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Decapitate No More Leap But Still Procs Warrior Sprint


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I'm a little sad that Berserker's best user of King of Fires, Decapitate, no longer has a Leap finisher. Especially since I am unable to use Eviscerate (a leap finisher) on the standard longbow fire field. This restricts access to leap finishers with which to use for generating fire aura, basically limiting it to Utilities (bulls rush for fire aura lol, and Savage Leap which is meh), Sword 2, and Shield 4.


This is a huge loss for King of Fire builds outside of MH sword primal burst.


The weird part is decapitate still procs Warrior Sprint, so it's really awkward.


Can we get the Leap finisher back on decapitate so I can use Axe/Torch again (and longbow)?

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In a hybrid/Cele warrior build (especially back in ye olden HoT days where only Daredevil kited for years), axe/X/Longbow with king of fires applies a lot of mixed pressure thanks to Decapitate instantly detonating the fire aura and the might stacking was quite good.


This change virtually deletes King of Fires outside of MH Sword with Torch, since this is the only easy way to maintain access a leap finisher and a fire field in one kit post patch.

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> @"Kiroshima.8497" said:

> This change virtually deletes King of Fires outside of MH Sword with Torch, since this is the only easy way to maintain access a leap finisher and a fire field in one kit post patch.

"Making the mother of all omelettes here, Jack. Can't fret over every egg"

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