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Make Bloodbound weapons accessible!

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The rare bloodhound weapons that scale with your character level, are account bound and stat resettable seem to be designed to encourage creating new characters so why exactly can they only be obtained with 250 craftsman tokens? For comparison a full legendary armor requires 300 of those.

They are limited to 12 per day and you need a crafted rare piece of equipment to get one. This means you need to craft 250 weapons and nearly a month to get the weapon. It is a ridiculous time and resource investment.


Can these weapons be made available some other way or the token requirement drastically lowered to something like 10 or 5? Adding vendors for these at additional places like major cities or PoF maps would help new players to find them or how about making them directly craftable instead? Maybe add one to the Mentorskit you get for finishing the core story?


Currently they are hidden away at locations behind a huge time gate and resource sink that anyone who is able to get them doesn't need them anymore and I think that should change.

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It sounds like they want the level scaling not the skins. I'd like them for that reason as well but I think it's kind of a niche interest at this point. I don't feel like there are a lot of players who still level their new toons by adventuring anymore . . .

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