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Only the mount after doing all the collections for the skyscale?

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> @"coso.9173" said:

> This mount will take me around 5 days. The griffin took me months because of the money needed. I think this is much faster and easier in effort/reward.


Then you better hope that the final collections for the skyscale do not have a goldsink attached to them.

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> @"Paulash.5814" said:

> It just seems like a ridiculous amount of effort for the mount. People who play casually definitely will not do these collections, especially considering how tedious they are. I like the idea of certain things in the game being difficult to obtain, but these collections are just monotonous and time-gated. It's not like raiding or new fractals where the difficulty comes from new mechanics and skill. The collections are just an attempt to artificially make the zone more populated for a larger stretch of time. What's gonna end up happening is that after people get their skyscales, they'll just never return to dragonfall cuz they'll be so sick of the zone. That's probably whats gonna happen to me.


lol i just unlocked it just now...... and oh my god....... yeah I think i'll wait for guild wars 3

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> @"Paulash.5814" said:

> It just seems like a ridiculous amount of effort for the mount. People who play casually definitely will not do these collections, especially considering how tedious they are. I like the idea of certain things in the game being difficult to obtain, but these collections are just monotonous and time-gated. It's not like raiding or new fractals where the difficulty comes from new mechanics and skill. The collections are just an attempt to artificially make the zone more populated for a larger stretch of time. What's gonna end up happening is that after people get their skyscales, they'll just never return to dragonfall cuz they'll be so sick of the zone. That's probably whats gonna happen to me.


I notice already how I can't stand the map anymore, after finishing the first collection and doing most achievements, I'm kinda burned out of dragon's fall.


Fortunately, the other steps require you to visit other places like sun's refuge.

Now I can finish the living story episodes that I missed beforehand, whilst waiting for the daily reset. ^^

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> @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> Has anyone seen any title achievements unlock as they have delved deeper into the Skyscale achievements? I am still at the first step. Titles are one of the things I look forward to most in new content, but I was pretty bummed not to see any (yet).

there are no titles so far in the collections

but there's an achiev called "ruler of the skies" in the explore tap but with no description, guess they will add it after you unlock the skyscale


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