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Store unused skins in wardrobe

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right click skin -> store in account wardrobe -> confirm


It's already in game and has been since the wardrobe was first introduced. I suspect what you are asking for is not storing skins in the wardrobe, but rather a way to store the 1-time free use of said skin without using up inventory/bank space. I can think of a variety of reasons why implementing that is a non-trivial task, not the least of it becoming a storage issue for the game (as it would need additional space in each account's internal data structure to store these, and potentially a lot of these).


A way around that could be just adding a transmutation charge to the account every time you add an unused skin to the wardrobe, but depending on how many people actually buy charges for gems this could seriously lower the revenue charges create as people would switch to buying cheap skins from the tp rather than the charges themselves.

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I've given up keeping the skins themselves because I never remember to use them anyway. For example when the new purple mask was given out I collected it on my elementalist (because that was the first character I logged into), put it in my bank for my ranger and then later when I was playing my ranger and remembered I wanted to try it out I opened the hero panel, opened the wardrobe, found the mask and clicked apply before I remembered I had a skin in the bank I wanted to use. And I might have done it that way anyway because I didn't want to leave the map I was on to get to a bank.


Add to that the fact that I've never come close to running out of transmutation charges and it's just not worth keeping them.


It would be nice if there was an option to deposit the skin so the item is destroyed and you gain 1 transmutation charge, but I don't mind not having that system in place.

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> right click skin -> store in account wardrobe -> confirm


> It's already in game and has been since the wardrobe was first introduced. I suspect what you are asking for is not storing skins in the wardrobe, but rather a way to store the 1-time free use of said skin without using up inventory/bank space. I can think of a variety of reasons why implementing that is a non-trivial task, not the least of it becoming a storage issue for the game (as it would need additional space in each account's internal data structure to store these, and potentially a lot of these).


> A way around that could be just adding a transmutation charge to the account every time you add an unused skin to the wardrobe, but depending on how many people actually buy charges for gems this could seriously lower the revenue charges create as people would switch to buying cheap skins from the tp rather than the charges themselves.


That only works on locked skins. If the skin is unlocked you can't store them because the option is inactive. A lot of the skins unlock as you acquire them. Tossing free to apply skin is like tossing a transmutation charge.

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  • 6 months later...

I wholeheartedly agree with the OP and sorry to necro the thread. The analog would be the charge counters already implemented for temporary finishers, e.g. Mad King finishers. When we get a new skin, we need to unlock it as we do now, but we could also add them to wardrobe and increase the counter by 1 for that skin. Huge bank waste as it is now. I am forced to throw most away after unlocking them which discards the free use and requires a trans charge if I do decide to use it in the future.

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I destroy once stored in wardrobe. I have so many transmutation charges that I don't care losing a chance to spare one. However, I have full understanding that it's annoying for players who don't have yet many transmutation charges. A concept with +1 at each storage seems a good idea to me. Would welcome that.

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