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[merged] About the Skyscale Timegate...

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> @"Vyrulisse.1246" said:

> As I delve further into the collections I'm finding them very fun. The time gates are annoying still but I'm liking the overall story/quest forming with these after I got past the egg hunt stuff so I'd like to amend my complaints that it's not bad content, it's just a bit off putting that I have to wait days to proceed.


Wait until you have to farm the time gated item (22 days) for the time gated achievement (4 days) of the time gated collection (1 more day).


(or pay 100g to skip the 22 days).


This collection takes a minimum of 10 days if you are lucky or have money to burn. 4 of which just for 1 single achievement that requires 3 clicks each day.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> I didn't skip it ... I just didn't think it was relevant. Any argument where the premise is that there isn't a reason for time gating is not worth discussing to begin with. That doesn't make sense with the reality of the game. If you can't acknowledge there is a reason for it, your argument is dead in the water because it clearly opposes the reason Anet used it, whatever that reason is.


> Like I told the other guy ... this isn't about who's right or wrong on time gating. It's about coming to some understanding that there is a reason for Anet to use it. If you want to make a case for why time gating is bad in this case, you can't assume off the start there isn't a reason to use it.


The problem here isn't that people aren't seeing a reason they're using time-gating. The problem is that you're seeing the reason _you_ think ANet is doing this, and refusing to think they're doing it for any other reason. If you're truly going to assume that anyone with a criticism of the time-gates issues isn't worth talking to, I frankly don't understand why you're even _here_ on this thread.


It's been stated dozens of times in the thread, we get the reason most people think it's there, which is to stop binge-playing. But the binge players aren't even the people being affected by this. It's the people who don't have the time to do the content before the gating, who don't have the time for it. Time-gating isn't new to GW2 in any way, I'm no stranger to it at all. I've done daily crafting for Guild Hall mats, I've done ascended crafting, I've done backpiece farming. But I knew exactly what I was getting into, and people know what's entailed with it, which is why some people decide if they _want_ to do it or _not_.


Nobody even _knew_ until yesterday at reset, after everyone had already sunk in 12 or more hours to these collections, that Day 3 would entail an extra 22+ day time-gate _inside_ of the time gated content. **The issue here isn't what you think it is. It's not people debating whether or not time-gates are effective or serve a purpose. It's about why this content, despite being comparable in function to the last release, is so drastically different, and needs to be time-gated when there's already so much time and effort going into the collections alone.**



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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> Hi everyone,


> I wanted to provide a brief update after talking to various developers. We’re aware of the concerns expressed in this thread. The team is currently regrouping and we’re aiming to communicate more about this topic as soon as we possibly can.


> In the meantime, we're pushing a hotfix that will include hiding the skyscale Mastery line for players who have not acquired the skyscale so that they will continue to gain Mastery experience toward acquiring Spirit Shards.


> We're also working on another hotfix coming later that will alleviate issues with finishing the Skyscale of Ice achievement in Frostgorge Sound by making the Corrupted Ice Elementals near the Claw of Jormag event respawn regularly. These creatures can encase you in ice and progress the Skyscale of Ice achievement. This is a temporary fix until we can get something more permanent.


> Thank you for your understanding and patience.


Thank you for responding to our concerns. I hope we've done a good enough job explaining our gripes so we can come to a better understanding and hopefully create a better content environment for the game.

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If I had read ahead to know all the steps, I would have never started, now I'm so close I don't want to stop.

I can't say my OCD will allow me to skip a mount, but I sincerely hope this is not a pattern of things to come. Right now it's taking everything I can muster to login and play after, imho is a serious strikeout.

For all this work, the skyscale should kitten gems daily.


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OP, I completely relate to your step-by-step thought process, lol, I was right there thinking the same types of stuff.


I didn't mind the roller beetle unlock, and it was actually a cool way to get players back into PoF maps to liven them up. I soooo wish they had done that (sent us to complete old PoF events) instead of this time-gated "feed your skyscale" junk that I'm on now, and can't be bothered continuing with. I may get the skyscale eventually but I'm burnt out on caring about working on it for now.

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> In the meantime, we're pushing a hotfix that will include hiding the skyscale Mastery line for players who have not acquired the skyscale so that they will continue to gain Mastery experience toward acquiring Spirit Shards.


Thank you! This was driving me insane.

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> Hi everyone,


> I wanted to provide a brief update after talking to various developers. We’re aware of the concerns expressed in this thread. The team is currently regrouping and we’re aiming to communicate more about this topic as soon as we possibly can.


> In the meantime, we're pushing a hotfix that will include hiding the skyscale Mastery line for players who have not acquired the skyscale so that they will continue to gain Mastery experience toward acquiring Spirit Shards.


> We're also working on another hotfix coming later that will alleviate issues with finishing the Skyscale of Ice achievement in Frostgorge Sound by making the Corrupted Ice Elementals near the Claw of Jormag event respawn regularly. These creatures can encase you in ice and progress the Skyscale of Ice achievement. This is a temporary fix until we can get something more permanent.


> Thank you for your understanding and patience.


Greatly appreciate the response!

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As a new player (quit after launch but came back a year and a half ago) I LOVE collections. I'm not even that excited for the mount but I like doing them so I am.


And I missed the daily reset by 8 minutes tonight. Ughhhhh.


That means I have to wait 24 hours to even start the next one.


That's bad bad design. Sure time gate it so we can't bum rush through all of it but lock outs that reset by daily?


Why didnt you just release one collection per say?

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This is one of the few Time when I do have to say it was a really really bad game play and design decision. I am not all that interested in the sky scale itself and I don't mind it taking several days - but it is so gosh darn boring. I think I might have enjoyed it more if we got some kind of medium reward at significant steps along the way, a skyscale roost for the GH or a skyscale in the home instance, a nice mini or some kind of skyscale related weapon or armor. Something to feel like we had accomplished something along the way instead of just a long slog.

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> @"Kidel.2057" said:

> It's still useless since you need 4 days to feed it 3 items each day (up to 12). So 4 more days of clicking 1 button (honestly I see no reason for time gating that specific achievement, seriously, it can't be justified).



Maybe your dragon doesn't want to/can't physically eat 12 meals in one day? Maybe you need to earn its trust over time? Forcing it to eat 12 times when it clearly doesn't want to just seems cruel

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I dispise time gates, I'm not a kid with infinite time to play games, I have a career, I have responsabilties and other things to take care off.

and you blatantly insert a time gate to cap how much progress I can make when I actually have the time to play the game, because why ? just to annoy people !!!



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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:


> I wanted to provide a brief update after talking to various developers. We’re aware of the concerns expressed in this thread. The team is currently regrouping and we’re aiming to communicate more about this topic as soon as we possibly can.

> In the meantime, we're pushing a hotfix that will include hiding the skyscale Mastery line for players who have not acquired the skyscale so that they will continue to gain Mastery experience toward acquiring Spirit Shards.

> We're also working on another hotfix coming later that will alleviate issues with finishing the Skyscale of Ice achievement in Frostgorge Sound by making the Corrupted Ice Elementals near the Claw of Jormag event respawn regularly. These creatures can encase you in ice and progress the Skyscale of Ice achievement. This is a temporary fix until we can get something more permanent.

> Thank you for your understanding and patience.


Thanks for the update! I do hope they we provided some constructive arguments that can help better both this mount acquisition and others in the future!

Cheers :)




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> @"Nyarlathotep.4350" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:


> > Just start a new thread about players wasting xp when they haven't completed their masteries, or post in one of the existing threads on that topic. It is a much broader issue that has been discussed since the mastery system was introduced. But don't mention the new mount, I think pretty much any thread on that topic is going to get merged in the current environment . . .


> Merging everything is just going to make everything even messier...I don't know what they are thinking. But it is hard to create a thread without even mentioning the things that is making it an issue. Maybe if I use obscure nicknames for the mount and timegate or something... :T


Perhaps your original complaint was disingenuous then? Are you complaining about the fact that xp is wasted when masteries aren't complete, or are you complaining that the time gated skyscale collection is preventing you from completing your masteries? You can certainly discuss the former without discussing the latter, as there were many threads on the subject long before this episode's release . . .

> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > @"Thundabolt.8541" said:

> > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > @"tekhiun.8653" said:

> > > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > > The only really compelling argument I've seen against the time gate so far is that it is a lazy way to prolong the content and keep players invested in the map over a period of time, and I think that is a fair complaint. BUT, I haven't seen anyone present any reasonable alternative that accomplishes those goals nor have I seen anyone demonstrate that the time gate is causing any actual harm . . .

> > > > > > > @"EmmetOtter.8542" said:

> > > > > > > My only concern is will this become the norm? If it sets a precedent that is used for items that are really needed for progression in game then you can certainly point at this moment as being a terrible thing.

> > > > > > I'm not too worried about this. Anet seems to prefer mixing up their gates so it doesn't get stale, and if they did decide to go with precedent in the future they certainly have far worse examples from the recent past that they could follow . . .

> > > > >

> > > > > Then you haven't read any comments at all.

> > > > You are mistaken. It would be helpful for you if you stopped now and considered what led you to make this error . . .

> > > > > There are plenty of alternatives, like giving the mount at the beginning of the story, or after the first collection, and making the rest of the time gated stuff about something else like an exclusive skin for the skygated that would have matching skins for the other mounts in the gem store. Or just more an ascended gear box.

> > > > Those are not better, just different. For players who enjoy the getting more than the having they would actually be worse . . .

> > > > > As for the timegate actually causing harm, look at my case and of many others that are 1 day behind the collections:

> > > > I'm more than one day behind and I'm doing just fine. Again that's why personal experience is a bad argument. Anyone who feels like the game should be changed bc it would work out better for them has an inflated idea of their importance . . .

> > >

> > > You say personal experience is a bad argument, but you're also arguing against others using your own personal experience -- "more than a day behind and doing fine".

> > >

> > > There's really no need to be shooting down someone's feelings based on something they perceive as a negative experience, just because you're "doing fine". That's still your own personal experience.

> > Ty, exactly my point. I was illustrating how your personal experience is a poor argument for making changes to the game bc the personal experiences of others (me) will be counter to yours and of equal value. If you are looking to make a change to the game, only arguments about how it will affect the game will be persuasive, the individual experience is irrelevant . . .

> > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > > > @"sigur.9453" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Aetheldrake.6395" said:

> > > > > > > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > > > > > > It's like they want us to play the game or something . . .

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > well theyre gonna get a lot less gameplay by forcing people to wait for something. some people are like "im just gonna do the daily for this then go play something else" when they COULD just have the skyscale already and start working on gaining its masteries and learning how to use it. there are already so many daily things in game. dont make major new content time gated on top of the new content already having time gated events

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > So what's the alternative... have those same player go off complete the skyscale in a few hours then log off and go play something else until the next content update.

> > > > > > > > If your just logging in to do a collection then ignore the rest of the map content/the game in general... perhaps question why...

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > If the game has nothing else to offer than an artificial time gate, probably yes. But then it's on the devs to ask "why are people not playing out content? ".

> > > > > > This is a great point, but it does nothing to suggest that removing the time gate would improve the situation . . .

> > > > >

> > > > > Removing the time gate increases the breadth of appeal of the content. People who want to slowly advance the progression over the course of days or weeks could do so while those desiring to do the same amount of work over a shorter period, and who have the free time, could do so.

> > > > But how is that an improvement? In either case the player is leaving the game after they get their shiny. It would be great if the game could be all things to all players and one of gw2's great assets is its 'pick up and play' nature that allows players to take long breaks without falling behind but I'm not sure that those players should be favored over those who stick around during the 'droughts' and play both the new and the existing content . . .

> > >

> > > How is making content enjoyable by more paying customers an improvement over having it enjoyed by fewer?

> > >

> > > Is that a rhetorical question?

> > No . . .


> Ok then.


> The larger a business' satisfied customer base the greater that business' potential to monetize that customer base. If a business identifies an element of (one of) its product(s) that can be tweaked to generater greater good will among the paying customer base then that tweak, particularly, as pointed out, as those enjoying the current implementation would retain their preferred approach to enjoying the product, is a good idea.


I think you may be responding to something other than what you quoted. If you'll read back up the two proposals were a time gate where players play a little each day and quit, or no time gate where players play a lot for one day and quit. Players playing less sounds bad for your hypothetical business there :)

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> Hi everyone,


> I wanted to provide a brief update after talking to various developers. We’re aware of the concerns expressed in this thread. The team is currently regrouping and we’re aiming to communicate more about this topic as soon as we possibly can.


> In the meantime, we're pushing a hotfix that will include hiding the skyscale Mastery line for players who have not acquired the skyscale so that they will continue to gain Mastery experience toward acquiring Spirit Shards.


> We're also working on another hotfix coming later that will alleviate issues with finishing the Skyscale of Ice achievement in Frostgorge Sound by making the Corrupted Ice Elementals near the Claw of Jormag event respawn regularly. These creatures can encase you in ice and progress the Skyscale of Ice achievement. This is a temporary fix until we can get something more permanent.


> Thank you for your understanding and patience.


Thank you for the update, looking forward to further input from the team, whether it is a communication of intention or info about further incoming adjustments.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > @"Kidel.2057" said:

> > However at the point where you have to make/buy a 22 charged quartz (timegated) to feed the skyscale 12 times with a limit of 3 times per day (timegated), that's just trolling


> you can buy the finished items on tp


Buy them at insanely elevated pricing you mean??? Creating a "Scavenger Hunt" is one thing, involving hard to farm materials that you'll have to buy on the TP is just screwing over every player but a few. The time gating itself has divided the player based into haves and have not's as it prevents those who didn't finish before reset on the first day from ever catching up. Now, those few who were able to play during the day of the patch dropping will always get to see the collection requirements before anyone else. That gives them an exclusive opportunity to horde materials from the TP.


For a game the tries to pride itself on building a community, it sure does a great job at driving us apart.

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> @"DeWolfe.2174" said:

> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > @"Kidel.2057" said:

> > > However at the point where you have to make/buy a 22 charged quartz (timegated) to feed the skyscale 12 times with a limit of 3 times per day (timegated), that's just trolling

> >

> > you can buy the finished items on tp


> Buy them at insanely elevated pricing you mean??? Creating a "Scavenger Hunt" is one thing, involving hard to farm materials that you'll have to buy on the TP is just screwing over every player but a few. The time gating itself has divided the player based into haves and have not's as it prevents those who didn't finish before reset on the first day from ever catching up. Now, those few who were able to play during the day of the patch dropping will always get to see the collection requirements before anyone else. That gives them an exclusive opportunity to horde materials from the TP.


> For a game the tries to pride itself on building a community, it sure does a great job at driving us apart.


The argument fails when you could just pay attention to the latest reddit news on what which will be needed so you can buy it while still relatively cheap, before the masses catches on.

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> @"DeadDuke.6087" said:

> This time gating setup it lame kitten hell, missed reset by 5 mins now I have to wait 24hrs. LAME...................................................


That was me yesterday! I took a screen cap as I was standing at the last egg and it was 8:02. I missed it by 2 minutes. I'm just logging back on to continue now a whole 25 hrs and 41 minutes later. I'm still wrapping my head around the dev's thinking that forcing the players to stop playing the game for over a day is somehow a good business model????

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> @"DeWolfe.2174" said:

> > @"DeadDuke.6087" said:

> > This time gating setup it lame kitten hell, missed reset by 5 mins now I have to wait 24hrs. LAME...................................................


> That was me yesterday! I took a screen cap as I was standing at the last egg and it was 8:02. I missed it by 2 minutes. I'm just logging back on to continue now a whole 25 hrs and 41 minutes later. I'm still wrapping my head around the dev's thinking that forcing the players to stop playing the game for over a day is somehow a good business model????


you dont pay a subscription. And you got Dragonfall for free by logging in.

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