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What is you main reason for crafting legendary weapons ?

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I craft them as it is something to do.


For the longest time I swore I would never craft one, as I never really liked ANY of them.


First legendary I crafted I sold, as the pre-cursor was a lucky drop, and I had most of the materials in my storage.

I then moved onto crafting back pieces. I started with the WvW one as I was spending a lot of time there, and it was pretty simple. Once that was done, I moved onto the Fractal one, for pretty much the same reasons.


I finally decided to craft a weapon, and chose Sunrise because Greatsword is one of my favorite weapons, is what I use on my 'main', and it was the Gen 1 I liked the most (given I didn't really like any of them). I opted to craft the pre-cursor to get the whole experience (waste of time tbh), and there was a brief time when I put it on hold waiting to see what Exordium would look like, but then went back to finish it.


Currently I'm working on Binding of Ipos, and should have it finished by the time I get my next monthly loyalty chest (and the last clovers I need), so figure 2 weeks.


After that, I'll be done with legendaries for the foreseeable future. The only other legendaries I like are Pharus and Hope, and I don't ever play my Ranger, and Engineer is the only match for Hope, but they use kits rather than weapons most of the time, so it doesn't seem worth the effort.


From there I figure I'll shift focus to generating gold instead, maybe buy some skins off the TP or Gem store - don't know.


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Other: character development!


Bringing the interests of creative writing and PvE together, I roleplay a character who has made her own high-quality equipment, represented by legendary armor and weapons that are transmuted to match the character's aesthetic preferences. For example, Eternity is transmuted to an Ebon Vanguard greatsword. Meteorlogicus is transmuted into a Princess Wand. Raid armor becomes Vigil or whatever other appearance suits my needs at the time.





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