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Top 3 hardest jumping puzzles?


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the ember bay one, its the only one i haven't done myself muahahhahaha.


luckily i got it through mesmer's portals... it was so annoying, we have to wait like 4 times becuz there r like 4 or more checkpoints or something. so tipped that guy 20g, cuz it looked like a headache

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1. Chalice of Tears (Ember Bay): Difficult because the creator wanted to make a difficult JP. It is one of the most unfun places in the entire game. Most JPs have a beautiful view or interesting mechanic. This thing is basically cheap traps, unneccessary accuracy with jumping and counter intuitive path finding.

2. Griffon Rook Run: With the bomb, no portals and no people fighting the NPCs for you. Compared to the Chalice, it is challenging but the view is awesome and there is more than one way to complete it.

3. Scavengers Chasm: Even with a guide this thing takes ages to complete.


I have spent entire days in Not So Secret. Mostly helping other people, friends, guildmates with achievements and legendary collections. I did not master this place, but I feel no longer stress or frustration doing it. It takes as long as it takes, no matter how many times I have to try from scratch - I do not care anymore. That is why I do not list it in my top 3. OS is on my top 3 favorites.

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Once I got my Daredevil, NSS stopped being quite so kitten awful. On the goggle path, Staff Daredevil is the way to go, especially on the horizontal part jumping from gear to gear. (Vault from next to a gear to next to a gear...)


But I'm a minor klutz, so Skipping Stones was a major hassle until it was the daily one day, and I could use a mezportal. I still haven't done either Ember Bay or Draconis Mons. Ugh, both of them.

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Troll's Revenge and the Scavenger's Chasm coin collections used to be obscenely hard before gliding and then mounts trivialised them. I would have ranked them 2 and 1 respectively, but now the list goes to different ones.


Not So Secret: Long and relatively unforgiving. The diving platform is the worst bit thanks to the laggy platforms. The chest is not too bad because you get to do most of the jumping yourself, though some are tricky to land.


Searing Ascent: This is not so bad if you know where to go. It was utterly confusing without a guide. Additionally, the tendril pull is very glitchy so you have to restart from checkpoints a lot even if you do know where to go.


Chalice of Tears: Technically, this should be the most confusing and tricky one, but because you're jumping and gliding the entire way rather than relying on laggy movement skills, it's faster than the other two to complete. It's still pretty easy to make a hash of it but you do at least get regular checkpoints.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> Sometimes they're not puzzles, and just trial and error.

> That's what frustrates me.

> A jumping puzzle should be dictated by logic. Not by "oh, that slippery outcropping has pixel wide ledge you can stand on"


I agree. What made me love jumping puzzles when I joined was having to look around and map out where I needed to go. Not guessing which ledge was covered with soap or having to make a blind leap/glide across an area where I can't even see where I would be landing.

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> @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

> 1. Chalice of Tears (Ember Bay): Difficult because the creator wanted to make a difficult JP. It is one of the most unfun places in the entire game. Most JPs have a beautiful view or interesting mechanic. This thing is basically cheap traps, unneccessary accuracy with jumping and counter intuitive path finding.

> 2. Griffon Rook Run: With the bomb, no portals and no people fighting the NPCs for you. Compared to the Chalice, it is challenging but the view is awesome and there is more than one way to complete it.

> 3. Scavengers Chasm: Even with a guide this thing takes ages to complete.


> I have spent entire days in Not So Secret. Mostly helping other people, friends, guildmates with achievements and legendary collections. I did not master this place, but I feel no longer stress or frustration doing it. It takes as long as it takes, no matter how many times I have to try from scratch - I do not care anymore. That is why I do not list it in my top 3. OS is on my top 3 favorites.


I love Scavangers Chasm. It's so big and empty. I used to run it regularly just to wind down.


Not So Secret is the hardest for me. I don't think I've ever completed it by myself. So many traps, combat, and wonky mechanics. Several of the falls are a death sentence, so even having a backup portal won't save you.

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Worst Jp :

1) Chalice of Tear, (Ember bay)

2) Not so secret googles

3) Troll's revenge before mounts,

Now Drytop googles or Siren's reef coz its too long since the mounts are not allowed anymore ;)


Clock Tower is quite fun when u know the path, Winter wonderland is kinda fun when u dont have fat pink Norns on your way and.. I like the spider ability needed for Draconis Month Jp. Those are my favorites "hard" puzzles.

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Chalice of tears is the only jumping puzzle that I have not done (I did complete it by porting), so I have to put that at the top. I just got tired of trying - too much of 'you need to make this jump perfectly' and if you fail, back to checkpoint, which I just did not find fun.

Skipping Stones, Clocktower, Winter Wonderland are all timing/reflex ones, so I can see that some people can either do it or not. It took me a while to get Clocktower down, but now I can do it pretty consistently. So maybe it is hard in that it takes a bit of training to do it.

There are a bunch that are long but not really hard (Silverwastes come to mind). I did Draconis Mons after mounts + used Taco, I didn't find it that hard. I'm sure mounts made it a bit easier - there were some parts where it mounts let me recover from a mistake.

I'd put Not So Secret near the top - timing/reflex needed + long puzzle + no checkpoints. And for the diving one, a rather precise dive is needed at that. So I'd probably have that finish off my top 3.


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Hard and frustrating:

Skip up the Volcano/Chalice of Tears - Too many precise jumps with a buggy checkpoint system.

Not so Secret - Seems a bit random at times with the gears and such, a few precise jumps at the end too. Could just need more practice.

Can't recall a third I do not want to repeat due to frustrations, but I have yet to do most of HoT's JP. So, maybe Obsidian Sanctum due to possible PvP.


Hard but loads of fun:

Mad King's Clock Tower - Fast, quick and visually exciting.

Skipping Stones - The first part, while challenging is quite fun, as is running along the rocks up on high.

Winter Wonderland - Three courses with three difficulties depending on how I'm feeling. Plus it's Wintersday.

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> @"Cat Warrior.9240" said:

> Chalice of Tears, the one in Draconis Mons (I always forget that one), and Troll's Revenge in LA (but that's only if you don't use mounts/gliding at all). Those, I'd say are difficult for a lotta people; though Not So Secret and Mad King's Clocktower are right behind 'em.


Not So Secret the JP isn't all that bad.


Not So Secret to get to the diving goggles on the other hand ...

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