior is tolerated and nothing is going to be done about it, I don't see myself sticking around (I really want to stick around! but PvP is what I play the most in games :sweat: )


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They turn the blind eye. I've searched on it. No dev ever spoke about this, even though it is widespread. At the very least F2P accounts should not be able to participate in SPvP. Thing is, most bots i saw were HoT or PoF, which leads me to believe few or none are banned.

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Report them > @ValeN.3129 said:

> They turn the blind eye. I've searched on it. No dev ever spoke about this, even though it is widespread. At the very least F2P accounts should not be able to participate in SPvP. Thing is, most bots i saw were HoT or PoF, which leads me to believe few or none are banned.


Yes i agree with you bots ruined game. We can try repor them but don't know if this help

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