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Always wining in Dungeons & Fractals

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But those trolls or people not reading are not the norm. I barely get those people into my groups even if roles are specifically presented. Sometimes 2 people join at the same time but then either one leaves or he/she can fill the other role perfectly fine.

People not reading LFGs is mostly present in dungeons because there are a lot of new players not familiar with abbreviations. In fractals it's very rare that people ignore your LFG and then it's more than usual that the other group members agree to your kick attempt.

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After several days and comments that I had not seen I read several of the answers (with their likes) and I can only conclude:

- The game does indeed **need a difficulty worthwhile** (to makes feel the need for **teamwork**).

- But also needs to **maintain diversity** (some want something just **casual**, but that does not make them feel less).

- The **toxicity** is becoming a **growing problem** (in forums and the game), and there is a need to moderate, before it gets worse.

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