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Manage conditions? New 80 necro


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It seems like a lot of necro abilities involve moving conditions and boons. In the heat of a fight I have no clue if I have conditions on me or boons on my foe. How do you track those things so you know when to use abilities that are fueled by conditions or boons?


Thanks for any advice. I am also a fresh 80 necro that just unlocked Reaper. This is my first 80. I'll take any advice on the game at 80 at all :)

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Alot of it is "just getting use" to the game as a whole and necro more specificly. It takes time and some learn faster then others.


But some of it is also learning that some skills work best in combo with other skills. Assuming you play condi necro (core/reaper or scourge) you will prob be using the skill BiP ([blood is Power](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Blood_Is_Power "Blood is Power")) and you will prob have is traited with [Master of Corruption](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Master_of_Corruption "Master of Corruption") this mean that when you use BiP you self-apli 2 stacks of bleeding and 2 stacks of torment, and since this is something you now will happen, you will always want to instently use a skill to transfer these conditions asap, something like [Deathly Swarm](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Deathly_Swarm "Deathly Swarm") is a classic to use for it. This is naturally just one combo and when you read your skills/traits you will find other and then its just getting use to them and then use them ^^

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