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Please stop with the jumping puzzles

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There are a least a few vistas which are at the end of jumping puzzles (I'd don't feel like looking them up).

I personally enjoyed the JP in the original release - fairly quick and straightforward (though even some of those were pushing it - requiring 100 jumps vs 50 does not make things better). It is LS where they sort of went in the wrong direction, IMO.

In terms of rewards, I also don't mind there being some specific reward at the end of a JP. What I dislike is that there is some specific reward needed for a collection at the end of a JP or some other particular content. A case of 'The other 19 items for this collections were interesting/doable, but that last one is something I can't do/don't want to do'. Because at that time, I just write off the entire collection as something I will not do, which then effectively decreases the amount of playable content for me


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When I read complaints like this, part of me is like "Do you even game?"


I mean, jumping puzzles are a part of this game, so I naturally do them to get the rewards. Even if I die a hundred deaths, or need to take a break.


Yeah, failing is frustrating, but with a game I feel like I can so I will finish it. If need be, with the help of some friends. And I definitely don't like to ask for help, or play with guides and walkthroughs, but if I have to I can.


Writing off part of the game is not even an option that comes to mind, thats just sacrilegious.

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When I read complaints like this, part of me is like "Do you even game?"


I mean, jumping puzzles are a part of this game, so I naturally do them to get the rewards. Even if I die a hundred deaths, or need to take a break.


Yeah, failing is frustrating, but with a game I feel like I can so I will finish it. If need be, with the help of some friends. And I definitely don't like to ask for help, or play with guides and walkthroughs, but if I have to I can.


Writing off part of the game is not even an option that comes to mind, thats just sacrilegious.

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While I've completed almost every jumping puzzle honestly (and chalice of tears dishonestly - mesmer ports), my enjoyment of them varies. IMO, 5 minutes if about the max I want to spend on a jumping puzzle.

My actual biggest complaint about them now days is all the 'no mount' zones that are put around them (and some still so poorly done that you can still use a mount to bypass it). They should really just remove all of those - who cares if a player uses a mount to compete a JP, if that is what they want to do. But more, its just disruptive to the play of the game - it breaks immersion into the game, because there is no logical (or even visual indication) that an area is a no mount zone until you wander into it.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Bunter.3795" said:

> > I have no problem putting a skin as a reward in a jumping puzzle. You want the skin, you figure out a way to do the JP. The one thing I dislike is the putting of basic game things behind jumping puzzles, such as mastery points, map completion, etc. Not everyone can do JP's and no one should be forced to not be able to complete a map due to a Poi being in a JP. Achievement points, unique rewards, etc all can be in Jumping puzzles and if I want that reward, I have to do the JP.


> There’s usually an excess number of mastery points so jumping puzzles can be skipped. In what way is map completion locked behind completing a jumping puzzle or at least in a way that hasn’t been in the game since launch.


Grothmar map requires partial completion of the jumping puzzle to get to the vista there. Is one example.

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Jump puzzles are so much fun, I defenitely hope they continue adding them. I still do old ones like day 1 without mounts. I like the hexane sky lab in metrica. I also appreciate southsuncove cave for its uses of geyzers. My top one will be that volcanic lab in fireheart rise: several enigmas in one. You have the room with reversed platforms and asuran gates, the aquarium with golems pushing you, the platform fight at the end...

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Bunter.3795" said:

> > I have no problem putting a skin as a reward in a jumping puzzle. You want the skin, you figure out a way to do the JP. The one thing I dislike is the putting of basic game things behind jumping puzzles, such as mastery points, map completion, etc. Not everyone can do JP's and no one should be forced to not be able to complete a map due to a Poi being in a JP. Achievement points, unique rewards, etc all can be in Jumping puzzles and if I want that reward, I have to do the JP.


> There’s usually an excess number of mastery points so jumping puzzles can be skipped. In what way is map completion locked behind completing a jumping puzzle or at least in a way that hasn’t been in the game since launch.

Some JP's like that (Breached wall and Vizier's Tower, for example) have been there since the game's launch. Some (like the abovementioned Grothmar vista case, although it can be partially skipped) were added later.


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