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Can we please get Warrior weapons updated?


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Another factor is because they nerfed many of the core warrior's traits and weapon skills when they should've just specifically balanced the overtuned stuff.. they don't revert, adjust or do maintenance on these either leaving the traits and weapon skills to rot. Then as a fix they overtune something else and repeat the process leaving the mess we see now. Basically its a vicious cycle of overtuning and unnecessary nerfs..


I know balance isn't an easy job, and there is no true balance in any game, but there're evidently better ways, cleaner ways, more insightful ways of executing changes for these things.

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Hundred Blades should not root us.

Since it's so depending on melee damage due to having virtually no ranged option, Warrior should not get rooted by melee skills.


Other than that, they should buff Rifle already. Even using all skills, it can't even kill a thief that just stands around.

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> @"kiranslee.4829" said:

> I believe problem is not war but other classes. I dont think buffing war helps at all. What would go better is nerfing other similar skills/class mechanics. We already roll out over content with little to no effort, pvp one shots, raid bosses done with over half time left, open world 11111. Slowing down classes skills, dmg and utility would make game much more, demanding. Shield should only block or reflect or push or daze, not all of that.


Unfortunately, players will always be mad about nerfs, even though the same players might be complaining about power creep and the game being too easy. So honestly the only option that's left is making the enemies stronger and more difficult. That means you don't have to nerf classes (players stay happy) and the power creep would be alleviated (no more faceroll).

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