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Messmer ? It is a good choise for me?


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Hello everyone,

I am "new" player ( I have HoT and PoH),

i usually play on mage classes, but i have small problem with messer.

I read some of ur topics/ builds and most of them base on sword or axe ...

so my question is:

What about rest weap ?

It will be usefull in "end game" ? i really dont like so close range classes..

i have this 80 boost pack but i wanna learn a bit about a class/mechanics etc before i will use it

i play mostly as support class and i dont need to make OP DPS (condi dmg is fine, but staff is soooo slow)


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> @"DemGod.7452" said:

> Hello everyone,

> I am "new" player ( I have HoT and PoH),

> i usually play on mage classes, but i have small problem with messer.

> I read some of ur topics/ builds and most of them base on sword or axe ...

> so my question is:

> What about rest weap ?

> It will be usefull in "end game" ? i really dont like so close range classes..

> i have this 80 boost pack but i wanna learn a bit about a class/mechanics etc before i will use it

> i play mostly as support class and i dont need to make OP DPS (condi dmg is fine, but staff is soooo slow)



I know mirages who use staff endgame or staff/greatsword for open world. However, if you want range then ele or ranger might be good options. Necro can be mid range depending on weapons. I’m less familiar with thief and engi, but I think the latter is more often ranged.

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So generally for newer players I would recommend warrior. Necro. Or ranger.

Those classes are very noob friendly with viable end game builds.

If this is your first MMO I would suggest those three classes.


As to if this is the class for you. Only you can answer that. But I'll give you a list of pros and cons.

Pro's: This class is a caster hybrid.

The class has access to short duration stealth.

The class has access to CC aplenty when built for it.

Damage in high end PvE is par.

Has a tankier spec when using the elite chronomancer line.

Usually wanted and sought after for raids for its group buffs.



You will endure nerfs aplenty. So be prepared to sink a lot of gold on equipment for any random change.

Your combos require knowledge of the class. For PvP and PvE you will not succeed if you don't know how the class works.

Your defenses and damage are tied to fragile resources.


This class is all about hit and run tactics in many scenarios. Unless you have a pocket druid. Many encouters will rely on you kiting for your life.

If you decide to make a mesmer I would highly suggest not Insta 80ing it. You will definitely want to learn the class leveling up.

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