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[Bug] Vista in Southern Bloodtide Coast not achievable without Glider / Springer (Invisible Wall)

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Hey there, just wanted to report a problem I encountered yesterday:


In Southern Bloodtide Coast in the Mournful Depths region there is a Vista you can't reach as a "newby" player anymore. I checked some videos to see how it worked prior to PoF:



Around 0:21 you can see how the Asura is going to jump over the stones to reach the highest plane, that's not possible anymore due to invisible walls stopping you from jumping onto the last stone before you reach the plateau. You need a Mesmer (portal), Glider or Springer Mount to reach it now, preventing new players or players without any of the expansions to achieve this Vista and complete the map.

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Thank you for posting this Nyel. I came here to post this bug and saw yours.


A number of us were trying to get this vista that is just a bit SE of Jelako Cliffrise in Bloodtide Coast. I tried for some time along with other people and was unable to get on the rock that you should be able to jump on. Wondering if I was maybe trying the wrong route, I looked it up online and realized that me, along with everyone else was taking the correct route, but it is bugged by an invisible wall blocking the rock you used to be able to jump on.


I wasn't grouped. This was around 11:30 am Eastern time on the EU server Piken Square. Thanks to a very kind Mesmer who was offering in map chat to help people out who needed this, I did finally get it completed.

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