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> @"Anatolian Turk.4057" said:

> what do you mean by that?

when you enter dry top there's a small area you have to go through where you've got to use the 3 zepheryte crystals to enter the rest of dry top, iirc that's what's causing your green star to disappear.

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> @"Anatolian Turk.4057" said:

> i have just started with ls2 ep. 1 and when i travel to drytop to see spark the green star disappears but when i travel to other maps the green star appears. can someone tell me whats happening? i cannot progress with ep, 1 since spark and the green marker disappears everytime i travel to dry top.


That is a bit confusing, I agree. Just talk to Spark, this should work regardless of the presence of a green star marker (or lack thereof).

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