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Swipe change

Jack Redline.5379

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> @"Cobrakon.3108" said:

> They Dont know how to fix thief without breaking it in the other direction. Or at the very least, they fear breaking it in the other direction.


In the while they know how to break everything else in the other direction.

Thief was only broken at the release, after that It was only nerfed due to complains of people that refuse to improve because crying on the forum is easier.

And finally we are nowadays and if you ask me, even of Anet would revert thief nerfs to vanilla thief, the class would still underperform vs many specs.

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> @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

> > @"foste.3098" said:

> > None of the above, swipe is meant to be a trade-off and as such serve a different purpose to steal. It is suppose to be a close range unpreventable steal that, in conjunction with traits, allows the daredevil to break through the enemies defense (blocking) setting up the daredevil for continued offense where without it he would have had to stop.

> >

> > What actually needs to change are the daredevil traits, and especially staff to enable this play style in spvp/wvw. Anet clearly wants the daredevil to be a bruiser or a duelist judging by the heap of damage reduction traits we got, however it was not enough. I am confident that we will get more buffs until daredevil becomes good enough in this regard, but overbufing swipe is not the way to do it.

> >


> Whats the point of an unblockable steal when the skill is instant. If you steal into a block its your own fault.


> And the cases where a block isn't aegis, they are so friggin rare.


> But to me,.none of the options are all that good in this poll


> Hell, they could keep the 600 range change if thief is given a reason to stay so close to everything that can kill them so quickly.


> Maybe a counter attack. Maybe a round house kick that restores ini if successfully landed.


Now that I think about it... why stop with the round house kick? They could have made it a friggen hurricane kick that goes to 600 in range granting might on each hit. And if the Last hit lands, toggle the ability Into a crescent kick that knocks down and shatters their defenses (applys vulnerability or a unique debuff.) There were so many things they could have done to give DD a unique playstyle, and they did this.



> @"Kolly.9872" said:

> > @"Cobrakon.3108" said:

> > They Dont know how to fix thief without breaking it in the other direction. Or at the very least, they fear breaking it in the other direction.


> In the while they know how to break everything else in the other direction.

> Thief was only broken at the release, after that It was only nerfed due to complains of people that refuse to improve because crying on the forum is easier.

> And finally we are nowadays and if you ask me, even of Anet would revert thief nerfs to vanilla thief, the class would still underperform vs many specs.


Like how ele has necromancer levels of self healing, while being able to do insane damage.

Or Mirage is still allowed to do bonkers damage with a brain dead rotation.

Or how Guardian has broken traps.

Or how Revenant is basically a better thief with actual armor and damage.

Or how Engineer can be nearly indestructible.


[How it feels to read patch notes as a thief...](https://www.nerfnow.com/img/1386/2220.png "How it feels to read patch notes as a thief...")


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> @"Kageseigi.2150" said:

> > @"Curennos.9307" said:

> > I'd be happy if Swipe was upped to 900 range tbh. Unblockable isn't powerful all on its own - it requires that the thing being unblockable have some OOMPH to it - unblockable Death's Judgement was something to be feared. Maybe

> >

> > Or if it came with 2k damage (that could be stacked with mug, but otherwise applied a pulm impact if it hit) or something. Heck, make landing Swipe deal 2k damage and give 2k barrier, if anet really wants to go with this whole brawler + weakness spam thing.


> If it is going to add unblockability, then it needs to also make the next strike unblockable... or make everything unbloackable for the next 4 seconds like Unstoppable Union. Or grant Haste on Swipe, and make attacks for the next the next 2 seconds unblockable.


> I really do like the idea of a pulsing Weakness AoE, though. Maybe even a stronger version of Weakness that guarantees denial of all crits.


> My goodness, there are just so many great possibilities! Why can Anet not see them???


> PS. I really, really want to be nice to Anet. As a whole, they are great, and GW2 is an amazing game! But whoever is balancing professions and making design decisions... they are seriously dropping the ball.


I like the idea of adding a short buff to make attacks unblockable after steal. It could be similar to Revenants' Phase Traversal. Adding weakness can always be fitting for synergy with the new Weakening Strikes minor trait. I don't know that Swipe would need both of these simultaneously.

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