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griffon race issues elon riverlands griffon expert course

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There seem to be invisible walls blocking progress at the second sphere. After takeoff the 1st sphere you dive through to gain speed and flatten out so you can start a flat glide through the 2nd and later spheres. Almost every time I go through the 2nd sphere it's like i hit a brick wall. The pet appears (i'm a ranger) and the griffon with wings outstretched just falls to the ground. Restarting the race puts my character into a strange state. The griffon has outstretched wings but normal weapons bar has returned (not the griffons) . I have get off the mount 3 times before normal state is achieved again.


I've gotten gold for both expert and master in crystal oasis and desert drylands so this not a "he doesn't understand how to use the mount" issue. I have faced this issue ocassionally in other races but usually I can attribute it to running into a branch/rock at fast speed. In this case I've flown through the area slowly and there should be no branches or rocks protruding into the 2nd sphere that I can see. I've tried from different angles with the same result. Strangely in 1/10 runs I zip through with no problems.



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Thank you frodhes.6893 for the video, that is exactly what is happening to me in most runs. I did find that by using an upsweep move rather than a flat glide gets past the invisible block more often. That is dive through the first sphere toward the ground further and then pull back to soar high up. Then a small dive into the 2nd sphere. In fact I got gold that way as there seems to be no problems with the later spheres. But there is definitely some blocking going on at the 2nd sphere.


I had a thought overnight that maybe I don't play with high video settings and maybe some obstacles don't show at lower graphics settings. I will test that today. I've watched someone's youtube video and there doesn't seem to be any visible blocking vines or protrusions anywhere near the second sphere, the rock on the right has nothing sticking out into the sphere.

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> @Stalkingwolf.6035 said:

> when doing the adventures you recognize how terrible the controls are.


That's a bit off topic. But try using Action Camera, the controls are incredibly smooth then.


> @tmorrow.5189 said:

> There seem to be invisible walls blocking progress at the second sphere. After takeoff the 1st sphere you dive through to gain speed and flatten out so you can start a flat glide through the 2nd and later spheres. Almost every time I go through the 2nd sphere it's like i hit a brick wall. The pet appears (i'm a ranger) and the griffon with wings outstretched just falls to the ground. Restarting the race puts my character into a strange state. The griffon has outstretched wings but normal weapons bar has returned (not the griffons) . I have get off the mount 3 times before normal state is achieved again.


> I've gotten gold for both expert and master in crystal oasis and desert drylands so this not a "he doesn't understand how to use the mount" issue. I have faced this issue ocassionally in other races but usually I can attribute it to running into a branch/rock at fast speed. In this case I've flown through the area slowly and there should be no branches or rocks protruding into the 2nd sphere that I can see. I've tried from different angles with the same result. Strangely in 1/10 runs I zip through with no problems.




I haven't noticed that bug yet. Maybe I am just flying at the right angle to avoid it? Or it could just be a random thin polygon strip.

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I see another thread with this problem has been raised. I went back to the master course in elon riverlands and it has the same problem now as I described for the expert course. The master course is unplayable now due to this bug. The problem occurs when you start to use skill 2 that gives you the fast movement. It's like you are dismounted but still on the griffon. I would say a change in the last 2 patches has introduced this problem in a worse way. Before that it would happen occasionally but now it is almost every time. I've given up doing these races for now.

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The course is completly fine, the error is on your part. You use the skill #1 to dive, this bugs the griffon (cause its, duh, like on every other mount supposed to be used when you engage an enemy). There is a dedicated keybind for the griffon which you can find as "Mount Ability 1" in your keybind menu.

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> @hiroscho.7230 said:

> The course is completly fine, the error is on your part. You use the skill #1 to dive, this bugs the griffon (cause its, duh, like on every other mount supposed to be used when you engage an enemy). There is a dedicated keybind for the griffon which you can find as "Mount Ability 1" in your keybind menu.


ok take 2 on a response. You do have a valid point. In my case I thought I had mapped Mount ability 1 to the 1 key and Mount ability 2 to the 2 key when I was doing the griffon races. However I just checked and I had nothing assigned to Mount ability 1 so I presume the engage function was being invoked instead. So you are right that is behind my problem. However it is completely a bug that you can reach the T-bird state, that should not happen and should be fixed.


Apologies for saying you weren't adding value, as in fact you did identify the cause albiet in an indirect way.


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