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Did I also mention I don't have core F1 AFTER Berserker mode is ON CD and it's hard to fight back?


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Not only is the skill cap lower, but it is SO WEAK once people wait out berserker mode (and waiting out Warrior stances, etc was NEVER hard due to z-axis teleports, and staying out of range which was always easy)


But okay, let's use Rage skills and extend duration so I have an actual F1...


Guys? Why am I getting blind/weakness spammed? (No berserker stance/shake it off)

Why am I getting one shot? (No endure pain)


LOL so you can actually have an F1.


Catastrophic. For this spec to be viable, you have to be full glass (or arms def berserker with lynx runes), use Arc Divider and/or kill before berserker mode runs out (And guess what counters this? Z-axis teleports or just flat out burst it down before it touches you). Bad design, **EVERYTHING IS NOT FINE** on the contrary to what know-it-all Sobx thinks. Baseline fast hands would have been better LMAO.


Nobody asked for bad changes. ANET made this spec legit one-trick 2 buttons. This is a joke, the old Berserker was reasonable and needed a legitimate push (there ARE pushes that would've made it comparable to SB because it **already had better feint potential than core and SB**), not this garbage.


Legit watch them give this baseline unblockable or evade eater mechanics like dragon maw to make it "balanced." Even more "sustain" would actually be catastrophic too.


This change. Is. Bad. Bad design and needs to be reverted.



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