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A high plead

Jack Redline.5379

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but guys you understand that it is all nice high lvl players are trying to advice devs but you also realize that if a legendary theif who palys class for 7+ years and knows every single spot to hop to and every single animation and combo will simply play game differently than gold silver etc palyers. players like bluri or ''elite players'' as you love to reffer to them dont need certain parts of thief.

That is why bluri constantly says my build sucks even tho it doesnt he simply doesnt need to use that type of playstyle since he is high lvl legendary bs and has to be fast so he runs fast build which is core s/d


judging game and playstyle and skill lvl according to your own lvl is not okay since if you fly up there lege etc for too long you got no clue how it looks like at gold and plat and lower. The game needs to be also noobs friendly and saying someones build is bad and that ''elite players'' are advicing is simply not the way to go cuz you will create game where high end players will be like in paradise and low ranks will not be able to get up there since their gamestyle is forgotten like Trappers such as me are rn. s/d core fast high end build is looked at like is good is okay but not down here in gold as you love to reffer to it bluri here you need to 1v1 players since your team will not hold your back

If i got 1 silver per time necro from my team rushed far along me right at the start of the game or how often our mid gets wrecked 4v2 and then I have to fight 2+ ppl cuz they simply dont need to go 4 mid if 2 will do and 1 decaps our close I would be a kitten billionare

it is completely different game to look at you know

I would love to play something fancy and fast so i can do my work asap and then just poke mid with sb but i cant since i gotta get up there so i can have a reliable team

And that is why I made this poll so all kinds of palyers can come and say this to Dev so Anet sees how kittent different ranks games are

I bet if you'd come down here to gold bluri you wouldnt win more than 2 games in a row maybe not even that since you couldnt do your job and you would have to grab something you dont know cuz your s/d tic toc glass would have you nailed to the ground more than is healthy

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> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> @"bluri.2653"

> @"Psycoprophet.8107"

> @"Alatar.7364"

> but guys you understand that it is all nice high lvl players are trying to advice devs but you also realize that if a legendary theif who palys class for 7+ years and knows every single spot to hop to and every single animation and combo will simply play game differently than gold silver etc palyers.


Of course, I definitely didn't mean that only Lege opinions matter.

But its true that I do believe there has to be a reasonable ratio between application/consideration of different "tiers" points of view. I know this sounds dangerously close to _"some opinions are more equal than others"_, but I think we can honestly agree that its more likely that some Top players suggestion might be more needed/accurate than let's say Bronze or Silver. But as I said, all opinions matter, it is just "likeliness" of relevance that _can_ be considered. After all a change that affects Gold and Plat skill-levels of gameplay will affect the most people _(be it in a good way or bad way)_ but might not be necessarily what's good overall across tiers **or** what's substantial to the profession as a whole, hence the need for ratio between "top players" suggestions, Gold-Plat, etc.

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> @"Alatar.7364" said:


i would in that case not messure it by tier

but by played matches

since we can check those and ppl who played a lot of matches surely have better comprehension of the situation than somone wih 5 matches

yes you can see the broad scale of it = all matches you played ever

just saying if you want to go by skill go by amount of matches played not by tier they are in since we all have heavy lifter friends you know

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> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> I bet if you'd come down here to gold bluri you wouldnt win more than 2 games in a row maybe not even that since you couldnt do your job and you would have to grab something you dont know cuz your s/d tic toc glass would have you nailed to the ground more than is healthy


Yeah, no. You really underestimate how big the skill gap is between experienced-but-average players and top tier players, let alone esports tier players. He wasn't exaggerating about toying with and beating you with short bow only.


That being said the bulk of the long term dedicated spvp community is in gold and you want balance to feel good to them first and foremost. Organized play and mAT is important to an extent as well, but the balance changes that are important at that level can be very in the weeds compared to what carries the water in gold. They also tend to hyper-focus on the current meta and interactions between its pieces instead of looking outside that box at structural issues.


Anyway, they don't have a need for more player feedback. They get tons and tons of that anyway and such a discussion would just be a PR event. What they do need is better feedback filters and stronger models of how their game works structurally to mark to, but those are neither easy nor things you can get from a public discussion.

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I think we can all agree to atleast re-roll the nerfs over the 3 years. Backstab cooldown. Lead attacks. Dmg nerfs. Unhindered Combatant nerf. Steal nerf. Some say there's too many suggestions and too many opinions and it would be too hard to listen to every1.. but atleast these nerfs are in every1s minds and they are basic changes. I would also suggest making Preparedeness base thief trait so there would be more interesting build diversity that would revive Shadow Arts/Crit strikes/Acrobatics. Doesnt seem much.. but for these changes we are already waiting what? Like 4 years? And they still keep nerfing us.


Will it happen tho? Nope. Waste of time. Carry on playin other classes.

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The devs do listen if the complaints or requests are somewhat valid even if you are potato tier like me.


Maybe DeceiverX recommended the same thing in the discord or whatever, but last year I posted this [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/42146/suggestion-boost-dagger-damage-in-critical-strikes-trait-line#latest](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/42146/suggestion-boost-dagger-damage-in-critical-strikes-trait-line#latest "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/42146/suggestion-boost-dagger-damage-in-critical-strikes-trait-line#latest") to boost the dagger damage in traits


and like a month later they made changes to [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dagger_Training](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dagger_Training "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dagger_Training")


Maybe they didnt get the idea from me, but when I asked and it happened a little while later, I felt happy with the belief that sometimes asking works.


So, what I mean is, they don't need to gather in Lions Arch to gather feedback.

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