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Game Issue (impacting a few players): 10-06-2017

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Having the similar 'infinite loading screen' problem but this time in wvw after a few bugs shows up.


NA build 82911


Problem starts in WvW where player toons go back to thier simplified clothes and team colors. Then enemy npcs in camps become invisible and thier nametags stay at thier initial positions and wont move. Then mins later your toon becomes invisible to you only. Then the similar problem above occurs. When you take a waypoint , the 'infinite loading screen' occurs with only alt-f4 or taskmanager to exit out of it.


Can also confirm that the same issue happens to my friend who is in a different country thus different isp. Did gw2-repair, gpu driver update and even remove and reinstall gpu drivers. Both systems are win 10, ethernet connection and only started after this dated patch.

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