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[merged] About the Skyscale Timegate...

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> @"Nemezijus.6851" said:

> > @"eldrin.6471" said:

> > > @"Nemezijus.6851" said:

> > > > @"eldrin.6471" said:

> > > > and the steady decline in players

> > > Source for this?

> > >

> > >

> >

> > source?

> > since anet do not publish statistics on player activity there are no sources .

> > but we do get to see a steady decline in quarterly earnings.

> > we also got to see them payoff a lot of staff.

> > both would seem to show a decline in players.

> >


> Don't want to go offtopic anymore so this is my last offtopic post here, but what you are posting is just assumptions and not facts.

> I doubt any MMO officially reveals their active playerbase numbers (but I might be wrong).

> The quarterly earnings are not really decreasing as you can see here https://i.imgur.com/nIcymkb.png . If anything Q1 2019 > Q4 2018.

> Latest advertisements in public spaces should lead towards increase in player numbers, not other way around.

> We have no ground to say that the playerbase is decreasing, nor that the majority is unhappy about skyscale collection. The unhappy part of people do stand out because they write out their complaints in public. If every happy player were to voice his/her opinion you would see how the scales would tip.



It is normal for the unhappy part of the players to come and complain about the collection, because the happy players don't bother at all - you are right. Because of this, this thread doesn't mean that the majority of the player base are unhappy about the collection.


Seems like GW2 is doing okay as it is in an increasement, where every other game is in a steady decline. Which means several things. The overall market trend is declining while the GW2 is going up. This means that the devs are doing outstanding job.


ANET should continue to develop more like they see the things and less like the forum see the things - they are more experienced developers, marketers, storytellers etc. Quick example is the HoT expansion. After HoT was introduced many players raged the forum that it is super hard and confusing content. ANET listened to the complains and developed PoF. Where is PoF today, compared to HoT? The players in HoT maps are times more than the players in PoF maps. I am not saying the expansion was bad or something. I am saying that the same people that are complaining today about the collection were probably complaining about HoT back then (or are new players with similar thinking). The same players quit PoF maps and returned to HoT maps.


That is why I was against changing the collection. I know that all the people complaining here just want their mount faster but this is killing the game and shouldn't be encouraged. ANET, please, you know better, listen to your player base but don't necessary agree with them for a change. Explain them why your way is better and what you are trying to accomplish with this. I can only imagine how hard it is but it is the right choice.

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I'm...disappointed by this nonsense. More-so now than I was earlier. I heard about the quartz after finishing newborn skyscales and it made me very unhappy. I don't like the quartz thing. At all. I really don't like the idea of daily time-gates. I play when I feel like it, not on a set schedule. I play for fun, not to grind. On that note, the story of many of the episodes was so unhappy, then a lead in to a "huh, wait what? Where..." moment? Barf in a handbasket. Not enjoyable. Not pleasant.

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> @"Terc.5736" said:

> Thanks for the changes to the timegate , of course they came after I'm done today, and will benefit everyone else but this customer! Can you reduce the amount of time it takes to make charged crystals you need lol


If you really can't wait, why don't you just farm gold and buy the food from the trading Post ? You can have it with the time gate but spend little money, or without the time gate, but then you have to pay. Where's the problem ? You have the CHOICE. It's not like you were forced to do those Cristal things.

Removing the time gate from the crystals is the same as giving you the collection for free and doing nothing. I don't understand :/

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> @"Kyumy.5370" said:

> > @"Terc.5736" said:

> > Thanks for the changes to the timegate , of course they came after I'm done today, and will benefit everyone else but this customer! Can you reduce the amount of time it takes to make charged crystals you need lol


> If you really can't wait, why don't you just farm gold and buy the food from the trading Post ? You can have it with the time gate but spend little money, or without the time gate, but then you have to pay. Where's the problem ? You have the CHOICE. It's not like you were forced to do those Cristal things.

> Removing the time gate from the crystals is the same as giving you the collection for free and doing nothing. I don't understand :/


It's really not. All the collections involve some kind of work, even without the crystals.


The main contradiction here is that they said themselves that the timegating was supposed to be an attempt to replace the gold-sink collections of the Griffon.


Kind of counter-intuitive when that same design makes players pay gold because they don't want to wait 22 days :\

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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> It is normal for the unhappy part of the players to come and complain about the collection, because the happy players don't bother at all - you are right. Because of this, this thread doesn't mean that the majority of the player base are unhappy about the collection.

Dissatisfaction about the skyscale collection has also been commonly voiced and complained about over various in-game map chats. I would say the sentiment is more prevalent than simply "only the extremes post online" (to sum). ANet fooked up.

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I really don't see the point of time gating items of any sort.


Time gating things such as dungeons, meta rewards and raids make sense since those are what you could consider as "Daily activities" and everyone is equally rewarded for participation. Time gating items make no sense however. I mean crafting ascended armour alone is more of a hassle just because of time gate so I just farm excessively and buy materials and sell the ones I already have to cover losses for buying the time gated materials.


I really think ANet should look into what they time gate. Time Gating certain things in a game puts progression into a full stop so that regardless of what we do we can't do anything to make our progress move forward.

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>"For now, we’ve made a couple of changes in areas where players were engaging in content with competing goals. In the May 28 update, we’ll reduce the time between collection tiers from 24 hours to 2 hours, to reflect the passage of a full day in Tyrian time rather than in real world time. You’ll also be able to feed your skyscale four times a day instead of three, reducing the total number of days you need to feed your skyscale by one (assuming you feed them the maximum amount each day)."


I finished this collection today and am now waiting again to start collection 4 and by the time these changes come in i'll have likely finished all the Skyscale Collections and will finally have my mount so a significant amount of my time has already been wasted by the mandatory 24 hour timegate and the limited feeding as well.


I knew that was always going to be the case though should any changes come about.

Either way I'm really glad to hear these changes are coming and the process is going to be significantly less annoying for those who do them after the 28th.

They came just to late for me and many others but oh well, hopefully timegated content in future won't be so restrictive ^^

Thanks for taking my criticism so well Anet even though I give it while being clearly frustrated and annoyed.

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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > @"Airyll.7849" said:

> > We aren't asking for "less effort". We're asking for the Skyscale to reflect the amount of effort it needs.


> "this mount and collection is way to much effort for to little reward"

> Since the mount isn't changing, you want to put less effort in order to obtain it.

> In other words you want to get closer to instant gratification :)


> Also crafting any legendary collection with its precursor will take you more time/money than this collection, aka the effort put in it is more than the effort you put in the mount collection. Example - Aurora. You are 15 days time gated just to get the back, which is 2 times more than the mount collection, at its previous state, after the change next week it will be 3 times ... you must be aware that tomorrow many players will have the mount.



All you do - literally all you do - is put words into other people's mouths.

You assume that because I say "I want the Skyscale to reflect the amount of effort ArenaNet ask me to put in" that I'm saying "I want the grind to be less because I know they won't change the mount" and these two statements **_ARE NOT THE SAME THING_**


Also a friendly reminder that if you do not have the Charged Quartz you need for this mount, this mount takes _22 days_, so no, Aurora is not "2 times more."


When you can actually discuss your own points instead of trying to twist and manipulate the things everybody else says (and also when you can stop being wrong, as per the immediate point above) then we can, you know, have a discussion. But until then, you can stop responding to me, because you don't _actually_ respond to me at all. You try to put words into my mouth that I haven't said and then you add in smarmy little emotes as if you've proven your point from some morally superior high ground, which you have not. You're wasting everybody's time because you have no ability to make points of your own, you just twist the words of everybody else to try and suit your made-up narrative. Get out of your echo chamber and actually listen to what people are saying.

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I honestly don't have much issue with the map currency requirements, though some maps are randomly harder to grind the currency for than others which is a bit annoying. Also, I could be wrong but didn't they claim it wouldn't be costly to obtain in the last stream for it? If so that was a pretty big lie, as the cost of the thing is 200+ gold if you include the loss of potential profit.

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> @"Airyll.7849" said:

> > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > > @"Airyll.7849" said:

> > > We aren't asking for "less effort". We're asking for the Skyscale to reflect the amount of effort it needs.

> >

> > "this mount and collection is way to much effort for to little reward"

> > Since the mount isn't changing, you want to put less effort in order to obtain it.

> > In other words you want to get closer to instant gratification :)

> >

> > Also crafting any legendary collection with its precursor will take you more time/money than this collection, aka the effort put in it is more than the effort you put in the mount collection. Example - Aurora. You are 15 days time gated just to get the back, which is 2 times more than the mount collection, at its previous state, after the change next week it will be 3 times ... you must be aware that tomorrow many players will have the mount.

> >




> Also a friendly reminder that if you do not have the Charged Quartz you need for this mount, this mount takes _22 days_, so no, Aurora is not "2 times more."


For the backpack you couldn't skip the time-gate. The items from heart-vendors were accountbound. The items in this collection can be bought from TP, you can farm gold in some maps and buy it on the same day.



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> @"Airyll.7849" said:

> > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > > @"Airyll.7849" said:

> > > We aren't asking for "less effort". We're asking for the Skyscale to reflect the amount of effort it needs.

> >

> > "this mount and collection is way to much effort for to little reward"

> > Since the mount isn't changing, you want to put less effort in order to obtain it.

> > In other words you want to get closer to instant gratification :)

> >

> > Also crafting any legendary collection with its precursor will take you more time/money than this collection, aka the effort put in it is more than the effort you put in the mount collection. Example - Aurora. You are 15 days time gated just to get the back, which is 2 times more than the mount collection, at its previous state, after the change next week it will be 3 times ... you must be aware that tomorrow many players will have the mount.

> >


> All you do - literally all you do - is put words into other people's mouths.

> You assume that because I say "I want the Skyscale to reflect the amount of effort ArenaNet ask me to put in" that I'm saying "I want the grind to be less because I know they won't change the mount" and these two statements **_ARE NOT THE SAME THING_**


> Also a friendly reminder that if you do not have the Charged Quartz you need for this mount, this mount takes _22 days_, so no, Aurora is not "2 times more."


I suggest you to go back and read whos words are "this mount and collection is way to much effort for to little reward". When I quote another person (these are his words) and you get in, by quoting us both, and then use the word "we" (in your last sentence, which I quoted), you automatically agree with him. But this is kinda off topic and there is no need to attack me personally just because you didn't understand something (yes it is your fault).


Now, how about check your facts about the Charged Quartz? Yes you need these Charged Quartz but you are forgetting you can skip the time gate related to them by just buying the lamp and the food from the TP (the food that actually requires a Charged Quartz each to be crafted).




Let me know if something is not clear- I will gladly help you to understand ;)

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> @"Kyumy.5370" said:

> > @"Airyll.7849" said:

> > > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > > These are your words. You want even less effort, no? What would be less effort in your opinion?

> >

> > You seem to be very good at nit-picking comments that serve your own narrative and intentionally ignoring all constructive comments that reveal the actual problem with the mount:

> > The Skyscale's collection is equivalent to that of a legendary collection, with additional unreasonable time-gating and not enough reward. The time-gating has been _mostly_ resolved, but this still now leaves us with a legendary collection that does _not_ give you a legendary outcome. The Skyscale is a mediocre mount compared to the others we already have access to; it cannot travel on the ground as fast as the Raptor, the Jackal or the Roller Beetle / it cannot ascend as quickly as the Springer or the Jackal (via portals) / it cannot fly as fast as the Griffon and by extension, a skilled Griffon flyer will also be able to stay airborne longer than the stop-start nature of Skyscale's "flight".

> >

> > The effort that goes into getting the Skyscale does _not_ equate to the reward I get. I actually find the collection to be really fun, and I don't mind it, but I'm loathed to do it because I'm doing it for... a sidegrade. A not-even-a-sidegrade, in fact. We're not asking for the collection to be less effort; we're asking for the _reward_ of the collection to _appropriately match_ the effort required to get it. For legendary collections everywhere else in the game (weapons, armour and trinkets alike) you get impressive visual effects, you get the ability to stat change whenever you want for no cost, you can always retrieve upgrades you have put into them without needing an extractor to do so - they are _upgrades_ to Exotic and Ascended gear, not a sidegrade. Considering the fact that the Skyscale takes as much effort and time as Legendary collection does, why does it not give something of appropriate value as a reward?

> >

> > We aren't asking for "less effort". We're asking for the Skyscale to reflect the amount of effort it needs.

> >


> Do you really think it should work this way ? Again, no offense by any means, it's a real question. Don't you think if the reward isn't good enough, then people that don't think it's worth spending time on it just shouldn't do it.

> I don't craft every single legendary weapon only because it's available and I feel the need to do it at all cost. From my point of view, it's not worth spending time crafting them. Thus I just don't craft, but I don't ask the recipe to change, or the legendary to be improved.

> (Again, don't be triggered here, It really is discussion, not here to taunt or whatever)


I think that any game and every game - of any genre, of any type, you name it - should try to always have a golden principle in mind when they design content: "is this reward worth the time we ask them to invest into getting it?" I don't think it is unfair that we view our time investment as a form of currency because, in the game industry, it is. Our time is our currency, not just our money; we all have limited hours in our day. Therefore, we want content we do to feel like it was worth doing. This is the same reason why people who have spent years upon years in World of Warcraft, for example, might find it hard to let the game go even if they don't think the game is worth it any more, because they have _invested_ into it for so long.


The Skyscale has the potential to be a legendary mount, if they would just let it fly. The reality of our current mounts is that they already invalidate every single older map in Core Tyria and in Heart of Thorns, so the only thing that ArenaNet are trying to do with the Skyscale right now is keep some manner of balance in Path of Fire maps that were designed with mounts themselves in mind. And even then, I don't think it would break any of these maps if they just let the Skyscale flat out fly at the regular pace it moves at. It doesn't fly very fast, so if you want to zip around a map you won't use it. And it doesn't go up very fast, so if you're trying to gain height quickly, you won't use it. And it certainly doesn't run very fast, so you aren't going to use it for ground travel. The mount, even in its current iteration, is nothing more than a bit of grandiose showboating. So, I ask: why not _let_ it be the ultimate showboating mount? Nobody's going to use it when they want to actually do content purely because of the speed it moves at, but if they just want to fly on a cool looking mount that they worked hard to get, it would feel very rewarding in that regard. As it stands right now, the Skyscale is just _missing_ something, it's missing that flavour that is meant to make it "prestige" as ArenaNet themselves called it. Given the borderline legendary nature of the collection, I don't think it's unfair for players to say "Hey, look, we don't mind putting in all this work because this mount has real potential! It just needs a small balance fix, you just need to let it fly, and it would _absolutely_ make the collection feel perfect for the mount itself."


If you don't want to do it, that's fine. If you don't think it's worth your time, you don't have to do it. But that doesn't really mean that other players shouldn't point out when an idea with potential isn't actually living up to that potential; what you are basically asking everybody to do is "settle" for what they get. It's a very "shut up and put up" attitude, even if you perhaps don't mean it to be; we aren't asking you to follow our standards, we aren't telling you to do the mount if you feel like it would be a waste of your time. In turn, we ask that you don't try to simply throw away our valid criticisms or suggestions under the notion that we just... shouldn't bother?


As a side note, asking somebody not to be triggered probably isn't a good way to have a discussion with somebody.

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This thread is once again shines one of the most repeatedly and consistently disappointing aspects of the Guild Wars 2 community. In many ways this community is amazing. But in this regard it is one of the worst most frustrating online game communities I have ever seen.


Any time there is EVER anything to accomplish in this game, or work towards, or look forward too, the community cannot emotionally handle it. When Ascended gear first came into the game people had complete meltdowns. They had meltdown over them being available for Laurels.


I remember a friend pointing it out to me and telling me to save up my laurels and that after a while I'd save up enough to buy ascended trinkets. And that got me excited. It was nice knowing I had something to look forward to. And then I got my trinkets and it felt great. I got even more of them after that.


When 500 Ascended Crafting came out people had another meltdown again. How dare Arenanet have daily crafting cooldown on (Tradable) materials. How dare they. Went people couldn't handle the skill required for Season 2 story missions, for heart of thorns story missions, for LWS3 and Path of Fire story missions, ect. They have complete meltdowns. When optional content like the Queen's Gauntlet and Liadri of the Concealing Dark (One of the coolest things ever added to PvE) came out people could not emotionally handle the idea that one tiny aspect of the patch not being build with the same impossible to fail easy face roll philosophy most other aspects of Guild Wars 2's PvE ended up, even though often times it was unintentional like with Dungeons which were always intended to be hard content.


Heck people got furiously upset over how hard _optional_ challenge achievements for content was, like Migraine or the LS2+3 achievements were. Not even the main story missions, the OPTIONAL stuff there to CHALLENGE players. The griffon was a aggressively yelled about. Too secretive. Too expensive. Too time consuming.


This community largely cannot handle any kind of adversity. Of any kind. Whether it requires skill, or dedication, or cooperation, or planning. Every time something remotely interesting like Raiding comes out the community cannot handle it and aggressively backlashes and whines about it until it's ruined. This is exactly why 99% of the things you can get in this game, are either from the gem store or available for straight gold. Because if people can't bust out the credit card and get it you better expect a shit show.


Like for Mount Skins Arenanet could have added a bonus content pack like Mountster Rancher to the gem store, where you over the course of a week raise a new mount and gain a new skin. But if we had actual content on that rewarded skins through some investment people would freak the hell out. So instead of a bonus content we can buy, with content and an experience like other games get, and rewards we get lootboxes. Because this community can't handle the idea of actually playing the game. So we just get loot boxes.


It is a good and valuable thing for there to be things that you personally have not finished yet. It is a good and valuable thing for there to be things for players to work toward. It is a good and valuable for there to be things to look forward to. I think about how I didn't just complete the story, map completion, and all the achievements and skins in the span of a handful of hours. How I still have goals to achieve. And that makes me happy. I look forward to getting my Scalescale after dedication and how meaningful it will be to me once I finally get it. Heck it'll be more personally valuable than almost all my legendaries just because of the time invented into it rather than how easily I can farm the gold for a Legendary.


But we can't have that. We can't have nice things. Everything needs to be both faceroll easy and instant gratification. And then everyone is sitting around wondering why they don't have content anymore while they wait months for the next Living World release. Heck we can't even have a hard mode for Living World because people would be angry that there's an _optional_ mode designed to be challenging in solo and not allowing player assistance.


Anything remotely cool or interesting gets complained about until it's both faceroll easy and instant gratification. It makes me lose hope in the community and game to ever introduce good content that actually engages the player outside of raids. It's why the big amazing fight against Kralkatorrik during All or Nothing was really just players attacking a static structure that doesn't fight back, or why the only two story missions this last patch it's practically impossible to take damage and die. Because the developers inadvertently conditioned the player base to never expect anything more, and to not be capable of handling more.


And yes, the people will never stop complaining. After this they'll want cheaper legendaries, and to not have to spend points or earn experience for masteries, or to just unlock all skins and dyes in the game instantly. And complain and complain and complain nonstop until eventually Arenanet literally just gives people everything. Because why not? Why not just unlock all skins, dyes, masteries, achievements? At the end of the day that's what these people are asking for. And if you let them they'll complain for more and more and more instant gratification until there's literally nothing left in the game left to do ergo there is no game anymore and everyone mass quits. Games are excercises in simulated adversity. And when you make everything so free and effortless it practically plays itself you literally aren't left with a game anymore.

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I'm disappointed that ANet kept the map currency and charged quartz requirements a secret. I've got less than half of what is required in 4 of the currencies. Maybe next time requirements that can't be bought or sold on the TP could be revealed in a manner that won't spoil any un-veilings.

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Been playing since 2013 and this is my first forum post. Basically:


"It doesn’t make sense for your skyscale to go from an egg to fully grown in a day."


When you get a new baby (or a new pet), it doesn't make sense that you will buy dippers only when he does #2, or get food only when he starts crying his lungs out. You know what you will face and buy things in advance. Stockpile the #2 out of dippers.

The achievements collections discovery on top of the hour doesn't make sense as well, so you should consider opening up what is required to care for a new pet in advance of it getting there. It's reckless planning from the Commander and bad research from Gorrik on what was needed. Such lack of efficiency and planning from both of them that I even question their capabilities on keeping Tyria safe.


Get their #2 together ... make Tyria great again with responsible heroes that know what they need to get into in the first place.

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> @"pinguadoido.6581" said:

> Been playing since 2013 and this is my first forum post. Basically:


> "It doesn’t make sense for your skyscale to go from an egg to fully grown in a day."


> When you get a new baby (or a new pet), it doesn't make sense that you will buy dippers only when he does #2, or get food only when he starts crying his lungs out. You know what you will face and buy things in advance. Stockpile the #2 out of dippers.

> The achievements collections discovery on top of the hour doesn't make sense as well, so you should consider opening up what is required to care for a new pet in advance of it getting there. It's reckless planning from the Commander and bad research from Gorrik on what was needed. Such lack of efficiency and planning from both of them that I even question their capabilities on keeping Tyria safe.


> Get their #2 together ... make Tyria great again with responsible heroes that know what they need to get into in the first place.


PS: I feel like "Three Men and a Baby", 1987

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> @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:


>...Everything needs to be both faceroll easy and **instant gratification**...


It's amazing how just one phrase can immediately prove someone hasn't bothered to actually read legitimate complaints.


My guy, no one wants the mount instantly. Collection 1 is a 3x map circle, Collections 2, 4, and 5 actually have you go out into the world and play. The main one people were criticizing was Collection 3, because of the Quartz. Cutting a time-gate from 22+ days down to just 4 is an _improvement_, but it's not instant whatsoever.


At the current point, the main issue people are taking is the lack of transparency from ANet, since the time-gates denied us of any info of the later collections, and thus people are unprepared for what they entail. If you're going to bring legendaries into this, at least understand that when someone starts on a legendary, they know exactly what they need to do and can manage their time properly. They _don't_ find out what they need to do 7 days later, like we did for this.


Also, word of advice, stop assuming that every criticism is a slippery slope that leads to people wanting to remove any effort from the game at all. That's just unnecessary hyperbole and derailing actual constructive comments.


And, despite the fact I've not even seen a single person asking for that, if someone _is_ asking for ArenaNet to do all that, then myself [and a _big_ majority of the 1.7k comments in this thread, I'd imagine] completely disagree with them.


We don't want that. We just want to voice our opinions.


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> @"CJtheBigBear.9610" said:

> > @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:


> >...Everything needs to be both faceroll easy and **instant gratification**...


> It's amazing how just one phrase can immediately prove someone hasn't bothered to actually read legitimate complaints.


> My guy, no one wants the mount instantly. Collection 1 is a 3x map circle, Collections 2, 4, and 5 actually have you go out into the world and play. The main one people were criticizing was Collection 3, because of the Quartz. Cutting a time-gate from 22+ days down to just 4 is an _improvement_, but it's not instant whatsoever.


> At the current point, the main issue people are taking is the lack of transparency from ANet, since the time-gates denied us of any info of the later collections, and thus people are unprepared for what they entail. If you're going to bring legendaries into this, at least understand that when someone starts on a legendary, they know exactly what they need to do and can manage their time properly. They _don't_ find out what they need to do 7 days later, like we did for this.


> Also, word of advice, stop assuming that every criticism is a slippery slope that leads to people wanting to remove any effort from the game at all. That's just unnecessary hyperbole and derailing actual constructive comments.


> And, despite the fact I've not even seen a single person asking for that, if someone _is_ asking for ArenaNet to do all that, then myself [and a _big_ majority of the 1.7k comments in this thread, I'd imagine] completely disagree with them.


> We don't want that. We just want to voice our opinions.



Dude there were threads about how unfair _20g_ for the _Jackle_ was. The community will complain about anything that isn't instant gratification. That's always been true for the bulk of the community. This is just one more, the super ultra achievement for doing a lot of things for Living World Season 4 is going to be invalidated. Why not just give everyone Aurora for free too whether they did it or not? Why not?

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> These time gates are just not standard for mounts regardless if you like having stuff to work to or not not everyone likes having to wait 24 hours for something they could be working toward earning. For example i fed my dragon 3 times yesterday and finished the collection 3 and now im currently waiting 24 hours to even start collection 4. Why is that necessary particularly on this step. Its not. It was also not necessary on collection 1 to collection 2. Collection 3 having a time gate was ok i could have tolerated it if it was just that but some of the progression steps really dont need the gate period of 24 hours maybe 2-4 hours (one in game day cycle) at most.


Why all this talk of stuff being 'standard for mounts', it's a game, I don't need standards and routines and everything being made the same way. Devs can change things around; like they did with griffon acquisition from the other mounts, like they did with Beetle and then the Warclaw and now the Skyscale. If it was all standard procedure I'd be bored and stop playing the game. Now the devs have come out and adjusted the reset, so many players in the community got their way again... I still feel it was unnecessary, but I guess we'll remain in disagreement there.


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> @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:


> Dude there were threads about how unfair _20g_ for the _Jackle_ was. You will complain about anything that isn't instant gratification. That's always been true for the bulk of the community.


That's the Jackal, not the Skyscale. I don't care who complained about what in the past, it's not at all relevant to this situation.


If people want to complain about that, they're more than welcome to, I personally don't care even if I don't agree with that. But this is a separate situation, and overlooking every legitimate criticism from this just because someone complained about something else once is completely ridiculous.

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Re: Charged Quartz Crystals: I have 171 left after making the food and the Grow Lamp.


Lesson: if acquiring a timegated resource is essentially free, acquire it at every opportunity even if you see no immediate (or distant) need for it. Why? Because one day there might be a reason to use it, and you'll be kicking yourself if you *could* have made it along the way but didn't.


Go round Dry Top and mine all the Quartz nodes (Charged Quartz drops on a semi-rare chance), and visit someone's home instance for another Quartz node and a Krait Obelisk Shard to convert 25 ordinary Quartz Crystals in to a Charged one. You *can* get more than one Charged Quartz per day.


Translation: I'm not really very sympathetic about the complaints from long-time players about Charged Quartz. For new players coming to this after playing only for a short time, sure, it's a problem, but not for long-time players.


Before you say it: yes, of course there's no significant "for purpose X" reason to make CQCs in the absence of the Skyscale collection. I made them anyway, mostly because I had the node and might as well use it, but also in case I found a use for them. See the lesson up above.

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> @"CJtheBigBear.9610" said:

> > @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:


> > Dude there were threads about how unfair _20g_ for the _Jackle_ was. You will complain about anything that isn't instant gratification. That's always been true for the bulk of the community.


> That's the Jackal, not the Skyscale. I don't care who complained about what in the past, it's not at all relevant to this situation.


> If people want to complain about that, they're more than welcome to, I personally don't care even if I don't agree with that. But this is a separate situation, and overlooking every legitimate criticism from this just because someone complained about something else once is completely ridiculous.


The only real criticism of the Skyscale is that the acquisition isn't more similar to Aurora in acquisition. Something that required a lot more dedication and effort. That breathes new life into the LWS4 maps forever. That has prestige showing exactly what content the player _had_ to do to be able to get this item. That everyone can see someone riding it in the open world and think "Oh that means this person 100% compeleted Living World Season 4."


And if we got that, you lot would have been even _more_ pissed.


And instead we basically have something that does kind of please no one where you aside from a five minutes of your time every day once you get the collections done very little is asked of you. And so players who actually are competent at the game are kind of left with this game play that's just "Go here and press F" and all the whiners in this thread are unhappy that they can't press F on all the things _NOW_.

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> @"Genesis.8572" said:

> > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > It is normal for the unhappy part of the players to come and complain about the collection, because the happy players don't bother at all - you are right. Because of this, this thread doesn't mean that the majority of the player base are unhappy about the collection.

> Dissatisfaction about the skyscale collection has also been commonly voiced and complained about over various in-game map chats. I would say the sentiment is more prevalent than simply "only the extremes post online" (to sum). ANet fooked up.


I really don't get why people are defending this system. Really. They have messed up badly on this part of the episode. I am glad that they realized that and that other players won't have the same experience I did. I think is about time for Anet to stop pretending they don't have quests and make a proper UI that reflects this. Even without all the issues of this release, this is still a problem. We don't have a proper quest tracking system, maybe they are changing gradually, the second step of the collection at least shows it, and maybe they did the same for the next steps ( stopped playing after completing the 2nd step in 3 hours and having to wait 21hours to continue with content).

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> @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:


> And instead we basically have something that does kind of please no one where you aside from a five minutes of your time every day once you get the collections done very little is asked of you. And so players who actually are competent at the game are kind of left with this game play that's just "Go here and press F" and all the whiners in this thread are unhappy that they can't press F on all the things _NOW_.


If you go back and read the actual criticism in the thread, you'll find a good majority of it falls into the first category of players. And if anyone falls into category two, assume that we disagree with them too.


ANet isn't listening to the people who are ranting with "if this doesnt change im gonna quit!!!", because they shouldn't. What they _are_ listening to, is calm criticism, like myself and many others have been trying to provide over the past few days, as more and more info about the collections comes to light.


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