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Next Elite Spec Suggestion: Wraith


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We had Reaper which was supposed to fill the role of Power Bruiser (I think), and Scourge filling the role of Condi Support (I think).


I would like to suggest the next Elite spec to be something that fills the role of a mobile lone-wolf...an intangible wisp-like being...and the [Deception](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Deception_(skill_type) "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Deception_(skill_type)") category of skills really appealed to me as it fits this theme to a tee.

And I'm naming this elite: Wraith (sorry if this name was already suggested before!)

I will not go into too deep details like the traits or the Cooldowns or damage numbers, range/radius etc., but just an overview of the theme and skills for this elite suggestion.


# Wraith


**The meaning in google terms:**

* a ghost or ghostlike image of someone, especially one seen shortly before or after their death.

* used in reference to a pale, thin, or insubstantial person or thing.

* a wisp or faint trace of something.


Thematically, the Wraith will exhibit aspects of its meaning listed above via the existing mechanics such as Deception skills, blink, clones, invisibility, and the new [Mirage Cloak](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mirage_Cloak "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mirage_Cloak") but all with a very Wraith-like twist!


# Shroud: Wraith Shroud


This Wraith Shroud should function the same as the current Sand Shroud in that we should still be allowed to use all our other non-shroud skills at the same time.

This really makes game-play a lot more fun and interactive.


* **F1** Summon 2 Wraiths (images of yourself) . These wraiths, unlike the Sand Shades, are mobile and as images of yourself (clones), will replicate all your actions **(including all the F skills below)** at X percentage of effectiveness and will disappear after replicating X number of your actions.

* **F2** Wraith drift: A X range (blink) that allows us to appear at different places rapidly

* **F3** Wraith Wail: A X radius AOE fear in the form of an instant cast Shout

* **F4** Wraith Leech: Suck out the life of foes within X radius (life siphon)

* **F5** Wraith Shroud: Envelop yourself in a ghostly shroud, gaining Invisibility for X seconds and granting X damage modifier bonus to your next attack from Invis. Leaves behind a **Smoke field**


# Weapon: Sword Main-hand (Melee Range)


* **Skill 1:** 1st Slash for X damage + X Lifeforce, 2nd Slash for X damage + X Lifeforce, 3rd Slash for X damage + Mirage Cloak (evade) for X seconds

* **Skill 2:** Stab/Thrust your foe for X damage, + inflict some conditions

* **Skill 3:** 'Shoot' your sword out across X distance, does X damage on hit and teleports you to your foe. Works only when there is a target, but does not require you to be in range. This is a **Leap Finisher** and will let us utilize the Smoke FIeld from F5 above to gain longer stealth duration if needed.


# Utilities (skills category: Deception)

[Deception](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Deception_(skill_type) "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Deception_(skill_type)") is a skill type focusing on stealth and avoiding damage. Same category of skills as what only Thieves and Mesmers have now.


* **Heal:** Your physical body enters into a separate realm, leaving behind a ghostlike image of yourself that inverts all damage taken (condi & power) into health and shroud split equally into 50% each.

* **Utility 1:** Vanish in a wisp of smoke, gaining stealth for X seconds, stun break

* **Utility 2:** Enter into the ghostly realm, appearing at a different location with an option to return to original spot, (shadowstep, stun break)

* **Utility 3:** Summon the ghostly realm into existence, creating an AOE field that provides pulses of Mirage Cloak (evade) for X seconds

* **Utility 4:** Evade backwards, leaving behind a ghostly wall that does X damage and applies X condition on foes that crosses it

* **Elite:** Wraith Possession: Possess your foes, Stunning and Immobilizing them for X seconds and does X damage


I know Necros and mobility and invisibility has never gone hand in hand...I do hope that the developers like this Wraith theme though and come to agree that mobility/invisibility fits Necro too! The Shroud mechanics if you notice, no longer give a second HP bar or Barrier bar. Defensive mechanics is now shifted to evades/mobility/stealth and hey, fits the dark-ish Necro theme if you buy the Wraith idea of something ghostly, intangible.


Let me know what you think!

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> @Ralkuth.1456 said:

> Interesting, I actually made a suggestion of the same name (and same weapon) on Reddit a while ago, [here](



> I was a bit greedy and wanted mobility, stealth, barrier and leech. You've obviously put a lot more thought into yours.


Oh wow. My suggestion is really similar to yours! I guess great minds think alike =)

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