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Mirage ambush skill bug!


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Hello there,


Since the release of the mirage, as for my own experience, there has been a bug around the ambush skill not working properly after/during an AA chains. This bug makes the skill in particular not at all working despite using a dodge and THEN pressing the ambush skill.


I do believe that i'm not the only one having this regular problem, and thus, I wanted to know if Anet could somehow try to correct the bug or if it was caused by my own mistake. I've noticed that if you were able to weapon stow/jump before using the ambush skill, the bug won't happens , but unfortunately, i'm kinda tired of this solution being quite hard to pull out every single time.



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> @"Heartpains.7312" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > Anet dont care about mesmers


> Liar, else they wouldn't have "bug fixed" sword 3... if you remember the claimed bug ;)

> They care!.


Engi rifle 4 have unintended doubled range? "It was a feature"

BF can be skillfully stowed used for 0.1s evade ? "Entire skill goes on cooldown even if you interrupt it 0.001 after attempt to use" . I believe evade and damage on it was also a bug, so they fixed that too :trollface:

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> @"Night.9524" said:

> Hello there,


> Since the release of the mirage, as for my own experience, there has been a bug around the ambush skill not working properly after/during an AA chains. This bug makes the skill in particular not at all working despite using a dodge and THEN pressing the ambush skill.


> I do believe that i'm not the only one having this regular problem, and thus, I wanted to know if Anet could somehow try to correct the bug or if it was caused by my own mistake. I've noticed that if you were able to weapon stow/jump before using the ambush skill, the bug won't happens , but unfortunately, i'm kinda tired of this solution being quite hard to pull out every single time.




I'm glad I'm not the only one experiencing this. It happens to me when I try to dodge an attack in the middle of the axe AA chain and try to make use of the ambush skill. I just end up standing there doing nothing :/

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This is a bad game flow issue rather than a bug. I can try to explain what happens here.

Dodging as mirage opens the Ambush window for a short period of time. While you are in this window your skill 1 gets overwritten. Now, if you press the ambush skill your character will queue up the ambush ability and try to execute it as soon as the skill queue has been emptied. Usually this means after finishing the current animation. Now if you finish your current animation and the ambush window has already been closed already the game doesn't seem to know what to do so.


While I don't think that it's a bug it's a problem mirages have and will have until they fix it. I believe the fix that makes the most sense would be to increase Ambush skill priority to a level where an ambush can interrupt any skill. However this can cause problems like ambushes intereupting heal/elite skills that you really want to finish casting.

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