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Hello Anet, This is the change we need to sicem.


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> @"Ganathar.4956" said:

> Just make it so that as a soulbeast, all the modifiers from bonuses that would be given to the pet are halved on you. There is no reason why skills that were balanced around pets being less than 40% of your damage should fully apply to 100% of your damage. It is ridiculous and cannot be ever balanced. If soulbeast is found lacking after that, buff ranger traits and some of the lackluster skills. After nerfing this absurdity, Anet may find themselves capable of buffing core ranger to bring up all the ranger specs and have them be more balanced overall.


You _seriously_ think they will do that?


It has been abundantly clear that the pet didn't make up for the reduced damage they gave ranger since the launch of the game, and yet it still took them years to do something that resembles working on it. For two years we had a grandmaster trait that made the active skills of signets affect the ranger. That's how out of touch with the class they were. Not before PoF, when ranger was given an offensive elite spec, did they do significant buffs to damage of the sword and greatsword (probably as a reaction to raid golem tests, realizing that their new dps toy wasn't up to par), even though it has been obvious for years that those weapons needed it. The sword still needs more.


We still have minors in marksmanship that rely on a grandmaster trait to not be an almost complete waste, minors that on any other class would have been changed to either refresh itself (like they did to the revenant) or made so that all 3 grandmaster traits had a way to refresh the opening strike mechanic. And of course, on most other classes they would probably have added some modifier based on the vulnerability condition into the mix aswell. Yet, the core problem of those minors and the opening strike mechanic is the same today as on launch. Minors in a trait line meant to enhance power damage. The same thing you're saying they should buff on core ranger to bring up the profession as a whole while nerfing the soulbeast interactions.


You see the problem? The compensations you're asking that the core ranger should have gotten in exchange for soulbeast nerfs, are changes Anet should have worked on years ago, regardless of the existence of soulbeast. They barely have. Most changes came after soulbeast, in order to buff soulbeast.


Not even gonna bother going into the whole core pets debacle, or how every pet they have released since HoT that is capable of hitting moving targets for various reasons have been nerfed. I don't disagree with the main sentiment, at least as far as damage potential goes. Core ranger should be brought up. In turn soulbeast interractions would have to be tuned down.


Generally though, this " damage absurdity" is mostly blown up by bad players running around in wvw and pvp. And yes, I will gladly lower myself to the level of "git gud", because frankly that's what a lot of this is. I have zero problems fighting other roaming rangers. Especially not the full zerk sic 'em ones.

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> There is zero reason for this utility to give 12s of superspeed.


the actual skill is supposed to provide an speed boost. Merged it is not supposed to lose effects but it is happening because spaghetti code. Best and easiest way it's to provide superspeed.


> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> lol, the vulnerability would make it miles more op in any group scenario.

Thats the idea to provide the ranger an shifting focus into group gameplay. If the class is going to lose specific self-boost for slefish gameplay the only good way to go about it it is to replace for a sort of group friendly effect.


I also think Maul should apply 25 stacks of vulnerabilty in the attack skill itself and the AOO should apply another 25 stacks of vuln.

That actually makes sense to make feel the Pet mechanic less useless.


Extending the duration and to apply Marked! instead Reveal are also important changes i think it would help the ranger to have a more useful role in any group.

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