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Help With Scourge Build

teh turk.8690

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I've tried to come up with a build I can use for raids and fractals, I'm still new to this area of the game so I haven't had to think out any builds until now.


The main role of this build is as a support scourge.


My focus is to maximise the amount of barrier I can give through Healing Power, Vitality is ensure I have enough life force , and Condi Damage was just chucked in so that I can contribute more to the damage.

The build is here and I was wondering what you lot think before I fully commit to getting the gear and if I should change anything?



If it's the most trash build you've ever seen, tell me, I'd rather learn now than spend hours farming for gear for a build that isn't even viable for AC

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LFG Raids or a group of people you are already raiding with that are okay with you being a Support Scourge?


From what I have been told LFG Raids will mostly be the 2 Chrono 2 Druid 2 PS 4 DPS still so it might be a challenge to PUG into an LFG raid as Support Scourge. If its a group of friends and friendlies that do not require the META setup you could probably get away with Support Scourge. Otherwise, it might be safer to just build a Condi Scourge per the new [qT] guides at this point.

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> @Exqq.7451 said:

> LFG Raids or a group of people you are already raiding with that are okay with you being a Support Scourge?


Mainly people in my guild I already know

But I'm still not sure if the build is optimal for the role, or if Scourge is even useful as a support by giving barrier

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The max barrier a person can have is 50% of their vit, not yours. If the rest of your group is running glass, you're more than likely to cap on barrier through sandflare and f5 alone. On top of that, the healing power scaling on barrier skills aren't exactly great; on your setup, you only gained an additional 835 barrier, that isn't going to do much of anything once you factor in the decay rate of barrier. Additionally, you have no skills that actually heal the group, the regen from staff is more than likely going to get overridden by druid's wh 5 or chronos.

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Oh and I forgot about transfusion. Your build will only get an additional 375 healing per pulse on transfusion, which translates to 6678 healing per pulse on a 15(12 if traited) sec cd. If you can keep your lf high enough to spam it, then I suppose it could be useful, but you'll be competing with druids for healing in raids, and between the two classes, druids will come out ontop due to them offering sun+frost spirit, gotl, and spotter. In a pug fractal group I suppose it could work.

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> @Sephylon.4938 said:

> The max barrier a person can have is 50% of their vit, not yours. If the rest of your group is running glass, you're more than likely to cap on barrier through sandflare **and f5** alone.


F5 is not applying Barrier to your Allies, it's just Barrier on you - so I think reaching Barrier cap on Allies is very very unlikely due to the limited amount of Barriers we have and the incredibly fast decay of it.

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