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Skyscale mount mechanics (not about timegate)

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> Not really, the roller beetle lets you speed past most of the content and when in doubt just go to the highest point in sight and use the griffon. I pretty much had no interactions with "the environment" when I first joined Dragonfall cause obstacles are easy to avoid if you know what you're doing. The only kind of maps were this approach doesn't really work is stuff like TD but these are also the kind of maps where unrestricted flight is the least useful.

If you use the roller beetle, you still have to steer it at high speeds and dodge walls. That's interacting with the environment. Same goes for the griffin except when flying at high speeds.

> @"Tails.9372" said:

> That has more to do with the enemy / meta design than everything else. You're not going to kill the WB by flying around its head 500 times.

And you think just being completely able to fly over all those enemies would make it more engaging? Sure you can't do the event by flying around the boss, but you could certainly ignore the entirety of the map that they designed for you to traverse in order to get there.

> @"Tails.9372" said:

> Now this is just nonsense, the skyscale is one of the slowest mounts in the game and simply giving it unrestriced flight wouldn't change that fact. Saying that people would be forced to use it if they don't want to take "300 years" is just a flat out lie.

If it can fly for eternity in any direction it wants, it could certainly be the fastest thing to get from some places to others as it could completely invalidate many obstacles that terrestrial mounts would have to navigate.



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> @"Ototo.3214" said:

> If you use the roller beetle, you still have to steer it at high speeds and dodge walls. That's interacting with the environment. Same goes for the griffin except when flying at high speeds.


You usually see them coming a mile away, there's not much "interaction" here. You also have to pull up if you want to fly over an obstacle, it's the same thing right here.



> @"Ototo.3214" said:

> And you think just being completely able to fly over all those enemies would make it more engaging? Sure you can't do the event by flying around the boss, but you could certainly ignore the entirety of the map that they designed for you to traverse in order to get there.


Not really you still have to play the meta in order to spawn the boss, there's is no way around that. And like I said earlier: nobody cares about the random trash mobs you see along the way.



> @"Ototo.3214" said:

> If it can fly for eternity in any direction it wants, it could certainly be the fastest thing to get from some places to others as it could completely invalidate many obstacles that terrestrial mounts would have to navigate.


Keyword is "some" as driving around the obstacle with a roller beetle / griffon is faster ~99% of the time. I can't think of a single instance where slowly flying over an obstacle would be a faster way to the meta than using one of the other mounts.


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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> You usually see them coming a mile away, there's not much "interaction" here. You also have to pull up if you want to fly over an obstacle, it's the same thing right here.

I beg to differ, there's a reason the roller beetle isn't used a ton as everyone's main mount for traveling. It can be unwieldy and lose a ton of momentum if you hit anything. That's why there are special races for it that require you to drift and weave through a ton of obstacles. And I don't really see why you mention pulling up with the griffin, if you're doing that to go over a wall...that's...interacting with the terrain lol

> @"Tails.9372" said:

> Not really you still have to play the meta in order to spawn the boss, there's is no way around that. And like I said earlier: nobody cares about the random trash mobs you see along the way.

And some event chains have events that go back and forth in weird places, some high up, some past a bunch of terrain. if someone's new and learning that map, trying to figure out how to get up there to participate, but everyone else with this fancy difficult to get mount just....flies up there while they're struggling to figure out how to do it the intended way. Yeah. And I don't want to see them remove difficult to get to places from future maps just because a Skyscale makes the difficulty nonexistent.

> @"Tails.9372" said:

> Keyword is "some" as driving around the obstacle with a roller beetle / griffon is faster ~99% of the time. I can't think of a single instance where slowly flying over an obstacle would be a faster way to the meta then using one of the other mounts.

I just don't agree with this. The event that currently comes to mind for me is the Stormcaller Echoes event for Gathering Storm in Sandswept Isles (curse all that currency grinding). Unlimited Flying would let you just fly right up to it from the Olmakhan camp, ignoring the cliffs, while someone stuck to using terrestrial mounts would have to weave around a bunch of stuff to get up there. Sure, it's easy to get up there if you know the way. But why go around a bunch of stuff if you can just go in a straight line? And back to the previous point, it could be difficult for new players to even figure out how to get up there if most people are just flying there. It's suppose to be an optional mount, not a requirement/superior to all other mounts.


I feel like you should have to like...actually stand on and navigate around the map they put a bunch of effort into designing, not just fly over it. Even a game like FFXIV that has infinite flying on mounts doesn't let you unlock flying on each map until you've found a bunch of air currents on that map, many of which are gated behind doing story so that you are required to navigate the map before you can just fly over it. And even then, I don't really want to see that in this game because once people have flying they just fly over everything to avoid aggro. Not very interactive. I'm fine with some buffs to the mount but I don't want to see it being allowed to ignore map design.


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You know speaking of free flight, I really wish Rift repair mastery gets a overhaul. I thought Rift Repair would unlock new long distance travel path to fly through places. Instead, it becomes a mini-game where you get rewards that leads to no where special. It would be cool if the rift gives you a pre-determined path from one area to other areas. It would be kinda like Flight master in WoW but manual or non-instant jackal portal travel.


I loved the VM path in Dragonfall and I always followed it when I see one.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> The world is simply not designed with unrestricted flight in mind. Remember how they had to redo the old world in wow to be able to have flight there.


This is a silly reason because the griffon is quite capable of going above and beyond. We have invisi walls for a reason, I don't think it would hurt that at all having it unrestricted so long as it sticks to the same boundaries the griffon must stick to.


I feel this mount REALLY needs something more then what it has. It's very slow. It's hard to maneuver very well. Outside of it's amazing appearance, it doesn't really give me that super epic /legendary feeling that the insane collection made it appear like. I don't understand how Anet seems to feel that this mount is uber powerful, because it simply isn't. Sticking to a wall is one thing, but as the OP mentioned, it can't even climb over the lip and you're often crap outta luck and must descend.. or hope you have enough mastery points so you can regain adrenaline, problem is, I don't think that helps with it going HIGHER once you've run out. I thought the blue bar stops entirely once you stick to a wall and you can't wait it out?


I'm kinda bummed, I'm at the part where I gotta finish collecting map currencies, but I just see no massive rush at this point knowing that it doesn't REALLY get much better then a glorified 'look at me' mount to afk on in LA.


Sure it can fly straight up, but the springer+griffon combo is unbeatable by this mount by a large margin. The ONLY thing this mount can do is allow you to pause on the Z axis to actually look around provided you're far enough away the mobs on the ground aren't lobbing projectiles at you.

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> @"Ototo.3214" said:

> I beg to differ, there's a reason the roller beetle isn't used a ton as everyone's main mount for traveling.


Yeah, because people tend to follow their preferences even if it's not the most efficient way to get from A to B. Well that and the fact that many of the more casual players didn't even bother to unlock it.




> @"Ototo.3214" said:

> And I don't really see why you mention pulling up with the griffin, if you're doing that to go over a wall...that's...interacting with the terrain lol


The only one talking about pulling up with a griffon are you, I was talking about the skyscale which would still have to change its height accordingly if it wants to fly over something.




> @"Ototo.3214" said:

> And some event chains have events that go back and forth in weird places, some high up, some past a bunch of terrain. if someone's new and learning that map, trying to figure out how to get up there to participate, but everyone else with this fancy difficult to get mount just....flies up there


The same thing can be said about mounts in general and none of these things are a problem for those who unlocked all the "core" PoF mounts.




> @"Ototo.3214" said:

> while they're struggling to figure out how to do it the intended way.


Cause the game doesn't leave you blatantly obvious clues except it does. Also, if everything else fails the chat still exists.




> @"Ototo.3214" said:

> And I don't want to see them remove difficult to get to places from future maps just because a Skyscale makes the difficulty nonexistent.


You do realise that one thing has nothing to do with the other, right? PoF is optional content meaning none of their future content can be based around players having PoF mounts. If they want to make "difficult to get to places" then they're going to make "difficult to get to places", players with PoF are just going to have an advantage in this regard but that was obvious the moment they announced it. They can also always just slap "no mount zones" on the content in question if they don't want players to use mounts.




> @"Ototo.3214" said:

> I just don't agree with this. The event that currently comes to mind for me is the Stormcaller Echoes event for Gathering Storm in Sandswept Isles (curse all that currency grinding). Unlimited Flying would let you just fly right up to it from the Olmakhan camp, ignoring the cliffs, while someone stuck to using terrestrial mounts would have to weave around a bunch of stuff to get up there. Sure, it's easy to get up there if you know the way. But why go around a bunch of stuff if you can just go in a straight line?


Like I said "some", and the main part of this meta (you know, the one people are actually care about) is an escort mission where you have to fight a jinn inside of a cave. No flying "required".




> @"Ototo.3214" said:

> And back to the previous point, it could be difficult for new players to even figure out how to get up there if most people are just flying there.


Until they remember that maps exist which is A: not that hard and B: a one time experience.




> @"Ototo.3214" said:

> It's suppose to be an optional mount, not a requirement/superior to all other mounts.


That's quite an empty statement right here. Every mount has an area were it's "superior" to the other ones. That has never been a problem. Also you don't seem to understand the meaning of the term "requirement".




> @"Ototo.3214" said:

> I feel like you should have to


And that's the core of the problem here, you guys wanting to dictate how other players should play the game based on your own preferences. Even if the skyscale had unlimited flight you wouldn't be forced to use it but other players could and that's what's bugging you.

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I have literally not found a single use for this mount that the other mounts can't do better.


All the time I put into this thing.. I kinda wish I had it back, the hype really got me but reality has finally caught up.


I feel like the second mastery and the third mastery are a major disappointment

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> And that's the core of the problem here, you guys wanting to dictate how other players should play the game based on your own preferences. Even if the skyscale had unlimited flight you wouldn't be forced to use it but other players could and that's what's bugging you.

None of your arguments convince me still. And considering Anet already made the mount this way and stated that they felt unlimited flight would be bad for the game, I can only assume they feel that this is how players should be playing their game. I already have the mount, so even if they did give it unlimited flight it wouldn't "bug me" that other players could when I couldn't. But no other mounts just straight up lets you ignore everything about a map, they can make it easier, but can't ignore everything. And that's how it should be imo.


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To all those arguing that completely unlimited flight would be bad, how about this then: the Griffon *already* breaks most maps if you can get high enough that you can use the dive-acceleration, since it then never loses altitude in any practical sense. So what harm to the game would there be if the Skyscale had a limited flight ceiling based on the point it started (much like the Griffon - and no, don't tell me, I know you can climb higher with a fair amount of skillful use of the dive/climb cycle, that too is limited by faster descent kicking in), but one that didn't limit it to a glorified "Hoverbunny" with an upgraded glider enhancement that cannot use updrafts (tell me again how this makes sense, other than from a game-balance point of view so as to not completely invalidate gliding which the Skyscale basically does anywhere there are no leylines/updrafts?) - i.e. flight meter only limits your altitude, not the horizontal travel distance (as a more extreme case), or alternatively, limits your horizontal travel distance by approximately the same amount the Griffon's horizontal range is limited when no dive-speed is used (currently, the Skyscale has about half that range).


I would be perfectly fine with what we have as a mount in terms of mechanics ... if it didn't involve such a lengthy and tedious acquisition process. Basically, it's roughly on par with the "cheap" mounts in terms of niche capability, whereas the effort is "Griffon-grade". That's the issue here for me. (That, and the wall cling being super-automatic - it needs a hotkey already, or a toggle so you can switch between not clinging and clinging. Something, anything)

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Rather than unlimited flight (though that would be pretty cool,) I'd be fine with one or a mix of the following -


1. Flying horizontally doesn't decrease the altitude bar.

* Make it a true helicopter. You cannot gain more altitude than the set preset you started with, unless you land on higher ground while scaling a cliff.

* Otherwise, highly decrease the amount of altitude juice decreased by flying horizontally; the Skyscale absolutely cannot compete with the Griffon at this rate.

* Alternatively, allow the altitude bar to refill at a moderate pace while you're flying, pressing the space bar again will activate this (think Griffon + Flap)

* Decrease how quickly you descend when you're in Red.

2. Use the dash/barrel-roll animation as the same animation for a dive (or randomly have it choose this animation,) we don't have an engage skill that can keep up with events when it comes to descending.

* Letting go of dive will bring you out of your diving barrel-roll into a large wing flap, you gain the same amount of altitude juice you spent diving (think Griffon again.)

* Letting go of dive while not holding Forward will bring you out of the dive but you slow to a stop, mid-air.

* Pressing the 1 key to engage during a dive will have the character jump off at a moderate height, but hopefully you can omit the damage from that fall.

3. Jump key triggers Skyscale to cling wall, holding charges, letting go does nothing, but pressing jump again releases - holding it now will allow you to ascend.

4. 3rd Stamina Bar would really help in most situations.

5. Optionally, if it your altitude maxes out and you're trying to reach the cliff edge, have the Skyscale automatically grab and crawl over it so we aren't fighting 6 inches to get to the top.


That's just my fill as I've tested the masteries.

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If I see one more person claim that free flight is going to "break maps" I'm going to start finding out addresses to send very angrily worded letters.


Do you people - who claim this - understand we have been breaking maps _since day bloody one_? We were breaking maps _before mounts even existed_ because that's just what happens in games like this. Caledon Forest was infamous for the forgotten jumping puzzle, and we knew about a _Heart of Thorns, Living World Season 3_ area literally in the base game, six years ago, when it was found in Queensdale by breaking out of the map and "void jumping".


These maps are _already broken_. They have been since the game released and people started to experiment with exploration - something the game encouraged with jumping puzzles, something the game was built around. And then gliding arrived, and what happened to Core Tyria maps? They broke just a bit more. No-glide zones were added to a few, but not many, jumping puzzles. Exploration became easier. And then mounts happened, the first five, and what happened to Core Tyria _and_ Heart of Thorns maps? They "broke", too. Griffon can take you through Verdant Brink as fast as you like, for example, because of the huge chasm that scores through the whole map, and between it and Springer you can easily reach the canopy before nightfall.


Why do you people who claim that this game would "break" if free flight existed not seem to understand that the game has been broken by players since _before_ mounts and gliding existed? And beyond that, why do you act like this is such a bad thing? There are so many invisible walls that were created _because_ of Springer and Griffon in Core Tyria maps that the Skyscale with free flight isn't reasonably going to break anything that wasn't already broken. But no, you conveniently forget about all of this because it wouldn't fit your narrative, because "well, the devs said so" is a reasonable enough excuse to not consider the possibility that actually, free flight would be _just fine_.


"Oh no, this person is completing Core Tyria maps by slowly flying around using their Skyscale, having fun and feeling like the legendary grind was worth it because they can fly around a map at a slow but fun pace. The game is breaking, the game is breaking!" Get a _hold_ of yourselves.

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> @"Airyll.7849" said:

> If I see one more person claim that free flight is going to "break maps" I'm going to start finding out addresses to send very angrily worded letters.


> Do you people - who claim this - understand we have been breaking maps _since day bloody one_? We were breaking maps _before mounts even existed_ because that's just what happens in games like this. Caledon Forest was infamous for the forgotten jumping puzzle, and we knew about a _Heart of Thorns, Living World Season 3_ area literally in the base game, six years ago, when it was found in Queensdale by breaking out of the map and "void jumping".


> These maps are _already broken_. They have been since the game released and people started to experiment with exploration - something the game encouraged with jumping puzzles, something the game was built around. And then gliding arrived, and what happened to Core Tyria maps? They broke just a bit more. No-glide zones were added to a few, but not many, jumping puzzles. Exploration became easier. And then mounts happened, the first five, and what happened to Core Tyria _and_ Heart of Thorns maps? They "broke", too. Griffon can take you through Verdant Brink as fast as you like, for example, because of the huge chasm that scores through the whole map, and between it and Springer you can easily reach the canopy before nightfall.


> Why do you people who claim that this game would "break" if free flight existed not seem to understand that the game has been broken by players since _before_ mounts and gliding existed? And beyond that, why do you act like this is such a bad thing? There are so many invisible walls that were created _because_ of Springer and Griffon in Core Tyria maps that the Skyscale with free flight isn't reasonably going to break anything that wasn't already broken. But no, you conveniently forget about all of this because it wouldn't fit your narrative, because "well, the devs said so" is a reasonable enough excuse to not consider the possibility that actually, free flight would be _just fine_.


> "Oh no, this person is completing Core Tyria maps by slowly flying around using their Skyscale, having fun and feeling like the legendary grind was worth it because they can fly around a map at a slow but fun pace. The game is breaking, the game is breaking!" Get a _hold_ of yourselves.


So much this.

I truly want unlimited, slow flying with Skyscale. It would justify this collection and make us love the mount a lot.

I really hope ANet considers this, as right now Skyscale is quite useless :(

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> @"Blur.3465" said:

> > @"Airyll.7849" said:

> > If I see one more person claim that free flight is going to "break maps" I'm going to start finding out addresses to send very angrily worded letters.

> >

> > Do you people - who claim this - understand we have been breaking maps _since day bloody one_? We were breaking maps _before mounts even existed_ because that's just what happens in games like this. Caledon Forest was infamous for the forgotten jumping puzzle, and we knew about a _Heart of Thorns, Living World Season 3_ area literally in the base game, six years ago, when it was found in Queensdale by breaking out of the map and "void jumping".

> >

> > These maps are _already broken_. They have been since the game released and people started to experiment with exploration - something the game encouraged with jumping puzzles, something the game was built around. And then gliding arrived, and what happened to Core Tyria maps? They broke just a bit more. No-glide zones were added to a few, but not many, jumping puzzles. Exploration became easier. And then mounts happened, the first five, and what happened to Core Tyria _and_ Heart of Thorns maps? They "broke", too. Griffon can take you through Verdant Brink as fast as you like, for example, because of the huge chasm that scores through the whole map, and between it and Springer you can easily reach the canopy before nightfall.

> >

> > Why do you people who claim that this game would "break" if free flight existed not seem to understand that the game has been broken by players since _before_ mounts and gliding existed? And beyond that, why do you act like this is such a bad thing? There are so many invisible walls that were created _because_ of Springer and Griffon in Core Tyria maps that the Skyscale with free flight isn't reasonably going to break anything that wasn't already broken. But no, you conveniently forget about all of this because it wouldn't fit your narrative, because "well, the devs said so" is a reasonable enough excuse to not consider the possibility that actually, free flight would be _just fine_.

> >

> > "Oh no, this person is completing Core Tyria maps by slowly flying around using their Skyscale, having fun and feeling like the legendary grind was worth it because they can fly around a map at a slow but fun pace. The game is breaking, the game is breaking!" Get a _hold_ of yourselves.


> So much this.

> I truly want unlimited, slow flying with Skyscale. It would justify this collection and make us love the mount a lot.

> I really hope ANet considers this, as right now Skyscale is quite useless :(


As already said, free flying is bad for the game. And the skyscale IS a situational mount, the earlier you understand that, the better. No mount is ever meant to replace another.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > @"Blur.3465" said:

> > > @"Airyll.7849" said:

> > > If I see one more person claim that free flight is going to "break maps" I'm going to start finding out addresses to send very angrily worded letters.

> > >

> > > Do you people - who claim this - understand we have been breaking maps _since day bloody one_? We were breaking maps _before mounts even existed_ because that's just what happens in games like this. Caledon Forest was infamous for the forgotten jumping puzzle, and we knew about a _Heart of Thorns, Living World Season 3_ area literally in the base game, six years ago, when it was found in Queensdale by breaking out of the map and "void jumping".

> > >

> > > These maps are _already broken_. They have been since the game released and people started to experiment with exploration - something the game encouraged with jumping puzzles, something the game was built around. And then gliding arrived, and what happened to Core Tyria maps? They broke just a bit more. No-glide zones were added to a few, but not many, jumping puzzles. Exploration became easier. And then mounts happened, the first five, and what happened to Core Tyria _and_ Heart of Thorns maps? They "broke", too. Griffon can take you through Verdant Brink as fast as you like, for example, because of the huge chasm that scores through the whole map, and between it and Springer you can easily reach the canopy before nightfall.

> > >

> > > Why do you people who claim that this game would "break" if free flight existed not seem to understand that the game has been broken by players since _before_ mounts and gliding existed? And beyond that, why do you act like this is such a bad thing? There are so many invisible walls that were created _because_ of Springer and Griffon in Core Tyria maps that the Skyscale with free flight isn't reasonably going to break anything that wasn't already broken. But no, you conveniently forget about all of this because it wouldn't fit your narrative, because "well, the devs said so" is a reasonable enough excuse to not consider the possibility that actually, free flight would be _just fine_.

> > >

> > > "Oh no, this person is completing Core Tyria maps by slowly flying around using their Skyscale, having fun and feeling like the legendary grind was worth it because they can fly around a map at a slow but fun pace. The game is breaking, the game is breaking!" Get a _hold_ of yourselves.

> >

> > So much this.

> > I truly want unlimited, slow flying with Skyscale. It would justify this collection and make us love the mount a lot.

> > I really hope ANet considers this, as right now Skyscale is quite useless :(


> As already said, free flying is bad for the game. And the skyscale IS a situational mount, the earlier you understand that, the better. No mount is ever meant to replace another.


The post which I quoted has nicely explained everything.

Free flying is not something that would damage the game at all, and neither would it replace griffon when it comes to speed. The thing that ANet could implement is adding achievements per zone to unlock flying, something like FF14 did.

New zone gets released - one can't fly but has to do an achievement/collection to unlock it for that zone. That puts other mounts to use until Skyscale becomes viable again.

Heck I am already not using majority of my mounts, as I'm 99% of time on Griffon. I can climb the cliffs with griffon, I can run with griffon, I can jump off the edges with griffon and skip everything with griffon.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> As already said, free flying is bad for the game.


Which is just an opinion based on subjectivity. The griffon already has "free flying" and where are all these negative consequences at?




> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> And the skyscale IS a situational mount the earlier you understand that, the better.


And unrestricted flight wouldn't change that the earlier you understand that, the better.




> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> No mount is ever meant to replace another.


Which wouldn't be the case even if the skyscale had unrestricted flight unless you're talking about specific niche situations which is what mounts are based around.

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The griffon does not have free flying, it cannot stay airborne forever. Plus the fact it needs a deep dive to gain superspeed which isnt that often available.


But I am starting to see how the maneuverability of the skyscale is better. Much more precise in shorter distances. Also, whats really selling me, no constant hitting space to flap!

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Sorry, if this was already explained and I overread it: **How does Mastery Track 3 work exactly?**


I don't feel a difference from before when clinging to walls. I don't feel _any_ differences between before and after leveling the mount, to be honest. (What am I missing?)

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> The griffon does not have free flying, it cannot stay airborne forever. Plus the fact it needs a deep dive to gain superspeed which isnt that often available.


> But I am starting to see how the maneuverability of the skyscale is better. Much more precise in shorter distances. Also, whats really selling me, no constant hitting space to flap!

Except the Griffon can stay airborne forever when fully mastered - all you need is enough space to do the full dive and enough room to maneuver (which, for example, the LA Aerodrome provides just about the bare minimum of). If you then do a well-executed return to altitude, you regain every bit you used on the dive and can dive again. If you haven't managed this yet, keep trying! This is why the Griffon is so awesome, among other things. It takes precision timing and isn't passive at all, but is possible.


So you see, when we say "free flight" as in "permanent flight" won't break the game *even more*, we have a pretty solid basis to stand on. Put active limitations on the Skyscale so it too requires skill and masteries to achieve that, sure, but the feat alone won't break the game more.


> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> Sorry, if this was already explained and I overread it: **How does Mastery Track 3 work exactly?**


> I don't feel a difference from before when clinging to walls. I don't feel _any_ differences between before and after leveling the mount, to be honest. (What am I missing?)


The difference in mastery track 3 is that now when you cling to walls you can press the "jump" key to charge a hop up and also gain some temporary green flight bar (which'll let you go above your canopy ceiling for a brief time). It requires one full endurance bar per jump attempt. This does let you scale cliffs that are too high for a Springer (it gets you about 1.5x total altitude gain from the starting position, warning, *very* rough number as I haven't actually done measurements yet)


(This is also showcased in the developer stream that first showcased the skyscale, but you do have to skip a lot of video to get to where they're showing how the masteries work)

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> @"Olterin Fire.5960" said:

> To all those arguing that completely unlimited flight would be bad, how about this then: the Griffon *already* breaks most maps if you can get high enough that you can use the dive-acceleration, since it then never loses altitude in any practical sense. So what harm to the game would there be if the Skyscale had a limited flight ceiling based on the point it started (much like the Griffon - and no, don't tell me, I know you can climb higher with a fair amount of skillful use of the dive/climb cycle, that too is limited by faster descent kicking in), but one that didn't limit it to a glorified "Hoverbunny" with an upgraded glider enhancement that cannot use updrafts (tell me again how this makes sense, other than from a game-balance point of view so as to not completely invalidate gliding which the Skyscale basically does anywhere there are no leylines/updrafts?) - i.e. flight meter only limits your altitude, not the horizontal travel distance (as a more extreme case), or alternatively, limits your horizontal travel distance by approximately the same amount the Griffon's horizontal range is limited when no dive-speed is used (currently, the Skyscale has about half that range).


> I would be perfectly fine with what we have as a mount in terms of mechanics ... if it didn't involve such a lengthy and tedious acquisition process. Basically, it's roughly on par with the "cheap" mounts in terms of niche capability, whereas the effort is "Griffon-grade". That's the issue here for me. (That, and the wall cling being super-automatic - it needs a hotkey already, or a toggle so you can switch between not clinging and clinging. Something, anything)


I think I'd be fine with something like this tbh. Would make it so you still have to climb up to a high point but then you can stay at that altitude if you so please. Pair it with a slightly faster descent, and maybe some of the suggestions Rukario made and it would be nice.


Also, to the person whose argument is that because maps are already broken it's ok to have something that breaks them more...just...no? That's not ok. Sure you can argue that the Griffin breaks maps in some cases but it still requires you to get to a high point to do it, and the breakneck speed it goes at can be hard to control on many maps, since there's a penalty to momentum if you hit something. That's not free flight.


No mount zones were also mentioned. Those are more just annoying than anything, I don't want to see more just because a mount can bypass more crap.

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> @"Olterin Fire.5960" said:

> The difference in mastery track 3 is that now when you cling to walls you can press the "jump" key to charge a hop up and also gain some temporary green flight bar (which'll let you go above your canopy ceiling for a brief time).


Ohhh, I was doing it wrong. Thanks! =)


P.S. This is a great mechanic, actually! <3

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> @"Klipso.8653" said:

> The auto attach feels really bad, it should be an interact.


> Also the inability to lower yourself straight down, 1 does this but dismounts you when close to the ground.


Try using mount skill two, the same one you use on the Griffon to go back up. (I'm not actually 100% sure if it's that or the underwater "swim down" keybind, since I have them on the same key)

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> But as I already said. The griffon NEEDS space to perform at full maneuverability. That is its force and the situational niche where it excells.


It's still has unrestricted flight you're just trading maneuverability for speed when compared to the skyscale (or better that's what the trade-off should have been).




> @"Ototo.3214" said:

> Also, to the person whose argument is that because maps are already broken it's ok to have something that breaks them more...just...no? That's not ok.


Actually there is nothing inherently wrong with "breaking" a challenge the content presents. Most events are designed for a small amount of players and yet you can just show up with 50 players and faceroll them no problem. If the devs want to prevent you form doing something than that's what they're going to do (e.g. no mount zones for JPs) everything else is fair game as it should be.


I really don't understand why you want to force everyone to play the game how you perceive what the "from the devs originally intended way of playing" is supposed to be.




> @"Ototo.3214" said:

> Sure you can argue that the Griffin breaks maps in some cases but it still requires you to get to a high point to do it


Not really, you don't need to climb a mountain since you can just use the springer to gain height.




> @"Ototo.3214" said:

> No mount zones were also mentioned. Those are more just annoying than anything, I don't want to see more just because a mount can bypass more kitten.


The only kind of content engulfed in no mount zones are JPs which would get them regardless.

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