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(future) Adventures for Skyscale

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To my knowledge, though I haven't done them, the Adventures activities added to the game for Griffon were mainly about speed runs. correct?


Assuming ANET is on board with making new Adventures in future maps for the Skyscale, I wish to add my suggestion to the hat: BOMBING RUNS.


Players must guide their skyscale to a stack of bombs (attended to by Charr or Asura - your call. Just no Inquest plz) and then must fly over to drop their payload on a group of NPCS that players would enjoy seeing immolated en masse. Could be Destroyers, Pocket Raptors.....Quaggan....? You get the idea.


If you want to make this even more challenging, incorporate Rifts to guide us to our target areas, allowing us to bomb from way up high (aka, "nuke the site from orbit - it's the only way to be sure").


I think I speak for myself unanimously when I say: this must happen!


Thank you.


Addendum: acknowledging that not everyone may be as blood thirsty as I in this game, I would also be open to the idea of players being asked to guide their mounts to a pen of baby Quaggan, and then fly over to their target area where they drop them from air into buckets of water below. Could substitute Choya over Quaggan, that way they can explode into a mass of Choya-bits should the players miss.


With the Quaggan, if the player misses....the baby Quaggan will just make a bouncing sound and maybe extort a disgruntled "Ooooooohh" at the player.


Anyways, I eagerly await this feature.


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I was unconvinced until this part:

> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> If you want to make this even more challenging, incorporate Rifts to guide us to our target areas, allowing us to bomb from way up high (aka, "nuke the site from orbit - it's the only way to be sure").


It's the only way to be sure.

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