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Raid wing 7, will it finish the raid trinket? Will it involve the living world's?

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Think the Path of Fire Legendary Trinket will Require you to finish all Living world 4 achievements?

Like with Aurora you needed to get all the skins from the living world 3 to complete the achievement collection

Think Anet has the same for us in store with end of Season 4?


What do you think Anet will release at the end?

Same collection we had like Aurora or something less grand?


Which Living world is the first world your gonna complete If Anet releases a achievement trail of all the living world of season 4?

Which world will be the last your gonna finish?


I myself am gonna Domein of Kourna first, Rather do that one as last but if everyone is doing that map again

I'm gonna be there to finish it with a army first! If its quiet in Domein of Kourna then I'm gonna finish Thunderhead Peak first!



Edit: Everybody turned this into a discussion about the upcoming legendary Raid trinket, so I changed the title to make this thread more fitting and created a new thread asking if a legendary Amulet is coming or not

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> @"Outernet.2610" said:

> im pretty sure the ring precursor introduced in W5 raids will be used to create your aurora equivalent of a LWS4 trinket. So to answer your question, yes, and in fact, is already in the works.


Nah, I really don't think they'll do that - I expect the Ring precursor will get finished by the next raid wing.

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I mean the ring is already there if you like the decision or not.... And @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" I hope so too, been workin on that sucker for a while. Guess there could be another legendary trinket on top of the raid one, but I wouldn't expect it for a while since the two would compete with each other, maybe during the next season as a way to bring people back to that content as well? Either way it'll be fun, plus with the hints at legendary sigils/runes.... very exciting.

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I'm not sure how it would compete? The raid isn't even out yet nor will it be tuesday. I too, think the raid will finish the ring, but a lack of hearing anything about a legendary trinket has me worried.


I was really looking forward to a legendary amulet.

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:#................. Should have asked about WHAT special kind of achievement legendary hunt we will get

That will combine all Living world episodes season 4 into one hunt, They did it for Season 3, Dont see a reason why they wont do one for Season 4

Yes the Legendary Ring will be Raid bound and it will have ties to Path of Fire, not to Living world season 4


Maybe a Legendary Amulet?

We haven't heard anything about a Legendary Amulet.

What are the chances?

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> @"Perisemiotics.4579" said:

> Yeah, the rationale of linking a raid item to LW makes no sense.


Where do you see me linking the raid item Coalescence? I Did say path of fire yes but in the rest of my post I am talking about the living worlds, so I have no Idea why everyone is thinking I'm talking about the raid legendary.....


And yes this topic was meant to be about what kind of reward/legendary anet could release to us with the end of season 4.


Season 3 ending rewarded us with a legendary after completion of that season and it's achievement path.


Do hope anet wil release something grand again at this season's end. *crosses fingers *



Sigh.... Think I create a new thread with better wording, cause the words I used in this one made everyone think I was talking about the raid trinket...

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> @"Outernet.2610" said:

> im pretty sure the ring precursor introduced in W5 raids will be used to create your aurora equivalent of a LWS4 trinket.


While I'm not against legendary trinkets for raids this should stay separate from the rest of the content.


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