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LIs to Divinations exchange removed

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@"Stephane Lo Presti.7258"

A clarification is in order as your statement

"When we released The Mythwright Gambit raid wing, we introduced a limited means to exchange Legendary Insights for Legendary divinations." has two implications.

1) That the exchange is limited in quantity OR

2) The the exchange is limited in time.


With Bryon's statement previously, https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/680435/#Comment_680435 all the flak you're receiving right now is because your statement can be taken as implication 2. If that is the intention, then this breaches your players trust in whatever developers are saying. If implication 1 is the intention, I would strongly recommend reviewing previous information and provide a clearer statement as this sort of miscommunication is not becoming for marketing.

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very poor form changing that without warning... it was very welcome knowing the option was there for when it made sense to progress all the collections and convert those tokens. I hope ANet would consider reinstating this for at least a week or two to allow people who wanted to convert to do so.

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I waited with converting Li to TD for the legy ring untill I was sure how many were needed (I got screwed with converting/consuming items before). I saved up on Li to convert it after the patch, and now you tell me it's been removed? Now I feel cheated to put it midly. Instead of being able to finish the ring within a reasonable time I now have weeks, if not months of W5-7 raiding ahead of me, just to get the 150 LD. For a casual raider like me with no fixed static this is just a big slap in the face.

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So I now can't have the max amount of LD because I listen to what anet said and get punished for it? Really cool. Even a simple heads up would have been enough. I mean it's not that hard if it is intentional. Guess I just won't be able to trust what dev are saying anymore.

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Before last patch I didn't exchange my LI for LD because we didn't know how many LD were needed so I thought that it was better to wait. There was no reason to not wait becasue the statement was that there was no time limit for the exchange. If this statement was going to change, anet should have told us and let some weeks to exchange for the people who wanted.

So, pls after all of this, add again the exchange at least for some weeks. Many people like me who could have got enough LD to craft the ring last week are really angry and I at least don't want to do raids 1 year more to get the ring. we have already done the work established to get the ring and now you are asking us to do it again. It is just not fair and I, at least, prefer to say good bye to the ring than do it all again.


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I, as many others (others in this forum section also) have saved my LI to exchange them to the LD after legendary ring will be released, to know exact amount of LD i will need. But now devs saying that it was time limited option, when ~8 months ago devs told that exchange option will be permanent in game, until player will exchange 168 LI to LD. ( https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/680435/#Comment_680435 )


How i should feel now? Excited that i need to grind 58 LD now doing wing5-wing7 when i dont have static? (and i even cant have static cus of my work schedule)

No, im not excited.


I feel betrayed by devs.



Also, how i can trust anything devs will promise in future now?



(Sorry for my poor english)

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In Anet's respons to this thread they say "just a quick response". I still have hope that they'll make the right decision when they think about this further. At this moment I also do not see a reason for them to not bring it back, or at least for some short period of time. By removing it without a heads-up (and having promised that it would not be removed), some players who already exchanged it get an unfair advantage. In my opinion keeping the game fair for everyone is the most important thing a game company should do.

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I'm really, really hoping that it's a mistake that the original exchange is gone. If not, you've directly gone back on your word and screwed a lot of people out of being able to make the ring the way they planned, including me. Doing it at all is bad enough, doing it without warning is unacceptable. If the change is intended, give us back the original exchange for a limited time at least to let everyone who saved up do the exchange you promised us.


"This change will allow you to make progress towards your legendary armor while participating in the most current raid content." On a related note, I don't understand this comment. The great part about GW2 is content doesn't necessarily become irrelevant through gear or levels. Those raid wings are still there, still a challenge, and still rewarding. Why would you want to force people away from them because they were released a longer time ago?

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We didn't exchange because LI were useful and LD weren't so how many LI did we need to exchange? We couldn't know until coalescence was released but then was too late to exchange.

I thought it was better to wait and use the LI I didn't need to exchange in another legendary armor piece. If I had spent 168 LI to get LD without waiting I could have had the opposite problem, too have too much LD and need LI instead. Moreover, there was no time limit, we couldn't know the exchange was going to be removed. Therefore, I thought this was the best although finally, I was wrong, as it seems.

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Listen. Although I understand minds change, the original forum thread specifically mentioned there will be no time limit on the exchange, so to patch this change in without any warning doesn't feel good.

As others have pointed out, we were waiting for the precise number of Divinations required for the ring, because as far as we had known at the time, divinations would've been usefull for crafting the ring only, whereas LIs can always be used for crafting other armor pieces. Not only was the playerbase not notified this option would be going away, nobody even gave us a heads-up that we will be able to exchange Divinations back into Insights. Had we known, none of us would've hesitated to exchange all our LIs.

I hope I'm illustrating the problem we have with this change clearly enough.


In principle, I'm not against this change, if it would've been communicated properly beforehand. But in this case, I believe it would be only fair to let us exchange the Insights before you remove the option permanently.

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But the whole pupose of that WAS, to pay back those consistently clear w5 which had been rewarded li instead of ld when they changed the currency reward for w5 late, and generously and simply allow everyone to exchange .IF players have been consistently clearing w5 since start, you have no issue meeting the requirement of 150. I havent done much (stop raid) since completion of all w6 achievements and i have ld more than req without counting the free converstion

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I did a lot w5 when it was released and you know what? I did get many and many LI ( not LD). After LD were released I almost stopped doing raids so I got few LD. I could have exchanged to get many LD but remember that there was no time limit and I didn't need. So, it is not our fault that we didn't get LD when w5 was released and now to have lost the exchange wich had no time limit.

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I think ppl missunderstood the idea of this free conversion. Players need to physically do new wings to earn it. I didnt think they should have given players the free conversion so generously. Its just like li, leg armour, ppl need to do it or buy it. But nevertheless i do agree they should have informed

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> @"Talindra.4958" said:

> But the whole pupose of that WAS, to pay back those consistently clear w5 which had been rewarded li instead of ld when they changed the currency reward for w5 late, and generously and simply allow everyone to exchange .IF players have been consistently clearing w5 since start, you have no issue meeting the requirement of 150. I havent done much (stop raid) since completion of all w6 achievements and i have ld more than req without counting the free converstion


The point was to "fix" the fact that w5 didn't launch with divinations (which wasn't a bug or anything, just them changing how they wanted to do the ring, which was fine). It wasn't about rewarding at all, it was about retroactively changing what the wing 5 bosses dropped in pretty much the only way they could.

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> Here's a quick message from the developers:


> When we released The Mythwright Gambit raid wing, we introduced a limited means to exchange Legendary Insights for Legendary divinations. Alongside this most recent raid release, we have reversed this exchange. You can now exchange Legendary Divinations for Legendary Insights as many times as you’d like.


> We’re now at 7 raid wings and while Legendary Armor is still incredibly sought after, players may feel pressured to complete older raid content to get the required Legendary Insights. This change will allow you to make progress towards your legendary armor while participating in the most current raid content.


But are we getting LI to LDs back at all? I couldn't find the option in the vendor, so I never got around to it, then got pretty busy in real life and wasn't able to get my Hall of Chains LDs. RIP 168 deserved LDs


![](https://i.imgur.com/37BkfDP.png "")



![](https://i.imgur.com/vsBSG4Z.png "")



![](https://i.imgur.com/xWp7K7h.png "")



It was meant to be limited in quantity, not time!

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