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*Suggestion* Next Elite Specialization - GS Revenant


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**Spec Name: Legendary Avenger** _(or Mistweaver/Executioner or Stalker/Shadow or suggest what you feel fitting!)_

**Weapon: Greatsword** _(GS)_

**Legendary Patron: Rytlock Brimestone!** _(If he gets killed for whatever reason, if not then it can be some Mistweaver/Executioner to keep the mist theme, or a cool stalker/shadow change the theme from Mist magic to Shadow magic or whichever fits the theme then, also up for suggestions!)_

**Spec Flavor:** Embracing Mist Magic and channeling it to enhance his combat prowess, coupled with fast movement and Heavy CC to stay on its victim which has no chance of escaping its imminent doom especially when the Legendary Avenger deals devastating damage with Mist-Infused blows.

**Spec Role:** Heavy Melee (Cleave) Damage Dealer, Heavy CC, can support through Vulnerability stacking.


**Specialization Mechanics:**


* Legendary Avenger Skills & **Mist Infusion (Charging)** Mechanic on the First Minor Trait as unlocking the Spec.

_(The Mist Infusion Or charging mechanic will be referred to as MI or Infusion for simplicity)_

* High Critical chance and low base power baseline, MI buffs power &/or critical damage by a considerable amount.

* GS Skills have base cost of energy and can be infused with more energy by holding down the GS skill longer for more damage, moreover, a CC effect is added if MI reaches cap (Fully Infused), energy consumed is not refunded if the infusion is cancelled/interrupted, upon releasing the key the GS skill executes, this allows us to pre-infuse a hit before reaching our target and unleashing it at the right moment, you can infuse GS skills while moving, Movement speed is increased by 25% during MI through a minor trait.

* F1 is the ordinary Legend Swap, while F2 is assigned to **"Overcharge"**: Increasing the cap of energy that can be infused into the GS skills.

* Utility Skills can be pressed for a single charge or held down consuming up to 3 utility ammunition charges, after the utility is charged up it flips to an execute button that can be pressed again to execute the skill, the CD only starts after the utility is executed.

* You can only either infuse a GS Skill or charge a Utility Skill at any given time, but you can fire the utility skill while infusing a GS skill.


**Greatsword Skills:** (Suggestions are welcome too!)


* **Skill 1: Cleaving Strike:** Cleave the area in front of you, MI increases damage, if fully infused you inflict additional damage.

* **Skill 2 Mist Leap:** Leap into a mist rift teleporting to your target and dealing damage, MI increases damage , if fully infused range is increased & you inflict cripple, Leap finisher.

* **Skill 3: Reaving Mists:** (AoE on your current location in a circle) Fade into the mists evading attacks, showing up with an attack at your current location then evading again, repeats 3 times, MI increases damage, if fully infused you hit an additional time with an uppercut slash sending targets at your location flying upwards.

* **Skill 4: Mistly Hacks:** Summon 2 Mistly GS to hack at your target from the sides, MI increases damage & range, if fully infused a third GS descends from a rift down onto your target inflicting Immobilize.

* **Skill 5: Sundering Quake:** Deal a massive strike that cascades outwards from you in 3 cone-shaped waves, MI increases damage, Keep blocking untill fully infused, if fully infused a fourth wave cascades from you & all waves knockdown foes.


**Additional Mechanic:**

**-F2 is assigned to "Overcharge"**: Increase the cap of energy that can be infused into GS skills.

-Energy cost should be appealing if required at all, but it is supposed to be used OFF CD.

-CD & Duration up to the Devs.

-Doesn't require a target and can be fired anyway.


**Utilities: Legendary Avenger - Charge skills,** charge them for super-charged effects.

_(LA Utilities for short)_


* **-LA Healing Utility: Healing Mist**

-Cap of 3 charges.

-CD: Up to the Devs.

-Clear 1 Condition on execute.

-Gives a Buff; Next hit is Unblockable, but dodgeable and can be invulned, next hit Siphons X amount of health from target.

-Charging consumes the healing utility ammunition charges for more effects; (1/2.67/4 X) Siphoning.

-Buff lost if hit fails to land.

_-Condition cleanse is Normalized at 1 for all charging levels, to provide some sort of trade-off for charging, more healing & less condition cleanse and the risk of depending on 1 hit landing VS More cleansing with small heals but requiring more hits to land successfully._


* **-LA Utility 1: Mist-Imbued:** Imbue your weapon with mist magic to empower your next hit and inflict conditions.

-CD: Up to the Devs.

-Cap of 3 charges, hold the key for 1 second per charge.

-Gives a buff; Next hit is Unblockable, but dodgeable/can be invulned, next hit is granted X additional Power **&/or** Ferocity & has 100% Critical chance & inflicts Immobilize, Slow & Weakness for Y seconds.

-Charging consumes the utility skill ammunition charges for more effects; (1/2.67/4 X) Power **&/or** Ferocity & inflicts Immobilize, Slow & Weakness for (1/2.67/4 Y) seconds.

-Buff lost if hit fails to land.

_-This utility is meant to be used both offensively and defensively._


* **-LA Utility 2: Mist Slam:** The mists guide your next hit slamming into your target dealing additional Chaos damage and inflicting Vulnerability.

-CD: Up to the Devs.

-Cap of 3 charges, hold the key for 1 second per charge.

-Gives a buff; Next hit is Unblockable, but dodgeable/can be invulned., next hit Inflicts X additional Chaos Damage which inflicts Y stacks of Vulnerability for Z seconds.

-Charging consumes the utility skill ammunition charges for more effects; (1/2.67/4 X) additional Chaos Damage and inflicts (5/10/15) stacks of Vulnerability for Z seconds.

-Buff lost if hit fails to land.

_-To avoid complexity, the Additional Chaos Damage can have a (1.05/2.77/4.15 X) damage modifier and when it hits it applies the Vulnerability to the target.

_-The idea here is to give a choice if you want sustained damage or burst damage using this skill._


* **-LA Utility 3 Mist Walker:** Rip a hole into the mists stepping in and showing after a set duration with an explosion that slows and reveals enemies.

-CD: Up to the Devs.

-Cap of 3 charges, hold the key for 1 second per charge.

-Gives a buff: Gain Invulnerability, Stealth and Superspeed for X seconds, when the buff expires you explode out of the mists with a blast finisher inflicting Y seconds of Slow and 1 second of reveal.

-Charging consumes the utility skill ammunition charges for more effects; (1/2.67/4 X Seconds) and inflicting (1/2.67/4 Y) Seconds of slow and 1 second of Reveal, Blast radius (240/300/450).

-1/2 Second Execute, to rip the hole into the mists!

-Blast finisher at the end of the skill.

_-This utility is to imitate the effect of walking in the mists, like in a different dimension hence the invulnerability and stealth_

_-Can be used offensively for revealing your stealthed enemies and avoid being kited, or defensively to disengage from a fight_

_(Traits affiliated with LA utilities take effect from and affect the slow if it hits at least 1 target)_


* **-LA Elite: Mist Image:** Channel mist magic to have a mist image of yourself replicate your attacks a second time.

-CD: Up to the Devs.

-Cap of 3 charges, hold the key for 1 second per charge.

-Stunbreak on execute.

-Gives Buff: Your attacks are replicated by your mist image for X seconds.

-Attacks by your shadow have 1/4 or 1/2 second delay, for GS, they only do the damage component with the charging modifier and the extra damage from Overcharged, utilities and full charge CC are not incorporated into the image's attacks, for other weapons it simply replicates the attacks after the delay.

-The image is not a separate entity roaming next to you in the world but rather more of a cool mist effect tied to you that attacks a second time for a set duration that is increased by charging.

_(Traits affiliated with LA utilities take effect from and affect the first hit of the mist image only)_




* **Minor Traits:**

-Adept: LA Utility skills & SI Unlocked.

-Master: 25% Increased Movement Speed while infusing a GS Skill.

-Grandmaster: Energy Regeneration Increased.


* **Trait line 1 Theme:** DPS Buffing

-Adept: Wrathful Slashes: Fully infused GS skill inflict 3 stacks of Vulnerability for X seconds, no ICD.

-Master: Replenishing Mists: Successful LA Utility landing hits grant X amount of energy per utility charge.

-Grandmaster Supercharged: Damage is increased by X% during Overcharge for fully infused GS skills.


* **Trait line 2 Theme:** CC Buffing

-Adept: Mist Shroud: Gain a mist shroud during MI that blinds attackers, has ICD.

-Master Relentless Avenger: Overcharge removes movement impairing conditions and disabling your foes removes 1 boon for it's duration .

-Grandmaster: Touch of the Avenged: Successful LA Utility landing hits inflict 1 second of Chill **&/or** Slow per utility charge.


* **Trait line 3 Theme:** Survivability Buffing

-Adept: Agile Avenger: Dodging during MI grants 3 seconds of vigor and swiftness, has ICD.

-Master: Fueled by Revenge: Overcharge breaks stun and grants stability. _(can be pulsing stability for its duration if not too OP)_

-Grandmaster: Avenger's Relief: Successful LA Utility landing hits Cleanse 1 condition per utility ammunition charge.




-Devastating blows utilizing the Mist Infusion mechanic which allows for interesting choices between do i charge my next hit or not, charge fully or not!?

-New way of energy management dumping the upkeep method, as well as a different approach to the utility skill ammunition system.

-High Risk High Reward gameplay.

-Baseline Heavy CC & Defiance bar breaking and can trait for boon stripping as well.

-Can support offensively with vulnerability stacking.

-Can not be easily kited.



-Low survivability.

-Below average output without SI.

-Other weaponsets won't be viable for DPS as they won't utilize the SI mechanic.

-Ranged Condition/Direct Damage as well as Melee Condition damage and general support roles are not viable options with this spec, it is a strict Melee Damage Dealer, unless the Devs find a way out of it through traits maybe?

-Can be countered heavily by specs with lots of interrupts like any -/P Thief, Scrapper etc.


**Design Highlights & Challenges:**

-Ammunition charges are per utility skill, but the idea can evolve into creating a separate source, say it'll be called Mist Charges, which becomes a common pool of charges that can be used to charge the utility skills including the healing and elite skills, and have these charges Cap at 10 that regenerate over time like initiative (abit longer to regenerate though)to make more meaningful choices for the utilities.

-Energy could be used instead, X energy consumed per utility charge per skill, but this can make energy management tricky and lead the spec to be clunky, unless if energy regeneration is boosted up alot or the Avenger would normally be staying at 100 energy all the time, also this might cause problems with other weapons.

-The utilities have the same concept of Meditations, except that instead of having a fixed amount of cast time before granting X charges, instead by holding down the utility skill key, you charge and decide how many charges you want to use.

-The Devs might have to compromise on the penalty the other weapons suffer for not utilizing MI in order to be able to use them, using only GS isn't necessarily bad (specially if it feels weighty & heavy & great!), but it's nice to have different options.

-It is supposed to be a heavy damage dealer with focus on CC, but CC might be abit too much and might need to be toned down a bit.

-I Wonder how this legend will deal with the others, I think all will be ok except for Ventari maybe, Jalis gives more survivability, Mallyx more resistance & Shiro should be very interesting!


_Feel free to suggest any improvements to the spec, as long as it revolves around the basic ideas suggested here which are Greatsword weapon and the Mist infusion charging mechanic!_

_If you find the name not fitting suggest one! Don't take the spec name to heart please it is only a fun speculation!_

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I have faith that Anet will get around it in time, true that SB is gimmicky and citadel order imho should have no energy cost, utilities being untargetable and non CC-able for their ridiculous cost, or have their cost reduced at least, but the spec will find its balance, it is just a matter of time.

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> @TheSwede.9512 said:

> # Revenant - Broodslayer


> **Lore and Theme**

> Legendary Slayer, Asgeir Dragonrender. Battlemaster, favored of the Spirits of the Wild, builder of Hoelbrak. The Norn who struck a tooth from Jormag himself and even slayed his favored champion Frostfang in a single blow. Channeling his might, the Broodslayer shares in the favor of the Spirits of the Wilds that Asgeir held, however to do so they must first prove their mettle before the Spirits. The Broodslayer gains access to Spirit Quests which, when completed, turns them from a regular hero into a true force of Legend. As the spiritual successor to the Norn who faced Jormag and lived, the Broodslayer's duty is to cull the dragons' minions and reclaim the ancestral lands of the Norn once and for all, but their journey extends even further than Asgeir's own: They are challenge-seekers, driven to prove their mettle against the worst Tyria has to offer. It takes determination, fortitude and grit to be the strongest there is, but the Broodslayer backs for no challenge, from mortal or dragon or god alike.


> **Role**

> The Broodslayer is a Bruiser Archetype, building upon the concepts of high sustain, resistance to CC and large Spike Damage. In return, the Broodslayer on their own do not possess any remarakable party Support options nor a particularily high DPS, however they're not entirely without Options as through Traits, they learn to share their own unique buffs with allies instead.

> It changes the Playstyle of the Revenant remarkably as the Spirit Quests are lengthy in design and take time to finish, necessitating a playstyle involving high sustain as you'd want to avoid going down in between encounters in order to maintain your Spirit Favors. The Snowball potential of a Broodslayer is immense, as a player with all 4 Spirit Quests completed will have a massive advantage in both duels and team fights. Asgeir pairs well with most of the other legends, particularily Mallyx to combat Conditions or Ventari to sustain through healing. Jalis offers even more CC and Damage resistance, while Shiro offers more Mobility and offense for potential snow-balling and High-risk/high-reward playstyles.


> **Weapon: Greatsword**

> The Blade was Asgeir's weapon of choice, and in the Broodslayer's hand it's a force to be reckoned with. The weapon's greatest strengths are sustain and versatility, a Power-based weapon with massive Spike damage potential with access to both Blocks and Evades, making it the perfect weapon for taking on tougher adversaries on your own.


> * Cleaving Strike -> Raging Strike -> Piercing Blade - Cleave through the mists, sending out shockwaves to strike enemies at a medium-range distance while simultaneously striking enemies in melee range. Final strike pierces through the Mists, sending out a long-range thrust that Weakenes enemies it strikes.

> * Brave Charge - Leap into a mist rift and appear at your target’s location with a Chilling Strike. Evades attacks while leaping.

> * Gather Power -> Sundering Quake - Charge up a slow, massive strike that cascades outwards from you in 3 waves, Blocking attacks while charging. You gain Power Charges with each pulse as you charge. Activate again to cancel the charge and instantly activate the chain Skill. Sundering Quake deals increased Damage and Knocks Back for each Power charge. Acts as a Blast Finisher.

> * Vicious Descent - Raise your weapon and call down a massive Blade from the Mists at the target area, Immobilizing enemies struck while granting Fury to nearby Allies.

> * Reaving Mists - Zig-zag viciously through the Mists, evading attacks while striking nearby enemies. Tear open rifts at enemies you strike that pulse Chill to nearby enemies, before they collapse and Blind enemies.


> **Mechanic: Spirit Quests**

> Asgeir himself gained the favor of the four Spirits of the Wild: Bear, Wolf, Snow Leopard and Raven. The Broodslayer aims to follow in his footsteps, but to do so they must prove themselves to the same Spirits, becoming worthy in their eyes to recieve their boon. To do this, they embark on Spirit Quests in combat, which are lengthy in design but when completed results in a great buff to their Attributes. Only 1 Spirit Quest can be active at any time. Completing a Spirit Quest refreshes the duration of attained Favors by 15s.


> * F2: Trial of Bear

> 30s Duration. Take Damage, Block or Evade attacks 30 times. Upon Completion, you gain +150 Toughness and Vitality for 45s. Cooldown: 15s. You cannot undertake this Trial again until you’ve lost Bear’s Favor.

> * F3: Trial of Wolf

> 30s Duration. Apply Boons to or Heal nearby allies or yourself 30 times. Upon Completion, you gain +150 Healing Power and Concentration for 45s. Cooldown: 15s. You cannot undertake this Trial again until you’ve lost Wolf’s Favor.

> * F4: Trial of Snow Leopard

> 30s Duration. Strike and Damage enemies 30 times. Upon Completion, you gain +150 Power and Ferocity for 45s. Cooldown: 15s. You cannot undertake this Trial again until you’ve lost Snow Leopard’s Favor.

> * F5: Trial of Raven

> 30s Duration. Apply Conditions or Disable enemies 30 times. Upon Completion, you gain +150 Condition Damage and Expertize for 45s. Cooldown: 15s. You cannot undertake this Trial again until you’ve lost Raven’s Favor.


> **Utility Skills: Legendary Slayer Stance**

> The Legendary Dragonslayer Stance offers a wide variety of Utility Skills that are based around the Spirits of the Wild. The Elite Skill summons Asgeir's blade from the mist and strikes down with his legendary power. Like the Dragonslayer himself, if all Spirit Quests have been completed, the Elite Skill allows for the Broodslayer to finish off his enemy in a single strike.


> * Bear’s Fortitude - Healing Skill.

> Heal yourself and gain Pulsing Protection for a short time. When you’re Attacked, you also gain Stability and Heal yourself for a small amount.

> * Wolf’s Pack - Upkeep Skill (-7)

> Summon a pack of wolves from the Mists to surround you, pulsing Swiftness to yourself and nearby allies. The wolves lash out against nearby enemies, Damaging them. Acts as an Ice Field.

> * Snow Leopard’s Prowl -> Snow Leopard’s Pounce

> Break out of Stun and Stealth yourself. While stealthed, this skill flips over to Pounce. Pounce leaps at the targeted Enemy, Knocking them Down and leaving them Vulnerable. Acts as a Leap Finisher.

> * Raven’s Eyes

> Send an echo of a Raven flying forwards, Revealing enemies it passes through and removing a boon from each. The Raven then returns to you, granting you the removed Boons.

> * Dragon's Bane - Elite Skill.

> Summon Asgeir’s blade from the Mists and unleash all your might on nearby enemies. Deals 25% of remaining enemy HP for each completed Spirit Quest. This skill is Unblockable and unaffected by Blind or Weakness. Enemies downed by this skill are immediately Defeated. Defiant enemies will instead be dealt massive Damage, rather than a % of their HP.


> **Specialization Line:**


> Minor

> * Spirits’ Chosen - You gain access to Spirit Quests and the Legendary Slayer Stance.

> * Invigorating Favor - You gain Energy when you successfully complete a Spirit Quest and earn their Favor.

> * Determined Quester - While you’re undertaking a Spirit Quest, you take 10% Less Damage and Condition Damage from all sources.


> Adept

> * Journeyman - You gain +120 Vitality. You gain 5% of your Toughness and Vitality as Power.

> * Unbreakable - Reduces the effects of Vulnerability on you. Reduction: 50%.

> * Quester’s Boon - Convert Conditions into Boons when you complete a Spirit Quest.


> Master

> * Insurmountable - Gain Stability (1 stack, 4s) when you activate a Legendary Dragonslayer stance skill.

> * Legendary Blade - Critical Hits with Greatsword skills causes your next Attack to become Unblockable. ICD: 5s.

> * Fearless Initiation - You’re Invulnerable for 1s when first entering Combat. This resets when you complete a Spirit Quest.


> Grandmaster

> * Quest of Centuries - Spirit Quests lasts 50% Longer. Determined Quester now remains for a time after completing a Spirit Quest and its bonuses are increased to 20%.

> * Quest of Heroes - Spirit Favors are now 25% more effective and shared with up to 5 Allies, however to complete the quest you and your allies must perform the task 150 times between eachother. Radius: 600.

> * Quest of Legends - Heal yourself when you start and Complete a Spirit Quest, the Healing increasing for each already completed Spirit Quest. Spirit Favors last 33% Longer.


This is what I want in the next elite spec, can be found here https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/170818#Comment_170818.



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> @"Miles Smiles.8951" said:

> Seems good. Way funnier than Renegade, that's for sure. GS4 tho looks a lot like axe4; might need a different effect there. And what about a stealth mechanic on a utility or elite?


You mean way more fun right? and for the GS4 it is a gap closer with an immobilize on full charge, i think it is kinda fair, suggest if you have any cool idea!

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yes!!! what i had in mind was that gs charge mechanic skills. like if you charge half it adds another effect on the skill and triggers a longer cd. If you fully charge it will be huge dps and utility but fully longer cd. Also i had in mind that the 4 and 5 skills could be 1200 range skill making hybrid weapon. Like skill 4 could be like autospamming no energy consumable neither cd triggering except if you charge it which triggers both energy and cd. And skill 5 could also be another ranke skill maybe some aoe ring aiming, the more you charge the more aoe range, dps and bonus effects will trigger. This one with cd and energy consuming from beginning increasing both with mid charged and full charged. 1, 2 and 3 skills you just read minded me.

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> @Thornwolf.9721 said:

> > @TheSwede.9512 said:

> > # Revenant - Broodslayer

> >

> > **Lore and Theme**

> > Legendary Slayer, Asgeir Dragonrender. Battlemaster, favored of the Spirits of the Wild, builder of Hoelbrak. The Norn who struck a tooth from Jormag himself and even slayed his favored champion Frostfang in a single blow. Channeling his might, the Broodslayer shares in the favor of the Spirits of the Wilds that Asgeir held, however to do so they must first prove their mettle before the Spirits. The Broodslayer gains access to Spirit Quests which, when completed, turns them from a regular hero into a true force of Legend. As the spiritual successor to the Norn who faced Jormag and lived, the Broodslayer's duty is to cull the dragons' minions and reclaim the ancestral lands of the Norn once and for all, but their journey extends even further than Asgeir's own: They are challenge-seekers, driven to prove their mettle against the worst Tyria has to offer. It takes determination, fortitude and grit to be the strongest there is, but the Broodslayer backs for no challenge, from mortal or dragon or god alike.

> >

> > **Role**

> > The Broodslayer is a Bruiser Archetype, building upon the concepts of high sustain, resistance to CC and large Spike Damage. In return, the Broodslayer on their own do not possess any remarakable party Support options nor a particularily high DPS, however they're not entirely without Options as through Traits, they learn to share their own unique buffs with allies instead.

> > It changes the Playstyle of the Revenant remarkably as the Spirit Quests are lengthy in design and take time to finish, necessitating a playstyle involving high sustain as you'd want to avoid going down in between encounters in order to maintain your Spirit Favors. The Snowball potential of a Broodslayer is immense, as a player with all 4 Spirit Quests completed will have a massive advantage in both duels and team fights. Asgeir pairs well with most of the other legends, particularily Mallyx to combat Conditions or Ventari to sustain through healing. Jalis offers even more CC and Damage resistance, while Shiro offers more Mobility and offense for potential snow-balling and High-risk/high-reward playstyles.

> >

> > **Weapon: Greatsword**

> > The Blade was Asgeir's weapon of choice, and in the Broodslayer's hand it's a force to be reckoned with. The weapon's greatest strengths are sustain and versatility, a Power-based weapon with massive Spike damage potential with access to both Blocks and Evades, making it the perfect weapon for taking on tougher adversaries on your own.

> >

> > * Cleaving Strike -> Raging Strike -> Piercing Blade - Cleave through the mists, sending out shockwaves to strike enemies at a medium-range distance while simultaneously striking enemies in melee range. Final strike pierces through the Mists, sending out a long-range thrust that Weakenes enemies it strikes.

> > * Brave Charge - Leap into a mist rift and appear at your target’s location with a Chilling Strike. Evades attacks while leaping.

> > * Gather Power -> Sundering Quake - Charge up a slow, massive strike that cascades outwards from you in 3 waves, Blocking attacks while charging. You gain Power Charges with each pulse as you charge. Activate again to cancel the charge and instantly activate the chain Skill. Sundering Quake deals increased Damage and Knocks Back for each Power charge. Acts as a Blast Finisher.

> > * Vicious Descent - Raise your weapon and call down a massive Blade from the Mists at the target area, Immobilizing enemies struck while granting Fury to nearby Allies.

> > * Reaving Mists - Zig-zag viciously through the Mists, evading attacks while striking nearby enemies. Tear open rifts at enemies you strike that pulse Chill to nearby enemies, before they collapse and Blind enemies.

> >

> > **Mechanic: Spirit Quests**

> > Asgeir himself gained the favor of the four Spirits of the Wild: Bear, Wolf, Snow Leopard and Raven. The Broodslayer aims to follow in his footsteps, but to do so they must prove themselves to the same Spirits, becoming worthy in their eyes to recieve their boon. To do this, they embark on Spirit Quests in combat, which are lengthy in design but when completed results in a great buff to their Attributes. Only 1 Spirit Quest can be active at any time. Completing a Spirit Quest refreshes the duration of attained Favors by 15s.

> >

> > * F2: Trial of Bear

> > 30s Duration. Take Damage, Block or Evade attacks 30 times. Upon Completion, you gain +150 Toughness and Vitality for 45s. Cooldown: 15s. You cannot undertake this Trial again until you’ve lost Bear’s Favor.

> > * F3: Trial of Wolf

> > 30s Duration. Apply Boons to or Heal nearby allies or yourself 30 times. Upon Completion, you gain +150 Healing Power and Concentration for 45s. Cooldown: 15s. You cannot undertake this Trial again until you’ve lost Wolf’s Favor.

> > * F4: Trial of Snow Leopard

> > 30s Duration. Strike and Damage enemies 30 times. Upon Completion, you gain +150 Power and Ferocity for 45s. Cooldown: 15s. You cannot undertake this Trial again until you’ve lost Snow Leopard’s Favor.

> > * F5: Trial of Raven

> > 30s Duration. Apply Conditions or Disable enemies 30 times. Upon Completion, you gain +150 Condition Damage and Expertize for 45s. Cooldown: 15s. You cannot undertake this Trial again until you’ve lost Raven’s Favor.

> >

> > **Utility Skills: Legendary Slayer Stance**

> > The Legendary Dragonslayer Stance offers a wide variety of Utility Skills that are based around the Spirits of the Wild. The Elite Skill summons Asgeir's blade from the mist and strikes down with his legendary power. Like the Dragonslayer himself, if all Spirit Quests have been completed, the Elite Skill allows for the Broodslayer to finish off his enemy in a single strike.

> >

> > * Bear’s Fortitude - Healing Skill.

> > Heal yourself and gain Pulsing Protection for a short time. When you’re Attacked, you also gain Stability and Heal yourself for a small amount.

> > * Wolf’s Pack - Upkeep Skill (-7)

> > Summon a pack of wolves from the Mists to surround you, pulsing Swiftness to yourself and nearby allies. The wolves lash out against nearby enemies, Damaging them. Acts as an Ice Field.

> > * Snow Leopard’s Prowl -> Snow Leopard’s Pounce

> > Break out of Stun and Stealth yourself. While stealthed, this skill flips over to Pounce. Pounce leaps at the targeted Enemy, Knocking them Down and leaving them Vulnerable. Acts as a Leap Finisher.

> > * Raven’s Eyes

> > Send an echo of a Raven flying forwards, Revealing enemies it passes through and removing a boon from each. The Raven then returns to you, granting you the removed Boons.

> > * Dragon's Bane - Elite Skill.

> > Summon Asgeir’s blade from the Mists and unleash all your might on nearby enemies. Deals 25% of remaining enemy HP for each completed Spirit Quest. This skill is Unblockable and unaffected by Blind or Weakness. Enemies downed by this skill are immediately Defeated. Defiant enemies will instead be dealt massive Damage, rather than a % of their HP.

> >

> > **Specialization Line:**

> >

> > Minor

> > * Spirits’ Chosen - You gain access to Spirit Quests and the Legendary Slayer Stance.

> > * Invigorating Favor - You gain Energy when you successfully complete a Spirit Quest and earn their Favor.

> > * Determined Quester - While you’re undertaking a Spirit Quest, you take 10% Less Damage and Condition Damage from all sources.

> >

> > Adept

> > * Journeyman - You gain +120 Vitality. You gain 5% of your Toughness and Vitality as Power.

> > * Unbreakable - Reduces the effects of Vulnerability on you. Reduction: 50%.

> > * Quester’s Boon - Convert Conditions into Boons when you complete a Spirit Quest.

> >

> > Master

> > * Insurmountable - Gain Stability (1 stack, 4s) when you activate a Legendary Dragonslayer stance skill.

> > * Legendary Blade - Critical Hits with Greatsword skills causes your next Attack to become Unblockable. ICD: 5s.

> > * Fearless Initiation - You’re Invulnerable for 1s when first entering Combat. This resets when you complete a Spirit Quest.

> >

> > Grandmaster

> > * Quest of Centuries - Spirit Quests lasts 50% Longer. Determined Quester now remains for a time after completing a Spirit Quest and its bonuses are increased to 20%.

> > * Quest of Heroes - Spirit Favors are now 25% more effective and shared with up to 5 Allies, however to complete the quest you and your allies must perform the task 150 times between eachother. Radius: 600.

> > * Quest of Legends - Heal yourself when you start and Complete a Spirit Quest, the Healing increasing for each already completed Spirit Quest. Spirit Favors last 33% Longer.


> This is what I want in the next elite spec, can be found here https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/170818#Comment_170818.




This this and more this!

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> @Thornwolf.9721 said:

> > @TheSwede.9512 said:

> > # Revenant - Broodslayer

> >

> > **Lore and Theme**

> > Legendary Slayer, Asgeir Dragonrender. Battlemaster, favored of the Spirits of the Wild, builder of Hoelbrak. The Norn who struck a tooth from Jormag himself and even slayed his favored champion Frostfang in a single blow. Channeling his might, the Broodslayer shares in the favor of the Spirits of the Wilds that Asgeir held, however to do so they must first prove their mettle before the Spirits. The Broodslayer gains access to Spirit Quests which, when completed, turns them from a regular hero into a true force of Legend. As the spiritual successor to the Norn who faced Jormag and lived, the Broodslayer's duty is to cull the dragons' minions and reclaim the ancestral lands of the Norn once and for all, but their journey extends even further than Asgeir's own: They are challenge-seekers, driven to prove their mettle against the worst Tyria has to offer. It takes determination, fortitude and grit to be the strongest there is, but the Broodslayer backs for no challenge, from mortal or dragon or god alike.

> >

> > **Role**

> > The Broodslayer is a Bruiser Archetype, building upon the concepts of high sustain, resistance to CC and large Spike Damage. In return, the Broodslayer on their own do not possess any remarakable party Support options nor a particularily high DPS, however they're not entirely without Options as through Traits, they learn to share their own unique buffs with allies instead.

> > It changes the Playstyle of the Revenant remarkably as the Spirit Quests are lengthy in design and take time to finish, necessitating a playstyle involving high sustain as you'd want to avoid going down in between encounters in order to maintain your Spirit Favors. The Snowball potential of a Broodslayer is immense, as a player with all 4 Spirit Quests completed will have a massive advantage in both duels and team fights. Asgeir pairs well with most of the other legends, particularily Mallyx to combat Conditions or Ventari to sustain through healing. Jalis offers even more CC and Damage resistance, while Shiro offers more Mobility and offense for potential snow-balling and High-risk/high-reward playstyles.

> >

> > **Weapon: Greatsword**

> > The Blade was Asgeir's weapon of choice, and in the Broodslayer's hand it's a force to be reckoned with. The weapon's greatest strengths are sustain and versatility, a Power-based weapon with massive Spike damage potential with access to both Blocks and Evades, making it the perfect weapon for taking on tougher adversaries on your own.

> >

> > * Cleaving Strike -> Raging Strike -> Piercing Blade - Cleave through the mists, sending out shockwaves to strike enemies at a medium-range distance while simultaneously striking enemies in melee range. Final strike pierces through the Mists, sending out a long-range thrust that Weakenes enemies it strikes.

> > * Brave Charge - Leap into a mist rift and appear at your target’s location with a Chilling Strike. Evades attacks while leaping.

> > * Gather Power -> Sundering Quake - Charge up a slow, massive strike that cascades outwards from you in 3 waves, Blocking attacks while charging. You gain Power Charges with each pulse as you charge. Activate again to cancel the charge and instantly activate the chain Skill. Sundering Quake deals increased Damage and Knocks Back for each Power charge. Acts as a Blast Finisher.

> > * Vicious Descent - Raise your weapon and call down a massive Blade from the Mists at the target area, Immobilizing enemies struck while granting Fury to nearby Allies.

> > * Reaving Mists - Zig-zag viciously through the Mists, evading attacks while striking nearby enemies. Tear open rifts at enemies you strike that pulse Chill to nearby enemies, before they collapse and Blind enemies.

> >

> > **Mechanic: Spirit Quests**

> > Asgeir himself gained the favor of the four Spirits of the Wild: Bear, Wolf, Snow Leopard and Raven. The Broodslayer aims to follow in his footsteps, but to do so they must prove themselves to the same Spirits, becoming worthy in their eyes to recieve their boon. To do this, they embark on Spirit Quests in combat, which are lengthy in design but when completed results in a great buff to their Attributes. Only 1 Spirit Quest can be active at any time. Completing a Spirit Quest refreshes the duration of attained Favors by 15s.

> >

> > * F2: Trial of Bear

> > 30s Duration. Take Damage, Block or Evade attacks 30 times. Upon Completion, you gain +150 Toughness and Vitality for 45s. Cooldown: 15s. You cannot undertake this Trial again until you’ve lost Bear’s Favor.

> > * F3: Trial of Wolf

> > 30s Duration. Apply Boons to or Heal nearby allies or yourself 30 times. Upon Completion, you gain +150 Healing Power and Concentration for 45s. Cooldown: 15s. You cannot undertake this Trial again until you’ve lost Wolf’s Favor.

> > * F4: Trial of Snow Leopard

> > 30s Duration. Strike and Damage enemies 30 times. Upon Completion, you gain +150 Power and Ferocity for 45s. Cooldown: 15s. You cannot undertake this Trial again until you’ve lost Snow Leopard’s Favor.

> > * F5: Trial of Raven

> > 30s Duration. Apply Conditions or Disable enemies 30 times. Upon Completion, you gain +150 Condition Damage and Expertize for 45s. Cooldown: 15s. You cannot undertake this Trial again until you’ve lost Raven’s Favor.

> >

> > **Utility Skills: Legendary Slayer Stance**

> > The Legendary Dragonslayer Stance offers a wide variety of Utility Skills that are based around the Spirits of the Wild. The Elite Skill summons Asgeir's blade from the mist and strikes down with his legendary power. Like the Dragonslayer himself, if all Spirit Quests have been completed, the Elite Skill allows for the Broodslayer to finish off his enemy in a single strike.

> >

> > * Bear’s Fortitude - Healing Skill.

> > Heal yourself and gain Pulsing Protection for a short time. When you’re Attacked, you also gain Stability and Heal yourself for a small amount.

> > * Wolf’s Pack - Upkeep Skill (-7)

> > Summon a pack of wolves from the Mists to surround you, pulsing Swiftness to yourself and nearby allies. The wolves lash out against nearby enemies, Damaging them. Acts as an Ice Field.

> > * Snow Leopard’s Prowl -> Snow Leopard’s Pounce

> > Break out of Stun and Stealth yourself. While stealthed, this skill flips over to Pounce. Pounce leaps at the targeted Enemy, Knocking them Down and leaving them Vulnerable. Acts as a Leap Finisher.

> > * Raven’s Eyes

> > Send an echo of a Raven flying forwards, Revealing enemies it passes through and removing a boon from each. The Raven then returns to you, granting you the removed Boons.

> > * Dragon's Bane - Elite Skill.

> > Summon Asgeir’s blade from the Mists and unleash all your might on nearby enemies. Deals 25% of remaining enemy HP for each completed Spirit Quest. This skill is Unblockable and unaffected by Blind or Weakness. Enemies downed by this skill are immediately Defeated. Defiant enemies will instead be dealt massive Damage, rather than a % of their HP.

> >

> > **Specialization Line:**

> >

> > Minor

> > * Spirits’ Chosen - You gain access to Spirit Quests and the Legendary Slayer Stance.

> > * Invigorating Favor - You gain Energy when you successfully complete a Spirit Quest and earn their Favor.

> > * Determined Quester - While you’re undertaking a Spirit Quest, you take 10% Less Damage and Condition Damage from all sources.

> >

> > Adept

> > * Journeyman - You gain +120 Vitality. You gain 5% of your Toughness and Vitality as Power.

> > * Unbreakable - Reduces the effects of Vulnerability on you. Reduction: 50%.

> > * Quester’s Boon - Convert Conditions into Boons when you complete a Spirit Quest.

> >

> > Master

> > * Insurmountable - Gain Stability (1 stack, 4s) when you activate a Legendary Dragonslayer stance skill.

> > * Legendary Blade - Critical Hits with Greatsword skills causes your next Attack to become Unblockable. ICD: 5s.

> > * Fearless Initiation - You’re Invulnerable for 1s when first entering Combat. This resets when you complete a Spirit Quest.

> >

> > Grandmaster

> > * Quest of Centuries - Spirit Quests lasts 50% Longer. Determined Quester now remains for a time after completing a Spirit Quest and its bonuses are increased to 20%.

> > * Quest of Heroes - Spirit Favors are now 25% more effective and shared with up to 5 Allies, however to complete the quest you and your allies must perform the task 150 times between eachother. Radius: 600.

> > * Quest of Legends - Heal yourself when you start and Complete a Spirit Quest, the Healing increasing for each already completed Spirit Quest. Spirit Favors last 33% Longer.


> This is what I want in the next elite spec, can be found here https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/170818#Comment_170818.




i like this weapon skill set...

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I love the idea of "charging" abilities to make them more powerful, they would have to do insane damage though to make them worth the build up. Im assuming you mean "charging" like holding down the button, and the longer you hold it down the more damage it does (much like holding down a treb shot would shoot it farther when released)

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> @Kahrgan.7401 said:

> I love the idea of "charging" abilities to make them more powerful, they would have to do insane damage though to make them worth the build up. Im assuming you mean "charging" like holding down the button, and the longer you hold it down the more damage it does (much like holding down a treb shot would shoot it farther when released)


Yes it is exactly what i mean.


> @"Ndy Hikaru.3612" said:

> i like this weapon skill set...


Me too tbh :lol:


I rewritten parts of the Spec suggestion/speculation, it'd be nice if you reread it again guys when you have time and give me your thoughts!



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Asgeir Dragonrender is the bigger name in-universe, though. Sure, Jora beat the Nornbear Svanir and reclaimed her favor with Bear, but Asgeir went up against Jormag, had all 4 of the Spirits of the Wild at his back AND struck down Frostfang in a single blow. He then made it back with the giant tooth of Jormag to found Hoelbrak.


Sure, Jora would be good fanservice for the GW1 crowd, but from the eyes of a Tyrian Norn, Asgeir is definitely the bigger name.

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GS? I'm sorry guys... If GS there is, it will most likely be on a sylvari e-spec with Riannoc as a legend.

Brace yourself and be ready to cry... The GS e-spec will have a legend that make plants sprout from the soil.


PS.: I'm joking but after renegade, I just can't get rid of the idea that anet will continue it's racial themed e-spec spree. Caladbolg being so "present" in game, GS become the ideal weapon for a sylvari e-spec. Norns feel more like axe and transformation, asura give a technlogic vibe but as much as it could be a "gun", focus also make great option.

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> @"Ndy Hikaru.3612" said:

> so charging skill will be have huuuugee damage right? or we will loss and survivalbility dps during charging.. how about this mechanic in pvp and wvw? isnt that hard to hit enemies?


I trust that if Anet ever nurtures this idea, then they'll balance it so that you deal great damage for charging, otherwise people won't bother, for PvP & WvW, they skill are charged and take time yes, but they are AoE or Cleave, they will be stability dependent and maybe even dependent on quickness, idk, we'll have to see what twist Anet would give it if they ever pick the idea.


> @Euthymias.7984 said:

> I really doubt we'll get another Charr legend after the abomination that is Renegade.

> I'm hoping for something Like Jora (Legendary Norn) with Transformation upkeeps (basically fancy kits) or stances with the Greatsword.


> @Zenith.7301 said:

> That new legend better kitten be Jora.


> @TheSwede.9512 said:

> Asgeir Dragonrender is the bigger name in-universe, though. Sure, Jora beat the Nornbear Svanir and reclaimed her favor with Bear, but Asgeir went up against Jormag, had all 4 of the Spirits of the Wild at his back AND struck down Frostfang in a single blow. He then made it back with the giant tooth of Jormag to found Hoelbrak.


> Sure, Jora would be good fanservice for the GW1 crowd, but from the eyes of a Tyrian Norn, Asgeir is definitely the bigger name.


Jora or Asgeir, both sound to be cool and i personally think Charr would be too repetitive for Rev as well, the first Rev being Charr and he's supposed and then the second elite spec being Charr, yeah enough from those kittened kitties!


> @Dadnir.5038 said:

> GS? I'm sorry guys... If GS there is, it will most likely be on a sylvari e-spec with Riannoc as a legend.

> Brace yourself and be ready to cry... The GS e-spec will have a legend that make plants sprout from the soil.


> PS.: I'm joking but after renegade, I just can't get rid of the idea that anet will continue it's racial themed e-spec spree. Caladbolg being so "present" in game, GS become the ideal weapon for a sylvari e-spec. Norns feel more like axe and transformation, asura give a technlogic vibe but as much as it could be a "gun", focus also make great option.


Sylvari...idk...i don't mind them, i just feel that they're a jinxed race, somewhat Naive and a bit annoying and whiny at times, but i wouldn't hate to see a Sylvari legend, hope they pick someone other than Trahearne though!

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I don't think they'll make the same mistake of focusing more on "balancing the races as legends" than on finding someone everyone will recognize as worthy. The next legend will surely be dead, and be super famous. I think they will avoid a character that is alive for part of the story. (Like Scarlet or Garm's original owner)


I'm also hoping for a huge cleaving direct damage greatsword legend.

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> @Spectre.6821 said:

> So, are we ignoring the obvious here?

A certain recently dead GS wielding god?



I believe that it would feel awkward to have legend that let you use them to bring an end to themself when replaying old story... That's why personnalities that had a role in the player journey don't feel like they would make good candidate for legends.

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