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Druid set for raids/fractals?


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I've done these (full magi and full viper's)... right now having fun with Power Healing (Harrier's... Power/Healing/Boon Duration) and Axe/Warhorn. Normal skirmisher/nature magic setup that healers normally use. Totally fun, a bit more damage, and boon duration meant that we had perma fury, protection, swiftness, regeneration, and alot of might and stability... really good for pugging higher level fractals.

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People usually expect you to run a healing build or Condition Druid. Berserker is only really seen in power groups in Fractals for the better burst and even then people usually prefer healing builds or condition builds. Everything depends on those you are playing with and what they are running of course.



Good reminder. Still need to try using Harrier myself over Minstrel and Magi gear.

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