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I think warriors need a straight up rework


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I played a warrior in beta, played a warrior in base game, played a warrior in HoT and then didn't play one in PoF because a soulbeast with a great sword was pretty much everything I ever wanted in a warrior but was better.


Hasn't really changed and this latest patch has just really gone to show that the whole class is just pretty messy.


I seriously think the base weapons need a tune up and a rework, 100blades just doesn't feel worth it half the time and is just outdated and pretty much not that helpful in a lot of situations. The axe is boring as anything, the long bow still has slug projectiles. The sword is a condition weapon that has a power loaded finishing move that seems super impractical and on the wrong weapon or something.

The traits are weird and have a strange amount of power loaded into a bunch of them, like peek performance and other whack stuff


Honestly I feel like at this point the class just needs a rework, the bursts feel weird and base weapon attacks feel lifeless and noodle like and it's just all abit cooked

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I agree that greatsword needs a speed up, and hundred blades seem a bit outdated (maybe something silimar to Axe 2 or a parry/counterattack) , I love axe though. Core warrior as some fine synergetic trees. But at this point that we find ourselves in I'm to afraid to ask for a class rework and loose the only spec I can solidly rely on wich is Core Warrior.

But I understand you

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