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Berserker Warrior is broken/unfun/bad.


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So question do we have to waith **3 months** to get warrior berserker fixed? Or we get like some fixes soon? Devs? (The things that have been done feels like apris fool joke).Also if you guys feel the same plis post what you think is broken with warrior so mayby devs will do something soon with bersrker .

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The change is stupid. I guess the Mirage dodge nerf isn't proof that ANET is improving.


ANET will always do their own thing and just fail horribly.


(If you're curious at my thoughts on the berserker changes, then TL;DR it lowered the skil cap and made it basic as hell when it actually had an okay skill cap with weapon swap cancels and stow weapons on the normal F1 and then finish with primal F1, or look at my past posts for more details.)

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I find it kinda fun, but it definitely needs some additional changes. For being very glassy, only Arc Divider seems to be that good... other bursts are a bit underwhelming (and overall DPS so far is still relatively weak). The most annoying thing is missing core burst and being basically useless when outside of Berserk. Adding ways to recharge Berserk faster (by e.g. using rage skills outside of Berserk) could improve this.

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