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Can i guest to play wvw on anther server?


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On the bright side! Relinking is today so maybe the maps won't be dead for you soon. Just give it one more chance before moving.


When I was still on the server I started on Fissure of Woe (we used to be versus Blacktide back in the beginning in tier 9) we ended up linked to Aurora Glade and literally at the start of the link everyone on Aurora Glade just transferred off. It was a nightmare of two months just getting our faces smashed and dead maps, but on the bright side, outnumbered pips constantly. I'm not saying I look back at that link with any fondness at all in fact it's one of the reasons I transferred to Piken, before transferring back to Fissure of Woe, then getting sick of the linking thing again and then transferring to Seafarer's Rest. I don't know who you're linked with but maybe they wanted an open status so ppl could transfer so they decided to quit wvw for a bit, or maybe they did something similar to what happened to us. But what matters is relinking is literally today, so unless you get the same server. Possibly could get better, but if you do transfer. Pick an actual host. Food for thought.

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> @"HossDelgado.5832" said:

> Sadly everytime i go on the wvw maps they are always empty. Is it possible to guest on another server to play wvw? Blacktide is just dead...


Good news! You're relinked with piken! As far as I know they have a decent crew running pretty much all hours. Though some hours, it's slimmer than others but there's always people on the maps. I was against them last match up and they attacked our keeps like early hours with pretty large numbers. And I *think* they have a commander on every borderland (or almost every borderland) during prime time. So I think you'll be happy. It's NO DOWNED STATE HYPE week, I don't know how you feel about that but I really enjoyed it last time. It's a good time to get wxp (as the 100% buff stacks with other boosters) and +25% reward track as well can't be put down either, the magic find buff is just w/e i think magic find is pretty much a placebo anyway especially when we we get mostly boxes to which the magic find buff doesn't apply, and also its such a low amount. But the other two things plus NO DOWNED STATE HYPE.

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> @"Klipso.8653" said:

> Back when guesting was a thing (and I think you can still do it?) WvW was the only thing you couldn't do.


You can guest still, but it's pointless because it's only between your region (EU > EU or NA > NA) and with megaserver you'll probably end up in the same instance anyway, I did try to guest a different server when there was a bugged event once but it was impossible to arrive into a different shard. I would love to be able to guest between regions at some point but I think it's impossible because of something I forgot but that sounded very legit.

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The guest option should either be removed or changed for wvw purposes (until alliances hit) because I don't believe it even works for pvers hoping to get to good metas. For wvw though, it should be changed, making it so you can only guest for a week, have to stay on the server you guest to for the whole week, don't receive pips during that week, but is half the price of what an actual transfer would've been. After a one week guest trial you're given the option to stay or go somewhere else, if you stay you're pip less for an additional week per normal transfer rules. This gives non trolls an option to seek out new worlds with less gamble.

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