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Extending the No Down State event for a second week?


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I think we should consider extended the No Down State event for a second week. This could potentially give some servers a different experience with the event if their server switches tiers. Realizing that some people hate the event and others love it, I expect mixed opinions on the idea, but I wanted to throw it out there anyway.

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> @"Terrahero.9358" said:

> a No Weapon Swap week.


Great idea, do you know that in this game exist classes like Elementalist or Engineer and they don't have any weapon swaps? Cool.

And no stealth week, there are already target painters, sentries, DE got nerfed, Mirage got hit too, watchtowers, traps etc. Yet ppl still complain about stealth mechanic, lmao.

And why No Downed Week is better than No Stealth or No Weapon Swap week? Because _everyone_ has access to downed state in opposite to stealth or weapon swap. Thats why this kind of weeks won't ever happen.


@OP, yes, would like to see another week of No Downed State, fights looks more smooth and 1vX is more possible than ever without ress handicap.


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Oh oh no dodge week then?


i think thats a bit too extreme to happen. maybe something like : 4 base dodge rolls but half the base endurance gain. this would increase the amount of dodges you can 'burst' yet will reduce overall dodge uptime over a longer fight.

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> @"Widmo.3186" said:

> > @"Terrahero.9358" said:

> > a No Weapon Swap week.


> Great idea, do you know that in this game exist classes like Elementalist or Engineer and they don't have any weapon swaps? Cool.

> And no stealth week, there are already target painters, sentries, DE got nerfed, Mirage got hit too, watchtowers, traps etc. Yet ppl still complain about stealth mechanic, lmao.

> And why No Downed Week is better than No Stealth or No Weapon Swap week? Because _everyone_ has access to downed state in opposite to stealth or weapon swap. Thats why this kind of weeks won't ever happen.


> @OP, yes, would like to see another week of No Downed State, fights looks more smooth and 1vX is more possible than ever without ress handicap.



Nobody complains about stealth as a mode of moving players/groups stealthy around map(healthy stealth use), people complain about stupid ganker builds oneshoting from stealth (no healthy stealth use)

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> @"ozzeh.7398" said:

> I think we should consider extended the No Down State event for a second week. This could potentially give some servers a different experience with the event if their server switches tiers. Realizing that some people hate the event and others love it, I expect mixed opinions on the idea, but I wanted to throw it out there anyway.


The only special event I want to see being extended week after week after week for the next two or three years is a **No mounts week** event. Although, apparently, some love the mount and some hate it, I don't expect mixed opinions. I know that during that weeks (I hope to have a 2-3 years long week =) ) no WvW-er will complain.

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> > @"ozzeh.7398" said:

> > I think we should consider extended the No Down State event for a second week. This could potentially give some servers a different experience with the event if their server switches tiers. Realizing that some people hate the event and others love it, I expect mixed opinions on the idea, but I wanted to throw it out there anyway.


> The only special event I want to see being extended week after week after week for the next two or three years is a **No mounts week** event. Although, apparently, some love the mount and some hate it, I don't expect mixed opinions. I know that during that weeks (I hope to have a 2-3 years long week =) ) no WvW-er will complain.


soo you **know** that.. guess everyone complaining then will be excluded from the group you define as 'WvW-er' ?



id much more expect after the cooldown to mounting and the dismount skill that is still to come, that anet might remove the 'out of combat' restriction from mounts. so that you have an easier time not gettin run down by a horde of warclaws ;)

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What we need is more special weeks with different flavours to go hand in hand with the Call of the Mists buff. Three normal weeks, one special week.


No Downstate

Traps are tricky (have cost of supply, double the effect) - It would work as a stealth nerf even and you could enforce supply management & new siege locations, as the usual ones are most likely trapped)

Bloody Bloodlust (PPK could be buffed, forcing a larger focus on gaining bloodlust and then fighting in open field battles for points)

Dolyaks on Strike (movement speed of Dolyaks is halved; this makes double dolyaks & speedy dolyaks more important and people would have to defend them more actively; if possible, increase rewards for escorting and killing caravans)

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> @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > @"Terrahero.9358" said:

> > No thanks. Lets instead do a No Stealth week


> At that moment, we can hear the many thief players cry across the globe.


Warclaw effectively eliminated efficient ganking by thieves and the bugs with/massive nerf to Dare Devil helped finish it off. There aren't even that many Dead Eye builds around any more. Thief doesn't even have the best stealth even though it is the squishiest class in the game. The only stealth worth complaining about lives on Engis and Mesmers now.

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> Move no gliding, no mounts, no down state over to eotm.

> Add in less participation per activity, less pips bonuses in eotm so main wvw maps can stay the main place to get wvw rewards.

> Enjoy your classic mode.



Add an NPC to the GvG area to let players toggle those settings within the area and there you have it.

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