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Should the Skyscale map currency be reduced?

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> @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> > @"Nemezijus.6851" said:

> >

> > There is more than 200 people here saying that material price is reasonable, and its a majority in this poll.

> >


> Two hundred people are a tiny drop in the ocean of GW2 players. I believe most players don't post on the forums and don't even read them. As in retail, when someone is unhappy with an experience (in this case, gaming), they rarely complain or comment. They just leave and take their business elsewhere.


Under this statement we can argue that everything is bad. Damn we need more p2w, we'll obviously it's better people are not complaining because they are leaving.


Secondly the forums /reddit are where in general the most negative opinions are voiced. In total contrast with your claim.

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> @"YoukiNeko.6047" said:

> > @"eldrin.6471" said:

> > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > "Give me what i want, or else!!"

> > >

> > > They made a mistake with nullification sigils, they made no mistake this time. Play at your own leisure, enjoy the game, if it feels like you HAVE to do it RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW and stress yourself over it, I suggest talking a break, three steps back, and evaluate yourself.

> >

> > thats exactly what i done.and now after several days break i have reevaluated my self.and after a 7 year addiction to guild wars 2 i am free to choose what i do with my time and money. all thanks to sky scale saddle.


> Again. Can I have your stuff please?


check your mail.

you may not agree with me but i do not hold what has happened here against the players.

collection still sucks.but thats down to anet.

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> @"eldrin.6471" said:

> > @"YoukiNeko.6047" said:

> > > @"eldrin.6471" said:

> > > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > > "Give me what i want, or else!!"

> > > >

> > > > They made a mistake with nullification sigils, they made no mistake this time. Play at your own leisure, enjoy the game, if it feels like you HAVE to do it RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW and stress yourself over it, I suggest talking a break, three steps back, and evaluate yourself.

> > >

> > > thats exactly what i done.and now after several days break i have reevaluated my self.and after a 7 year addiction to guild wars 2 i am free to choose what i do with my time and money. all thanks to sky scale saddle.

> >

> > Again. Can I have your stuff please?


> check your mail.

> you may not agree with me but i do not hold what has happened here against the players.

> collection still sucks.but thats down to anet.


So you are the mysterious sender. Nice.

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> @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> The reason being is that its essentially oart of the legendary trinket grind. Which noone had an issue with last season.


So for casual players that just want a mount we have to suffer because they wanted it to be a grind for people wanting a legendary trinket? You _must_ realize how stupid that is.

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> @"SmirkDog.3160" said:

> > @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> > The reason being is that its essentially oart of the legendary trinket grind. Which noone had an issue with last season.


> So for casual players that just want a mount we have to suffer because they wanted it to be a grind for people wanting a legendary trinket? You _must_ realize how stupid that is.


It's almost as if they want to drive casual players away....

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You don't understand that this is abusive, the whole collection doing this and there just to tell us: **_lol, guess what, you need to farm 250 currencies_**. Do you think they will not do this again in the future? Just imagine what will happen if they give us a legendary mount, imagine what the requirements will be to obtain it. : /


Not everyone enjoys it like you. Some of us just hate it with all our lives and we just want to unlock Skyscale. It feels like devs mocking us.

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> @"Astrolicus.3716" said:

> You don't understand that this is abusive, the whole collection doing this and there just to tell us: **_lol, guess what, you need to farm 250 currencies_**. Do you think they will not do this again in the future? Just imagine what will happen if they give us a legendary mount, imagine what the requirements will be to obtain it. : /


> Not everyone enjoys it like you. Some of us just hate it with all our lives and we just want to unlock Skyscale. It feels like devs mocking us.


You can just do one heart each day, and in a couple of months you will get it.

I get that 250 seems like a lot, but this is a solo content you can do at your own pace. So don't rush and burnout yourself. Take it slow and you will get it.


Fun fact: Some of the maps are now full with people and I've actually had a great experience playing / chatting with them while doing the currency grind (hearts, meta, dailies). While before it was usually empty map, and couple of minutes before meta a crowd will gather, complete the meta and vanish never to be seen again.

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> @"SmirkDog.3160" said:

> > @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> > The reason being is that its essentially oart of the legendary trinket grind. Which noone had an issue with last season.


> So for casual players that just want a mount we have to suffer because they wanted it to be a grind for people wanting a legendary trinket? You _must_ realize how stupid that is.


Your absolutely right. They should just have a "buy it now" option and charge $20 for those who just cant or want to collect things for a collection. I dont want anyone to suffer because of my stupidity.

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> @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> Your absolutely right. They should just have a "buy it now" option and charge $20 for those who just cant or want to collect things for a collection. I dont want anyone to suffer because of my stupidity.


Or it can just be accessible for all players. I paid for this expansion so I shouldn't have to pay more for content added to it (*ahem*allmountskins*ahem*), but the requirements to unlock certain things shouldn't be so steep either. I've acquired better more useful items in other MMOs for less of a grind. I've acquired multiple relic (basically the equivalent of legendary) weapons in Final Fantasy XIV because despite being a bit of a time sink, none of it was timegated, I didn't have to do content with other players if I didn't want to, and there wasn't ever suddenly a Huge requirement for any of the steps.


There's a challenge, or something that can take some time, and then there's stuff that's intentionally out of reach for casual players. I don't have time or the patience to sit around all day and grind a single item in each map. ANet has serious deviated from what they originally claimed the game would be about.

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Honestly, the further I get into the Skyscale collections, the more I think the complainers are being silly. I saw the massive time gate complaints a few days before I got to the time gated portion, and I was expecting something HORRID and ANNOYING and BAD. I was tensed up for misery. Then I actually got to the time gate and was like... _"this is IT?"_

Like, it wasn't even a little bit bad. 5 days and done.

I'm not to the currencies bit yet, but I fully expect it to be a non-issue as well.

The Skyscale isn't hard to get... it takes some time and some gold/material farming. I've got a job and a family--but that doesn't make me feel limited, because I'm not in a rush to get the mount today, or tomorrow, or even next month. I put in time where I have time, and then I log off and live my life--which is a lot more interesting than a virtual dragon.

The complaint about the currency being "too much" is the same as the time gate complaint in my book... people want the Skyscale NOW.


Arenanet did portray the Skyscale as being obtainable on release day, yes. Time gating has design flaws, yes. And for many working people, obtaining a Skyscale will take weeks to a few months due to total requirements. But when getting the Skyscale NOW or SOON doesn't matter so much, the arguments above suddenly seem a lot less compelling.



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I got bored and did some math on how much time is spent gathering these currencies from scratch which a lot of us that want it to be reduced are doing. Specifically, I did the math for the currencies for episodes 2-5 since episode 6 doesn't have hearts on the map and Episode 1 (Istan) it is really easy to get the currencies thanks to getting 25 per heart complete. You can finish that maps currency in one day with only 4 characters (75 currency per character/day). The other maps however, the 250 requirement is simple way too much. All of the math I did was based around what some user said of having 6 characters to complete the hearts each day. I realize that there are other methods for the currency (meta events and map completion, but those add way more time to the total than just doing heart farming). There are a total of 16 hearts combined for these 4 maps.


Each heart = 5 map currency (mc)

Avg Time per Heart = 5-10 mins (average of 7.5 minutes used)


Ep#2-SI: 4 hearts - 30 mins per character for 20 mc - 180 minutes for 6 characters and 120 currency - Requires 2 daily resets for 240 (just shy of 250) - 360 minutes


Ep#3-DoK: 5 hearts - 37.5 mins per character for 25 mc - 225 mins for 6 characters and 150 currency - Requires 2 Daily resets (1 daily of 6 characters, 4 for the other) - 375 minutes


Ep#4-JB: 3 hearts - 22.5 mins per character for 15 mc - 135 mins for 6 characters and 90 currency - Requires 3 Daily resets (#1= 6 chars, #2=6 chars, #3=5 chars) - 382.5 minutes


Ep#5-TP: 4 hearts - 30 mins per character for 20 mc - 180 minutes for 6 characters and 120 currency - Requires 2 daily resets for 240 (just shy of 250) - 360 minutes


So this leads to 2 possible farming methods for the currency with 6 characters, either you do each map every day with 6 characters to get it done within 3 daily resets, but this would also mean you have to spend around 120 minutes per character completing each map which would be 720 with 6 characters (12 hours of heart farming each daily reset). So for most this is an extreme amount of time doing only one activity.

The other method with 6 characters would be to instead do each map one at a time changing the time to complete from 3 daily cycles to 9 daily cycles, but spending about 3 hours each daily cycle farming hearts rather than the 12 hours for the other ***Making this the preferable option for the majority***


These options both lead to 1477.5 minutes or 24.6 hours of gameplay that is dedicated to nothing but heart farming.


But what about the players that don't have a bunch of alts? Lets reduce the character amount to only 1 character (a good chunk of players are at this point), and give the advantage of doing a meta event for each map every day (5 extra currency to my knowledge, could be more but I'm not logging on to verify this). Since it is only one character it is reasonable to assume that they can do each map's heart for every daily reset if they want to unlock this as early as possible.


Ep#2-SI: 4 hearts - 30 mins daily for 20 mc - 12.5 (rounded to 13) daily resets - 10 daily resets if a meta event is completed each day

Ep#3-Dok: 5 hearts - 37.5 mins daily for 25 mc - 10 daily resets - 9 daily resets if a meta event is completed each day

Ep#4-JB: 3 hearts - 22.5 mins daily for 15 mc - 16.7 (rounded to 17) daily resets - 12.5 (rounded to 13) daily resets if a meta event is completed each day

Ep#5-TP: 4 hearts - 30 mins daily for 20 mc - 12.5 (rounded to 13) daily resets - 10 daily resets if a meta event is completed each day


Time spent each day farming hearts: 150 minutes (2.5 hours)

Minimum amount of daily resets to collect required currencies: 13

Maximum amount of daily resets to collect required currencies: 17

Total time spent: Between 32.5 hours and 42.5 hours


***In conclusion*** The timegating was bad, but at least you weren't doing the same activity each day and there was something different to each collection (some of them were similar), but the current requirement for the currencies is simply way too much for the maps for Episodes 2-5. Episode 1: Istan, can be kept the way it is as it is fine to deal with even with one character, but the other ones need to either have their currencies reduced, or have their rewards per heart increased to be equivalent to Istan. Obviously a lot of the times here can be reduced by previously owning currencies, and also ***these times may not be entirely accurate to the amount of time actually spent finishing the currencies since there are quiet a bit of variables going in, but I believe this is a fair rough estimate***. This mount wasn't promised as a "legendary" mount so it shouldn't have the same requirements as a legendary would from previously. I understand that they now made the mount as a precursor for a new legendary trinket, but that was something that was never mentioned when this mount was announced so it shouldn't be used as a way to justify the costs for a mount that was said to be "more obtainable than the griffon since it wasn't locked behind a 250g paywall." I had zero charged quartz and none of the recipes for the items required for some of the collections so I myself resorted to buying these items, and it ended up being around 200g alone for that. On top of that, the collection that required the player being frozen I attempted the meta event for claw of jormag twice and never once got frozen, so I resorted to buying the living story 3 episode where I could actually complete the collection. So in total, this mount has cost me far more gold than the griffon, WAY more time, and that is without even completing the saddle collection because if you look at the math above, I do not want to spend that much time grinding one activity for days.

If the currencies are reduced, I definitely agree that those that already purchased the items should be reimbursed the difference of whatever to new currency is. Although, I believe the bumping the heart's reward to fit more in line with Istan. Since some of these maps have more hearts than Istan, it would be reasonable not to bump their rewards to 25, but instead vary based on the maps number of hearts.


Ep#2-Si - 4 hearts - upgrade to 18 currency per heart (72 each day)

Ep#3-DoK - 5 hearts - upgrade to 15 currency per heart (75 each day)

Ep#4-JB - 3 hearts - upgrade to 25 currency per heart (75 each day)

Ep#5-TP- 4 hearts - upgrade to 18 currency per heart (72 each day)


Dragonfall can stay the way it is seeing as it is the new map and deserves to have the extra attention, and also makes since that we spend the most amount of time there to unlock a mount that came from this location.

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> @"Loki.7860" said:

> I had zero charged quartz and none of the recipes for the items required for some of the collections so I myself resorted to buying these items, and it ended up being around 200g alone for that.


Grow Lamp peak price = 68 gold (https://www.gw2tp.com/item/66993-grow-lamp)

Piece of Skyscale Food peak price = 5-6 gold (https://www.gw2bltc.com/en/item/90910-Piece-of-Skyscale-Food)


So assuming you bought ALL the materials on the first day for the second collection, the step would have cost you a total of 130 gold. That is on the first day and not within the last 5 days where prices have been half of this peak price. Please if you are making guides and are trying to be as factually correct as possible, do not use hyperbole and check your work.

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I've been grinding in between doing the other tasks for getting the mount. Is it a bit grindy? Sure, but it could be worse. I'm figuring about a month to actually get mine. Considering I spent the same amount of time for a much less cool mount in WoW at one point having to do far less interesting tasks, I'm ok with it. It's not a race. By the time I get mine, it won't be the unusual site it is currently, but that's fine. I'm not getting it to impress anyone else.

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when the mastery system was introduced in HOT we done challenges to get the mastery points then had to get the xp to unlock that mastery.

now they put a pile of collections in front of it.that is a massive change.and is this a one off or the new norm.

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> @"eldrin.6471" said:

> when the mastery system was introduced in HOT we done challenges to get the mastery points then had to get the xp to unlock that mastery.

> now they put a pile of collections in front of it.that is a massive change.and is this a one off or the new norm.


Have you forgotten the griffon and beetle? they also had collections infront of them.

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t> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > @"eldrin.6471" said:

> > when the mastery system was introduced in HOT we done challenges to get the mastery points then had to get the xp to unlock that mastery.

> > now they put a pile of collections in front of it.that is a massive change.and is this a one off or the new norm.


> Have you forgotten the griffon and beetle? they also had collections infront of them.


those collections were nothing compared to the sky scale collection.and i did say when the mastery system was introduced in HOT .

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Tbh, the skyscale collection parts went by fairly fast. Most of them was just go here and pick up this, then on the next spot. Only really slowing down on the feeding parts as well collecting the mats if you didnt have them. The beetle needed many events you had to wait for.

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I originally voted that they should be reduced, but after getting the Skyscale my opinion changed. It's not that I think the Skyscale is worth that amount of map currency, but after completing the whole collection I feel more invested in the game. I don't think I would feel the same if it had been easier.

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I did just get the mount, and while I did find it annoying...I then realized the Skyscale is mandatory for the legendary trinket, which the previous one required 250 map currency on its own. So unless there's an additional 250 of all map currencies required down the line in the trinket crafting (If so, feel free to correct me), I'm fine with it now, to be honest.


And it also showed me that I CAN grind for a legendary in a time crunch (and I honestly am bummed that there isn't a 'story collection' for the newer legendary weapons)

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I for one want the metas to have no meta cap per day, this would breathe life back into the maos, cater to those complaining (including myself) got the map currencies. There just needs to be something worth doing the meats as far as drops. The meta in domain of kourna has no cap per character and rewards 17-20 shards and decent loot...why not make it consistent or somewhat with the other maps. Meta boss caps are a bit ridiculous IMHO anyway. People will always want kills or grind towards their gear...people complaining about no one doing events or lack thereof because of real life would be able to obtain them as well. So many benefits to lifting the meta events or meta boss caps...i can't tell you about the hundreds of people new to the game that never knew about Shadow Behemoth just due to the lack of it coming up.


If you want to grind it, fine use rng in the end chests for meta bosses but I see no need for the cap now, material sinks would help the game, then it will rebalance anyway.

All in all yes, the map currency is forcing, indirectly, players that WANT it to grind. It's not making the map active in a positive way as iys just people filling ip the population cap of the map, give everyone a goal they can share and it's not an issue.


Look at destiny 2, people are in it in the end for the lootz. Give em potential loot and theyll loot together because its a goal

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I would much rather have the saddle items be RNG from like... anything in their respective maps. Enemies, chests, gathering points, whatever. At least then I have a chance of getting it quicker without doing the same repetitive tasks over and over. Having to buy 250 of each currency is just a time waster and shows ANet doesn't know how else to get people to play for a bit longer.

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