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Top 3 hardest jumping puzzles?


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1. Ember Bay (I did it alone until the last jump under the chest. Reaching ALMOST the end and finding a hard jump is really frustrating)

2. Draconis Mons (not so difficult, but way too long to enjoy it)

3. Not so secret (the first part for the achievement is doable, but putting the goggles at the very end was really mean)


In general I don't dislike difficult JPs, but they shouldn't be too long (I'm always scared to be disconnected or to be forced to update the build) and the most difficult jumps should be at the beginning (like it usually happens in SAB tribulation mode). No goggles at the end!

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The Jumping puzzles are what originally attracted me to this game some 7 years ago. I think they're *SO* fun and smart, it add a whole new dimension to things. It's such a shame that the 2 expansions haven't really added them -- path of fire in particular.


I always do the JPs honestly, because I like them. No gliding or using mounts, and as such my top 3 most difficult JPs are:

- Troll's revenge (this blew my mind when I first did it. Think it took me over 4 hours to clear it the first time. Ever since I've been running it almost daily for fun. Yes, really)

- Scavenger's chasm. (Making my way to the treasure is fine and all, but it's easy to get disoriented, trying to find all the orbs)

- .....Hmmm....I guess 'Not so secret' is pretty tricky? Maybe I'll pick 'Spekk's lab'. It's among the first I ever did and at the time I thought it was pretty difficult.


(Mind you, I have never once set foot in WvW, so I haven't done those three.)




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> @"Lithia.7961" said:

> The Jumping puzzles are what originally attracted me to this game some 7 years ago. I think they're *SO* fun and smart, it add a whole new dimension to things. It's such a shame that the 2 expansions haven't really added them -- path of fire in particular.


> I always do the JPs honestly, because I like them. No gliding or using mounts, and as such my top 3 most difficult JPs are:

> - Troll's revenge (this blew my mind when I first did it. Think it took me over 4 hours to clear it the first time. Ever since I've been running it almost daily for fun. Yes, really)

> - Scavenger's chasm. (Making my way to the treasure is fine and all, but it's easy to get disoriented, trying to find all the orbs)

> - .....Hmmm....I guess 'Not so secret' is pretty tricky? Maybe I'll pick 'Spekk's lab'. It's among the first I ever did and at the time I thought it was pretty difficult.


> (Mind you, I have never once set foot in WvW, so I haven't done those three.)



> Lith.


How on earth have you completed Chalice of Tears without gliding? Unless you mean mesmer portal isn't cheating.

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1. Chalice of Tears: I think it's the only one I haven't completed (I gave up part way through because I couldn't figure out where to go) so I guess that must be the hardest for me.

2. Not So Secret diving goggles: the jumping puzzle itself I found hard enough, but I've never managed to pull off the dive at the end.

3. In Storm Top, the clouds leading to the "perform a melody without falling" hidden room: I find the combination of low visibility and time pressure makes this really tough.


I guess my 4 and 5 are Troll's Revenge and Scavenger's Chasm. I don't remember finding Searing Ascent being too bad, but I've only done it once so maybe I've forgotten something...


> @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> Goemm's Lab


That was the first jumping puzzle I did. I'd only had the game a few days and I didn't even know jumping puzzles were a thing before I found it. I think it took me about 2 hours. Probably not the easiest to start with...

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"Cat Warrior.9240" said:

> > Chalice of Tears, the one in Draconis Mons (I always forget that one), and Troll's Revenge in LA (but that's only if you don't use mounts/gliding at all). Those, I'd say are difficult for a lotta people; though Not So Secret and Mad King's Clocktower are right behind 'em.


> Not So Secret the JP isn't all that bad.


> Not So Secret to get to the diving goggles on the other hand ...


Oh yeah, I totally agree with ya on that; on a tangent, I love JPs.... Anyway, I run a JP training event in my guild and when I do Not So Secret, we always have a little trouble with the actual JP and the diving goggles.

I'm rating the JPs based on how difficult I see the jumps are for people newer to JPs and just in general.

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> @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > @"saerni.2584" said:

> > Ember Bay

> > Gendarran Fields

> > ??? (I’ll have to think about it)

> >


> if you have Captain's Airship Pass you can fly to the diving goggles at the very top of Gendarran Fields JP


Really? I tried but there seems to be invisable walls all around that area. Is there a video of this?

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> @"Tyncale.1629" said:

> > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > > @"saerni.2584" said:

> > > Ember Bay

> > > Gendarran Fields

> > > ??? (I’ll have to think about it)

> > >

> >

> > if you have Captain's Airship Pass you can fly to the diving goggles at the very top of Gendarran Fields JP


> Really? I tried but there seems to be invisable walls all around that area. Is there a video of this?


If nothing has changed there is a somewhat specific route you have to take.

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> @"Tyncale.1629" said:

> > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > > @"saerni.2584" said:

> > > Ember Bay

> > > Gendarran Fields

> > > ??? (I’ll have to think about it)

> > >

> >

> > if you have Captain's Airship Pass you can fly to the diving goggles at the very top of Gendarran Fields JP


> Really? I tried but there seems to be invisable walls all around that area. Is there a video of this?


i dont know if their is a video about it but i was trying and manage to do it first you need to use Springer to get on top of the ship then you use Griffin and double dive and head to ward the diving goggles not the JP and before you reach the diving goggles use Griffin skill 2 to regain the height then use griffin skill 1 while aiming at diving goggles and you ll get dismounted before you reach the diving goggles may take couple of time to land at the diving goggles then you drop to the JP

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> @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > @"Tyncale.1629" said:

> > > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > > > @"saerni.2584" said:

> > > > Ember Bay

> > > > Gendarran Fields

> > > > ??? (I’ll have to think about it)

> > > >

> > >

> > > if you have Captain's Airship Pass you can fly to the diving goggles at the very top of Gendarran Fields JP

> >

> > Really? I tried but there seems to be invisable walls all around that area. Is there a video of this?


> i dont know if their is a video about it but i was trying and manage to do it first you need to use Springer to get on top of the ship then you use Griffin and double dive and head to ward the diving goggles not the JP and before you reach the diving goggles use Griffin skill 2 to regain the height then use griffin skill 1 while aiming at diving goggles and you ll get dismounted before you reach the diving goggles may take couple of time to land at the diving goggles then you drop to the JP


Awesome thanks, I am going to try this. :)

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Aside from the obvious (Ember Bay/Draconic Mons/Troll's Revenge pre-mounts/NSS), I think Chaos Crystal Cavern can be pretty dang difficult. Having your camera perspective forcibly change mid-jump has messed me up many a time.


Dreamdark Enclave can also be quite punishing, especially that one particular jump where you need to land on the mushroom _stem_ instead of the cap. I died so many times, having to re-do Morgan's Spiral as well, before learning that trick.

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> @"Etria.3642" said:

> How on earth have you completed Chalice of Tears without gliding? Unless you mean mesmer portal isn't cheating.


I never use a mesmer portal. Kind of defeats the purpose of it all.

It takes a bit of effort, sure, but the jumping part of it is very much possible without the use of a glider. the hardest part is finding those damn orbs ^___^;

(I mean, all basegame JPs are possible without a glorified kite, as they were made at a time where gliders were not yet a thing :] )



- Lith.



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> @"Lithia.7961" said:

> > @"Etria.3642" said:

> > How on earth have you completed Chalice of Tears without gliding? Unless you mean mesmer portal isn't cheating.


> I never use a mesmer portal. Kind of defeats the purpose of it all.

> It takes a bit of effort, sure, but the jumping part of it is very much possible without the use of a glider. the hardest part is finding those kitten orbs ^___^;

> (I mean, all basegame JPs are possible without a glorified kite, as they were made at a time where gliders were not yet a thing :] )



> - Lith.




Well. Chalice of Tears was made after gliding. In LS3. At least the way I took there is zero way to do that without gliding. Maybe another path?

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> @"Etria.3642" said:

> Well. Chalice of Tears was made after gliding. In LS3. At least the way I took there is zero way to do that without gliding. Maybe another path?


I misunderstood what you were refering to. I thought you made a mistake with 'Chalice of tears' as you were refering to 'Scavenger's chasm'. You never refered to that in the first place, and simply wondered how I beat Chalice without a glider, correct?


Let me correct myself: There probably are a few puzzles that _require_ a glider...it's been a while so I don't quite remember (though I'm fairly certain I used it during Chalice, for instance) but the JPs that can be done without a glider, I do without using one, because yay platformers~


Confusion solved? : 3



- Lith.


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> @"Lithia.7961" said:

> > @"Etria.3642" said:

> > Well. Chalice of Tears was made after gliding. In LS3. At least the way I took there is zero way to do that without gliding. Maybe another path?


> I misunderstood what you were refering to. I thought you made a mistake with 'Chalice of tears' as you were refering to 'Scavenger's chasm'. You never refered to that in the first place, and simply wondered how I beat Chalice without a glider, correct?


> Let me correct myself: There probably are a few puzzles that _require_ a glider...it's been a while so I don't quite remember (though I'm fairly certain I used it during Chalice, for instance) but the JPs that can be done without a glider, I do without using one, because yay platformers~


> Confusion solved? : 3



> - Lith.




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  • 4 months later...

I know only the core game without expansions - so far. (But Living Story 2 maps + starting the story and it's achievements atm.)


1) Aetherblade was pretty long and hard. We had other threads about it. Was possible to learn. But still hard cause for a lot of harder jumps it meant death - and the long way back there. Especially the way to the goggles were hard. And if you failed you had to do it again.


While Lion's Arch the new one which is very long ... is long ... it isn't hard if you do it with your own mesmer. Completely without access to mesmer/portals (or mounts - people nowadays do it with mounts I guess) it would be hardest. We also have the long one in Silverwastes. Long and you need to know which tunnels to use at the end. Not hard. (Without checkpoints that would have been harder.)


The Drytop one though is #3 for me. Then again I don't remember some of the older core ones that I didn't do for a very long time. Drytop can also mean death. And a lot of difficult/short jumps in a row. Especially if you neet to rush at the end to the goggles (need to rush for the air crystal not to time out).


2) would be the one in the story instance in Drytop. And tbh this was one of the few times I didn't to it as intended. I used the trick with using the air crystal where you can get the time up to 1m 30s. (Then obviously it is easy.) After death you spawn nearby. Not a big deal. But those short jumps where you either always press to short or too far ... are too annoying for me. Especially near the end when it is short ... or long + upwards. Short/long to lower level or short/long to same level. Is okay. But upwards ... i always seem to jump to short. Needs to press forwarfd more to actually get to a platform that is not too far away but a bit higher. Trying next I press longer ... and then jumping to far. These ar the hardest ones.


To be fair. It also didn't have an interesting design making me wanna try it the intended way long enough. (Also I have to catch up with story and achivemenents and don't want to waste time.) Aetherblade at least was fun and hat parts in between where you didn't die.




As for the mad king clock tower: I did it tons of times. And it was learnable back then in 2012 or 2013 when I did it. The good thing is that fhe mechanics actually were fun and the jumps itself not tooo hard. Time pressure was a problem. And the tons of people cluttering the screen - not being able to see where to jump. But since you got ported to the beginning and the next one startec pretty fast ... I didn't get bored. Also it was not too long.


If you had to respawn far away taking a long way to the start point ... would have been "harder" (more time = easiler to annoy and make me stop).

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