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LIs to Divinations exchange removed

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Players who consistently clear all the wings each week are probably shrugging off this abrupt change in direction, but imagine being a player returning after some time away, drawn back because a new raid wing was released and the legendary ring is finally able to be completed, but who had not yet performed their limited volume exchange because they were assured it would not also be limited in duration. This is a great "welcome back" gift, well done.

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And now they moved the entire thread from the main page. I most definitely would have exchanged had I known. For shame. It's one thing to say it's an accident and quite another to say yeah. We did it on purpose.


Have fun grinding for all the things when we TOLD you it would be around. This would be like TELLING people ahead of time that Skyscale wouldn't require map currency. Oh! Well we decided now that it will.

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> We’re now at 7 raid wings and while Legendary Armor is still incredibly sought after, players may feel pressured to complete older raid content to get the required Legendary Insights. This change will allow you to make progress towards your legendary armor while participating in the most current raid content.



The LI's are pointless to acquire this way as you still have to complete the other content. All you're doing is creating a trap choice for newer players.

They'll think they can do recent content for the armor but still be forced into doing the older raids by virtue of the armor being tied to those achievements.


You should probably have a talk with the team about what the goal is because this current design isn't really doing what you want it to.

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> @"Zarathorn.8259" said:

> > @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > One question. What hesitate you to exchange it? Its been out for so long


> Because we didn't know how many we'd need, there was no other use and at the time no way to change them back, and they directly said the exchange was permanent.


Exactly ! And because we didn't want to waste LI for nothing in the case we would have needed less than 168 LD (and it's clearly that case).

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I still don't get Anet's obsession with introducing new currencies constantly, especially when there is nothing really to spend them on.

Should have just stuck with LI.


That said, then removing the exchange, which was reassured to be permanent, just when something is introduced into the game that actually needs that currency is bs.

Many people were specifically waiting for that to utilize the exchange.


Now they are permanently and unlimited interchangeable in the other direction? Come on.

Either reverse the removal of the limited exchange, add unlimited exchanges in both directions, making them interchangeable, or just remove Divinations and replace them with LI.


I understand the idea of wanting to prevent people from banking up currencies to get new rewards instantly, but the solution to that is more frequent (especially hardcore) content with more rewards to get, not flooding the game new currencies.

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Something like this should be announced before its done. Some players waited with exchangeing to know how much they have to exchange for the new ring. Just give them a chance to do it for another week and do atleast a post about getting rid of the exchange.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

After talking to the team, we want to make clear that we intended to communicate this change before the update so that the community is aware. Unfortunately this didn’t happen and we apologize for this miscommunication.


The team is now looking into temporarily bringing back this conversion option via the vendor. This functionality will be brought back in a future planned build and we will tell you ahead of time when it will be removed.

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> @"Talindra.4958" said:

> I think ppl missunderstood the idea of this free conversion. Players need to physically do new wings to earn it. I didnt think they should have given players the free conversion so generously. Its just like li, leg armour, ppl need to do it or buy it. But nevertheless i do agree they should have informed


I think You're misunderstanding how the conversion worked. You were only to get conversions equal to the amount of LI's you were able to acquire during the time period that Hall of Chains was released because for the better part of a year Hall of Chains was still dropping LI's not LD's. If you only cleared bosses 58 times you'd only receive 58 conversions.

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Well that sucks, almost spending the same amount of time aquiring LD's as LI's ( from the first 4 wings) for your first set of Legendary Armor for one ring. After time spent on Skyscale - Brandstone Research & IG-6417 recently another time gate item is not what i look forward to lol

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> After talking to the team, we want to make clear that we intended to communicate this change before the update so that the community is aware. Unfortunately this didn’t happen and we apologize for this miscommunication.


> The team is now looking into temporarily bringing back this conversion option via the vendor. This functionality will be brought back in a future planned build and we will tell you ahead of time when it will be removed.


Thank you for the update mate.

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> @"FaustXIII.6409" said:

> > @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > I think ppl missunderstood the idea of this free conversion. Players need to physically do new wings to earn it. I didnt think they should have given players the free conversion so generously. Its just like li, leg armour, ppl need to do it or buy it. But nevertheless i do agree they should have informed


> I think You're misunderstanding how the conversion worked. You were only to get conversions equal to the amount of LI's you were able to acquire during the time period that Hall of Chains was released because for the better part of a year Hall of Chains was still dropping LI's not LD's. If you only cleared bosses 58 times you'd only receive 58 conversions.


Well that was what i mentioned in earluer post. Many ppl never physically done any w5 but would expected equal oportunuty but thats fine because the dev made it such everyone can convert 168 li to ld. Im not sure if that make sense. Probably should have put all my post to one. Anyway the dev is observing this thread im sure something maybe done to cater for those who missed.

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> After talking to the team, we want to make clear that we intended to communicate this change before the update so that the community is aware. Unfortunately this didn’t happen and we apologize for this miscommunication.


> The team is now looking into temporarily bringing back this conversion option via the vendor. This functionality will be brought back in a future planned build and we will tell you ahead of time when it will be removed.


There you go just as we speak. :) bring it back for a set time which is fair.

Because its silly how ppl are farming w1 to 4 and convert li to ld slowly.

I believe the idea for completion of leg ring is so ppl need to do w5 and above.

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> After talking to the team, we want to make clear that we intended to communicate this change before the update so that the community is aware. Unfortunately this didn’t happen and we apologize for this miscommunication.


> The team is now looking into temporarily bringing back this conversion option via the vendor. This functionality will be brought back in a future planned build and we will tell you ahead of time when it will be removed.

Is there a reason to remove the LI->LD exchange that was so compelling it makes you go back on given word? Can't you just bring it back, not temporarily, but permanently, as it was promised to be originally?

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> The team is now looking into temporarily bringing back this conversion option via the vendor. This functionality will be brought back in a future planned build and we will tell you ahead of time when it will be removed.


Bring it back permanently! Don't let Byron's hard work be undone!

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> @"Asum.4960" said:

> I still don't get Anet's obsession with introducing new currencies constantly, especially when there is nothing really to spend them on.

> Should have just stuck with LI.


I think introducing new currency is to encourage players continue to raid. Otherwise ppl with 2k li will stop doing raids because there is no other purpose of doing it weekly when everything has been unlocked unless ppl are doing it for fun or for gold reward.

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> After talking to the team, we want to make clear that we intended to communicate this change before the update so that the community is aware. Unfortunately this didn’t happen and we apologize for this miscommunication.


> The team is now looking into temporarily bringing back this conversion option via the vendor. This functionality will be brought back in a future planned build and we will tell you ahead of time when it will be removed.


While I don't really understand the issue of having it be permanent, thank you for acknowledging the mistake and giving us a fix for it.

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It may not be permanent because since only three wings count towards divinations, and the new legendary requires them, they'd prefer that players get them from those wings only (or at least going forward). Otherwise players could ignore them altogether outside of what's needed for the collections which would be like a single full clear of each wing.


~~Now if they kept the 168 cap, it wouldn't be as bad since players would still need to farm another 182 divinations.~~


Edit: It looks like this is just to keep wings 5-7 relevant. They reversed the exchange direction so that those that want legendary armor have an incentive to do wings 5-7 to speed things up. They stopped the exchange of insights for divinations to keep players doing wings 5-7 beyond the initial full clear.

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> After talking to the team, we want to make clear that we intended to communicate this change before the update so that the community is aware. Unfortunately this didn’t happen and we apologize for this miscommunication.


> The team is now looking into temporarily bringing back this conversion option via the vendor. This functionality will be brought back in a future planned build and we will tell you ahead of time when it will be removed.


Removing LI to LD only delays my Coalescence by a week and it's likely the reintroduced exchange will be too late but I **greatly** appreciate the communication.


Raids are my favorite content and anything to make their experience better is a big plus <3

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> Here's a quick message from the developers:


> When we released The Mythwright Gambit raid wing, we introduced a limited means to exchange Legendary Insights for Legendary divinations. Alongside this most recent raid release, we have reversed this exchange. You can now exchange Legendary Divinations for Legendary Insights as many times as you’d like.


> We’re now at 7 raid wings and while Legendary Armor is still incredibly sought after, players may feel pressured to complete older raid content to get the required Legendary Insights. This change will allow you to make progress towards your legendary armor while participating in the most current raid content.


I have 150+ LD anyways from wing 5/6, but I don't appreciate this way of going back on your word and tricking your players.


But more so than that, the real reason this LD to LI conversion is necessary is because you havn't put any long term sinks for LD into the game. Why are allowed to craft as many sets of legendary armor as we want but, we are we limited to a single legendary ring?

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> @"Talindra.4958" said:

> I think ppl missunderstood the idea of this free conversion. Players need to physically do new wings to earn it. I didnt think they should have given players the free conversion so generously. Its just like li, leg armour, ppl need to do it or buy it. But nevertheless i do agree they should have informed


Really ? It's a game not life, just chill a bit. I remember you that we all bought the same game so it must gives you the same things to **ALL**. Raids are only for the elite of players, that a fact but it's open to **everyone**. There are actually ppl like me you don't like raiding all weeks and they fight like they can to achieve what they have to do to have the legendary armor or the legendary ring.


It's so difficult to find some ppl to play with, raiders asking too hard things to play with them. Or maybe ppl don't have the time to do raid every weeks, or maybe they don't like W5 or W6 but they love the rest, so how do they complete the ring if they want it ??? So if Anet create a way to help these ppl to finish the ring, I said go on !


Plus, I remind you that you have to kill all the bosses from W5, W6 and W7 to finish the collections of Coalescence, so in way or another you have to finish those raids. So who cares how you obtain the LD you need to finish the recipe for the ring ???

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> @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > I still don't get Anet's obsession with introducing new currencies constantly, especially when there is nothing really to spend them on.

> > Should have just stuck with LI.

> >

> I think introducing new currency is to encourage players continue to raid. Otherwise ppl with 2k li will stop doing raids because there is no other purpose of doing it weekly when everything has been unlocked unless ppl are doing it for fun or for gold reward.


Which is where new Rewards and sinks for LI come into play.

Why keep playing between releases after you got everything if there is just going to come a new currency to grind up for new rewards anyway, if those rewards are all people care about?

New currencies with nothing to buy with, and old currencies piling up due to lack of new sinks isn't a good system from any point of view.


Most people I know raid because it's some of the few non brainless content in the game that actually forms a community to play with and have fun together regardless.


Without exchange and two different currencies, W1-4 are essentially dead once you got all the Legendary Armors you need, if you only play for those rewards.

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> @"Asum.4960" said:

> > @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > I still don't get Anet's obsession with introducing new currencies constantly, especially when there is nothing really to spend them on.

> > > Should have just stuck with LI.

> > >

> > I think introducing new currency is to encourage players continue to raid. Otherwise ppl with 2k li will stop doing raids because there is no other purpose of doing it weekly when everything has been unlocked unless ppl are doing it for fun or for gold reward.


> Which is where new Rewards and sinks for LI come into play.

> Why keep playing between releases after you got everything if there is just going to come a new currency to grind up for new rewards anyway, if those rewards are all people care about?

> New currencies with nothing to buy with, and old currencies piling up due to lack of new sinks isn't a good system from any point of view.


> Most people I know raid because it's some of the few non brainless content in the game that actually forms a community to play with and have fun together regardless.


> Without exchange and two different currencies, W1-4 are essentially dead once you got all the Legendary Armors you need, if you only play for those rewards.


Yeah some good points there.


If they use current li for all future shinnies its actually good for me bcause i wont need to do any new raids while i have plenty reserve.

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> @"Jude Lhogora.6917" said:

> > @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > I think ppl missunderstood the idea of this free conversion. Players need to physically do new wings to earn it. I didnt think they should have given players the free conversion so generously. Its just like li, leg armour, ppl need to do it or buy it. But nevertheless i do agree they should have informed


> Really ? It's a game not life, just chill a bit. I remember you that we all bought the same game so it must gives you the same things to **ALL**. Raids are only for the elite of players, that a fact but it's open to **everyone**. There are actually ppl like me you don't like raiding all weeks and they fight like they can to achieve what they have to do to have the legendary armor or the legendary ring.


> It's so difficult to find some ppl to play with, raiders asking too hard things to play with them. Or maybe ppl don't have the time to do raid every weeks, or maybe they don't like W5 or W6 but they love the rest, so how do they complete the ring if they want it ??? So if Anet create a way to help these ppl to finish the ring, I said go on !


> Plus, I remind you that you have to kill all the bosses from W5, W6 and W7 to finish the collections of Coalescence, so in way or another you have to finish those raids. So who cares how you obtain the LD you need to finish the recipe for the ring ???


I think they should just give all players the ring free. Everyone has a life outside game

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> After talking to the team, we want to make clear that we intended to communicate this change before the update so that the community is aware. Unfortunately this didn’t happen and we apologize for this miscommunication.


> The team is now looking into temporarily bringing back this conversion option via the vendor. This functionality will be brought back in a future planned build and we will tell you ahead of time when it will be removed.


Better idea, since LI to 168 LD was stated to be permanent it should remain permanent for those who have not reached that limit. There should instead be a SECOND conversion to go LD to LI. The idea of removing something that we were told was PERMANENT is not acceptable.

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