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Beginner friendly profession for pvp and pve.


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Hi first of all I know this has been answered so many times.. But im just torn to find a profession I like for pve and spvp, I currently have a rev at level 30 also a Mesmer at level 30, but I feel as if the rotation for damage or sustain is quite difficult.


any recommendations to a profession which is quite easy to use many thanks.

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Two classes I suggest for beginners are warrior, and necromancer. Both have very high health, their class mechanics are very easy to use, and they are both very fun to play, imo. I recently switched from my guardian, which I've played about 75% of my time since I stated (mostly dragon hunter at HoT launch), to my reaper necro. Reaper is great for solo play, and is pretty fun in WvW, and unranked PvP (my experience is limited in both, though).


Another good starter class is ranger. Good health, very short CD heal, pets, long range with longbow, and very good damage with greatsword.

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> @"Trollocks.5084" said:

> Ranger, Necro and Guardian or Warrior are usually the most recommended classes for new players. They're forgiving, strong and useful.


I haven't been super happy with guardian lately. Not because of the gameplay, but because of the low health pool. It was my first class, and really thinly one I played at 80 for years, but after taking a six month break, I came back, and made myself grind out reaper on my necro. I have since switched mains, lol. I also play more of my ranger, and a bit more warrior. Maybe it's just that I've gotten (a bit) better, but these classes seem so much more tanky. The only guardian build I ever had luck with was bunker, and I wasn't killing very often. It's probably just because I'm bad with the active defense of guard, or the fact that so many small heals make up a good portion of that defense, but I just go down so easily. I do better on my DH now, but it still isn't as easy as something with more health, for me.


I don't mean to steer anyone away from guardian, or say they're bad at all, it just isn't as easy for me as a more naturally tanky class. Maybe after playing some others for a while, I'll get better at actively blocking. I will say, guardian is the only class I have beat Mordrimoth with, but it's also the only one I've taken that far. I'm doing my necro story naturally, but the others I'm just going to be taking through HoT, and PoF, after the latest LWS.

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> @"OneKurts.7854" said:

> Thanks for all the opinions and giving me a insight to each profession use recommend. :)


The best bit of information you can live by is play what you find fun. I still like my DH, but as I've mentioned, I had been taking more frequent, and longer breaks while trying to stick with it, and have been back for a few months with no sign of tiring after jumping onto my reaper (a spec that has interested me since I first heard of it). If you dont enjoy what you are doing, you probably won't do it for long.

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P/P Unload spam Thief is good for learning to avoid damage on, doesn't really need anything (besides two pistols) to get started, and will continuously improve as you unlock skills, traits, and the PoF elite.




Take Critical Strikes as your first traitline, Trickery as your second, and use Deadly Arts as your third until you can fully replace it with Deadeye traits.

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