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Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic VS Silver-Fed Salvage-o-Matic

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Why is Silver-Fed Salvage-o-Matic much cheaper in gems and gives a better rewards chance than Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic who is 300 more gems?

It just does not make any sense! Please have the most expensive gem item give better rewards! This is insane, paying more for less is just ridiculous!

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The Salvage-O-Matics are not worth buying. For the Silver-Fed, you would need to salvage 600k+ items for finally earn back your initial gold investment. And the Copper-Fed is far worse, and you would need to salvage millions of items to earn back the investment. Of course, it's a different story if you're paying with cash, or have high amounts of gold, and simply feel the convenience of never having to buy the kits again is worth the cost.


But more to the point of what you're saying, from what I've seen, the Silver-Fed has change in price over time anyway.

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The reason to buy a salvage-o-matic is not because you ever expect to break even on the cost. It's because it's such a huge convenience and time saver. Hands down, the copper-fed salvage-o-matic I bought years ago has been the single best purchase I've made in the game, and I kick myself for not actually buying one sooner than I did.

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> @ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

> The Salvage-O-Matics are not worth buying. For the Silver-Fed, you would need to salvage 600k+ items for finally earn back your initial gold investment. And the Copper-Fed is far worse, and you would need to salvage millions of items to earn back the investment. Of course, it's a different story if you're paying with cash, or have high amounts of gold, and simply feel the convenience of never having to buy the kits again is worth the cost.


> But more to the point of what you're saying, from what I've seen, the Silver-Fed has change in price over time anyway.


I really like them, but they were only valuable (to me) once we got shared inventory slots. Now I don't need piles of salvage kits on every character.


I don't care how long it takes to make up the money. But, that's partly because I bought them both on sale (which makes the time scales come down quite a bit). The convenience of having just two slots to handle 90% of my salvaging is more than worth it to me.

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> @Kalendraf.9521 said:

> The reason to buy a salvage-o-matic is not because you ever expect to break even on the cost. It's because it's such a huge convenience and time saver. Hands down, the copper-fed salvage-o-matic I bought years ago has been the single best purchase I've made in the game, and I kick myself for not actually buying one sooner than I did.


> @ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

> The Salvage-O-Matics are not worth buying. For the Silver-Fed, you would need to salvage 600k+ items for finally earn back your initial gold investment. And the Copper-Fed is far worse, and you would need to salvage millions of items to earn back the investment. Of course, it's a different story if you're paying with cash, or have high amounts of gold, and simply feel the convenience of never having to buy the kits again is worth the cost.


> But more to the point of what you're saying, from what I've seen, the Silver-Fed has change in price over time anyway.


Your right, copper one is worth buying because of the massive convenience. Silver is however a waste of space and gems because you get the same convenience and more efficiency with mystic.

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I would just like to add some context to the many comments about "efficiency" of these salvage kits.


Using the breakdown on [Guild Wars 2 Wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Salvage_kit), both the **Basic Salvage Kits** and **Copper-fed Salvage-o-Matic** have the same probability of obtaining rare materials and upgrades. When comparing the cost-per-salvage, these kits cost **3.52 copper** and **3 copper**, respectively, per salvage. The maximum number of uses per **Basic Salvage Kit** is 25, while the latter is infinite. Considering the amount of salvageable loot that drops, whether in HoT meta events or simply wandering around the Crystal Desert, having a Copper-fed not only saves you lots of inventory slots, but also time needed to find an NPC Merchant to stock up on Salvage Kits. Lastly, consider that the Copper-fed can be stored in a Shared Inventory Slot, which further conveniences you when you play multiple characters.


Similarly, the **Master Salvage Kits**, **Mystic Salvage Kits**, and **Silver-fed Salvage-o-Matic** share the same salvage rates, while costing **61.44 copper,** **10.5 copper**, and **60 copper**, respectively, per salvage (assuming the Mystic Forge Stones needed to make the Mystic Salvage Kits have no gold value). While the Mystic has 250 uses per inventory slot, compared to the infinite of the Silver-fed, one has to also consider that "normal practice" is to use these kits to salvage only rare- and exotic-quality items. This means that even when shared among multiple characters, the Mystic Salvage Kits can last for considerable amounts of play time.

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> @Ojimaru.8970 said:

> I would just like to add some context to the many comments about "efficiency" of these salvage kits.


> Using the breakdown on [Guild Wars 2 Wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Salvage_kit), both the **Basic Salvage Kits** and **Copper-fed Salvage-o-Matic** have the same probability of obtaining rare materials and upgrades. When comparing the cost-per-salvage, these kits cost **3.52 copper** and **3 copper**, respectively, per salvage. The maximum number of uses per **Basic Salvage Kit** is 25, while the latter is infinite. Considering the amount of salvageable loot that drops, whether in HoT meta events or simply wandering around the Crystal Desert, having a Copper-fed not only saves you lots of inventory slots, but also time needed to find an NPC Merchant to stock up on Salvage Kits. Lastly, consider that the Copper-fed can be stored in a Shared Inventory Slot, which further conveniences you when you play multiple characters.


> Similarly, the **Master Salvage Kits**, **Mystic Salvage Kits**, and **Silver-fed Salvage-o-Matic** share the same salvage rates, while costing **61.44 copper,** **10.5 copper**, and **60 copper**, respectively, per salvage (assuming the Mystic Forge Stones needed to make the Mystic Salvage Kits have no gold value). While the Mystic has 250 uses per inventory slot, compared to the infinite of the Silver-fed, one has to also consider that "normal practice" is to use these kits to salvage only rare- and exotic-quality items. This means that even when shared among multiple characters, the Mystic Salvage Kits can last for considerable amounts of play time.


technically, since mystic stones can be bought via gems, we can use gem conversion to price them (same with copper and silver machines, but their cost per salvage drops per use)

at 7 gold per mystic stone (gem to gold, 21.26 gold per kit) or 11.2 gold (gold to gems), we get 8.5 silver (gem to gold) EXTRA per mystic salvage or 13.4 silver extra (gold to gems, 33.6 gold per kit)

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> @"Cloud Windfoot Omega.7485" said:

> > @Ojimaru.8970 said:

> > I would just like to add some context to the many comments about "efficiency" of these salvage kits.

> >

> > Using the breakdown on [Guild Wars 2 Wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Salvage_kit), both the **Basic Salvage Kits** and **Copper-fed Salvage-o-Matic** have the same probability of obtaining rare materials and upgrades. When comparing the cost-per-salvage, these kits cost **3.52 copper** and **3 copper**, respectively, per salvage. The maximum number of uses per **Basic Salvage Kit** is 25, while the latter is infinite. Considering the amount of salvageable loot that drops, whether in HoT meta events or simply wandering around the Crystal Desert, having a Copper-fed not only saves you lots of inventory slots, but also time needed to find an NPC Merchant to stock up on Salvage Kits. Lastly, consider that the Copper-fed can be stored in a Shared Inventory Slot, which further conveniences you when you play multiple characters.

> >

> > Similarly, the **Master Salvage Kits**, **Mystic Salvage Kits**, and **Silver-fed Salvage-o-Matic** share the same salvage rates, while costing **61.44 copper,** **10.5 copper**, and **60 copper**, respectively, per salvage (assuming the Mystic Forge Stones needed to make the Mystic Salvage Kits have no gold value). While the Mystic has 250 uses per inventory slot, compared to the infinite of the Silver-fed, one has to also consider that "normal practice" is to use these kits to salvage only rare- and exotic-quality items. This means that even when shared among multiple characters, the Mystic Salvage Kits can last for considerable amounts of play time.


> technically, since mystic stones can be bought via gems, we can use gem conversion to price them (same with copper and silver machines, but their cost per salvage drops per use)

> at 7 gold per mystic stone (gem to gold, 21.26 gold per kit) or 11.2 gold (gold to gems), we get 8.5 silver (gem to gold) EXTRA per mystic salvage or 13.4 silver extra (gold to gems, 33.6 gold per kit)


Yes, that is a valid way of calculating the cost of Mystic Salvage Kit. *However*, since most consider using Mystic Forge Stones as a wildcard in MF a waste (since it randomizes the result), and we get these out of login-rewards and achievement chests, their **actual** value for most players are close to 0.

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:*However*, since most consider using Mystic Forge Stones as a wildcard in MF a waste (since it randomizes the result), and we get these out of login-rewards and achievement chests, their **actual** value for most players are close to 0.


My two stacks of Mystic Forge Stones taking up space in my bank concur with this conclusion.

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"Cloud Windfoot Omega.7485" said:

> > > @Ojimaru.8970 said:

> > > I would just like to add some context to the many comments about "efficiency" of these salvage kits.

> > >

> > > Using the breakdown on [Guild Wars 2 Wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Salvage_kit), both the **Basic Salvage Kits** and **Copper-fed Salvage-o-Matic** have the same probability of obtaining rare materials and upgrades. When comparing the cost-per-salvage, these kits cost **3.52 copper** and **3 copper**, respectively, per salvage. The maximum number of uses per **Basic Salvage Kit** is 25, while the latter is infinite. Considering the amount of salvageable loot that drops, whether in HoT meta events or simply wandering around the Crystal Desert, having a Copper-fed not only saves you lots of inventory slots, but also time needed to find an NPC Merchant to stock up on Salvage Kits. Lastly, consider that the Copper-fed can be stored in a Shared Inventory Slot, which further conveniences you when you play multiple characters.

> > >

> > > Similarly, the **Master Salvage Kits**, **Mystic Salvage Kits**, and **Silver-fed Salvage-o-Matic** share the same salvage rates, while costing **61.44 copper,** **10.5 copper**, and **60 copper**, respectively, per salvage (assuming the Mystic Forge Stones needed to make the Mystic Salvage Kits have no gold value). While the Mystic has 250 uses per inventory slot, compared to the infinite of the Silver-fed, one has to also consider that "normal practice" is to use these kits to salvage only rare- and exotic-quality items. This means that even when shared among multiple characters, the Mystic Salvage Kits can last for considerable amounts of play time.

> >

> > technically, since mystic stones can be bought via gems, we can use gem conversion to price them (same with copper and silver machines, but their cost per salvage drops per use)

> > at 7 gold per mystic stone (gem to gold, 21.26 gold per kit) or 11.2 gold (gold to gems), we get 8.5 silver (gem to gold) EXTRA per mystic salvage or 13.4 silver extra (gold to gems, 33.6 gold per kit)


> Yes, that is a valid way of calculating the cost of Mystic Salvage Kit. *However*, since most consider using Mystic Forge Stones as a wildcard in MF a waste (since it randomizes the result), and we get these out of login-rewards and achievement chests, their **actual** value for most players are close to 0.


we can get a ton of things with value from our dailies though

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> @"Cloud Windfoot Omega.7485" said:

> > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > > @"Cloud Windfoot Omega.7485" said:

> > > > @Ojimaru.8970 said:

> > > > I would just like to add some context to the many comments about "efficiency" of these salvage kits.

> > > >

> > > > Using the breakdown on [Guild Wars 2 Wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Salvage_kit), both the **Basic Salvage Kits** and **Copper-fed Salvage-o-Matic** have the same probability of obtaining rare materials and upgrades. When comparing the cost-per-salvage, these kits cost **3.52 copper** and **3 copper**, respectively, per salvage. The maximum number of uses per **Basic Salvage Kit** is 25, while the latter is infinite. Considering the amount of salvageable loot that drops, whether in HoT meta events or simply wandering around the Crystal Desert, having a Copper-fed not only saves you lots of inventory slots, but also time needed to find an NPC Merchant to stock up on Salvage Kits. Lastly, consider that the Copper-fed can be stored in a Shared Inventory Slot, which further conveniences you when you play multiple characters.

> > > >

> > > > Similarly, the **Master Salvage Kits**, **Mystic Salvage Kits**, and **Silver-fed Salvage-o-Matic** share the same salvage rates, while costing **61.44 copper,** **10.5 copper**, and **60 copper**, respectively, per salvage (assuming the Mystic Forge Stones needed to make the Mystic Salvage Kits have no gold value). While the Mystic has 250 uses per inventory slot, compared to the infinite of the Silver-fed, one has to also consider that "normal practice" is to use these kits to salvage only rare- and exotic-quality items. This means that even when shared among multiple characters, the Mystic Salvage Kits can last for considerable amounts of play time.

> > >

> > > technically, since mystic stones can be bought via gems, we can use gem conversion to price them (same with copper and silver machines, but their cost per salvage drops per use)

> > > at 7 gold per mystic stone (gem to gold, 21.26 gold per kit) or 11.2 gold (gold to gems), we get 8.5 silver (gem to gold) EXTRA per mystic salvage or 13.4 silver extra (gold to gems, 33.6 gold per kit)

> >

> > Yes, that is a valid way of calculating the cost of Mystic Salvage Kit. *However*, since most consider using Mystic Forge Stones as a wildcard in MF a waste (since it randomizes the result), and we get these out of login-rewards and achievement chests, their **actual** value for most players are close to 0.


> we can get a ton of things with value from our dailies though


But how does this affect the value of MFStones?

There are **two uses** for them - Substitue a piece of equipment in MF, or Make Mystic Salvage Kit. That's it, at least according to wiki.

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"Cloud Windfoot Omega.7485" said:

> > > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > > > @"Cloud Windfoot Omega.7485" said:

> > > > > @Ojimaru.8970 said:

> > > > > I would just like to add some context to the many comments about "efficiency" of these salvage kits.

> > > > >

> > > > > Using the breakdown on [Guild Wars 2 Wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Salvage_kit), both the **Basic Salvage Kits** and **Copper-fed Salvage-o-Matic** have the same probability of obtaining rare materials and upgrades. When comparing the cost-per-salvage, these kits cost **3.52 copper** and **3 copper**, respectively, per salvage. The maximum number of uses per **Basic Salvage Kit** is 25, while the latter is infinite. Considering the amount of salvageable loot that drops, whether in HoT meta events or simply wandering around the Crystal Desert, having a Copper-fed not only saves you lots of inventory slots, but also time needed to find an NPC Merchant to stock up on Salvage Kits. Lastly, consider that the Copper-fed can be stored in a Shared Inventory Slot, which further conveniences you when you play multiple characters.

> > > > >

> > > > > Similarly, the **Master Salvage Kits**, **Mystic Salvage Kits**, and **Silver-fed Salvage-o-Matic** share the same salvage rates, while costing **61.44 copper,** **10.5 copper**, and **60 copper**, respectively, per salvage (assuming the Mystic Forge Stones needed to make the Mystic Salvage Kits have no gold value). While the Mystic has 250 uses per inventory slot, compared to the infinite of the Silver-fed, one has to also consider that "normal practice" is to use these kits to salvage only rare- and exotic-quality items. This means that even when shared among multiple characters, the Mystic Salvage Kits can last for considerable amounts of play time.

> > > >

> > > > technically, since mystic stones can be bought via gems, we can use gem conversion to price them (same with copper and silver machines, but their cost per salvage drops per use)

> > > > at 7 gold per mystic stone (gem to gold, 21.26 gold per kit) or 11.2 gold (gold to gems), we get 8.5 silver (gem to gold) EXTRA per mystic salvage or 13.4 silver extra (gold to gems, 33.6 gold per kit)

> > >

> > > Yes, that is a valid way of calculating the cost of Mystic Salvage Kit. *However*, since most consider using Mystic Forge Stones as a wildcard in MF a waste (since it randomizes the result), and we get these out of login-rewards and achievement chests, their **actual** value for most players are close to 0.

> >

> > we can get a ton of things with value from our dailies though


> But how does this affect the value of MFStones?

> There are **two uses** for them - Substitue a piece of equipment in MF, or Make Mystic Salvage Kit. That's it, at least according to wiki.


Because, we have only one way to price them, while we have other things that also have value which cannot be considered 0 due to them being resellable.

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> @"Cloud Windfoot Omega.7485" said:

> > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > > @"Cloud Windfoot Omega.7485" said:

> > > > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > > > > @"Cloud Windfoot Omega.7485" said:

> > > > > > @Ojimaru.8970 said:

> > > > > > I would just like to add some context to the many comments about "efficiency" of these salvage kits.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Using the breakdown on [Guild Wars 2 Wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Salvage_kit), both the **Basic Salvage Kits** and **Copper-fed Salvage-o-Matic** have the same probability of obtaining rare materials and upgrades. When comparing the cost-per-salvage, these kits cost **3.52 copper** and **3 copper**, respectively, per salvage. The maximum number of uses per **Basic Salvage Kit** is 25, while the latter is infinite. Considering the amount of salvageable loot that drops, whether in HoT meta events or simply wandering around the Crystal Desert, having a Copper-fed not only saves you lots of inventory slots, but also time needed to find an NPC Merchant to stock up on Salvage Kits. Lastly, consider that the Copper-fed can be stored in a Shared Inventory Slot, which further conveniences you when you play multiple characters.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Similarly, the **Master Salvage Kits**, **Mystic Salvage Kits**, and **Silver-fed Salvage-o-Matic** share the same salvage rates, while costing **61.44 copper,** **10.5 copper**, and **60 copper**, respectively, per salvage (assuming the Mystic Forge Stones needed to make the Mystic Salvage Kits have no gold value). While the Mystic has 250 uses per inventory slot, compared to the infinite of the Silver-fed, one has to also consider that "normal practice" is to use these kits to salvage only rare- and exotic-quality items. This means that even when shared among multiple characters, the Mystic Salvage Kits can last for considerable amounts of play time.

> > > > >

> > > > > technically, since mystic stones can be bought via gems, we can use gem conversion to price them (same with copper and silver machines, but their cost per salvage drops per use)

> > > > > at 7 gold per mystic stone (gem to gold, 21.26 gold per kit) or 11.2 gold (gold to gems), we get 8.5 silver (gem to gold) EXTRA per mystic salvage or 13.4 silver extra (gold to gems, 33.6 gold per kit)

> > > >

> > > > Yes, that is a valid way of calculating the cost of Mystic Salvage Kit. *However*, since most consider using Mystic Forge Stones as a wildcard in MF a waste (since it randomizes the result), and we get these out of login-rewards and achievement chests, their **actual** value for most players are close to 0.

> > >

> > > we can get a ton of things with value from our dailies though

> >

> > But how does this affect the value of MFStones?

> > There are **two uses** for them - Substitue a piece of equipment in MF, or Make Mystic Salvage Kit. That's it, at least according to wiki.


> Because, we have only one way to price them, while we have other things that also have value which cannot be considered 0 due to them being resellable.


My point is, for anyone in my or RoseOfGilead's position with MFStones laying around not used for anything else (I'm willing to bet this is the vast majority of the player base), it's completely valid to count their value as 0 for the purpose of Cost-per-Salvage calculations.

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> @Cyprien.4208 said:

> They take silver fed off the gem shop like outfits to keep people from buying it then later will bring it back hoping more will buy it because they couldn't before.


theres no logic in that tho, im sitting here with cash to burn and if it was there i would buy it right now but i cant

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> @Hitman.5829 said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > I don't even see a silver fed one. Where are you seeing it?


> [here](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Silver-Fed_Salvage-o-Matic) it is seasonal, and the cost of it is cheaper that the regular one, which is insane given the fact that it gives better rewards!


Actually, look at the salvage cost of it vs the mystic kit. Assuming you have a good supply of mystic stones, the mystic kit is cheeper per use. I do have the silver, but that is because it was in the package with my copper-fed.

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> @Player.9621 said:

> > @Cyprien.4208 said:

> > They take silver fed off the gem shop like outfits to keep people from buying it then later will bring it back hoping more will buy it because they couldn't before.


> theres no logic in that tho, im sitting here with cash to burn and if it was there i would buy it right now but i cant


And the moment they put it back on, not only will you waste no time buying it with Gems, you'll also start enjoying it immensely and recommending your friends and guildmates to buy it, too. Isn't simple marketing theory amazing?

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> @Ojimaru.8970 said:

> And the moment they put it back on, not only will you waste no time buying it with Gems, you'll also start enjoying it immensely and recommending your friends and guildmates to buy it, too. Isn't simple marketing theory amazing?


Except, by then it'll be out of the store and they'll have to wait another year before seeing it again. Enticing players with occasional hot items is all well and good but loses all value when it takes forever for the item to return to the store.

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> @Ojimaru.8970 said:

> > @Player.9621 said:

> > > @Cyprien.4208 said:

> > > They take silver fed off the gem shop like outfits to keep people from buying it then later will bring it back hoping more will buy it because they couldn't before.

> >

> > theres no logic in that tho, im sitting here with cash to burn and if it was there i would buy it right now but i cant


> And the moment they put it back on, not only will you waste no time buying it with Gems, you'll also start enjoying it immensely and recommending your friends and guildmates to buy it, too. Isn't simple marketing theory amazing?


no thats not good or clever


maybe petrol stations should only sell gas on the weekends that way they could get more money from the hype = your logic

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> @Ojimaru.8970 said:

> I would just like to add some context to the many comments about "efficiency" of these salvage kits.


> Using the breakdown on [Guild Wars 2 Wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Salvage_kit), both the **Basic Salvage Kits** and **Copper-fed Salvage-o-Matic** have the same probability of obtaining rare materials and upgrades. When comparing the cost-per-salvage, these kits cost **3.52 copper** and **3 copper**, respectively, per salvage. The maximum number of uses per **Basic Salvage Kit** is 25, while the latter is infinite. Considering the amount of salvageable loot that drops, whether in HoT meta events or simply wandering around the Crystal Desert, having a Copper-fed not only saves you lots of inventory slots, but also time needed to find an NPC Merchant to stock up on Salvage Kits. Lastly, consider that the Copper-fed can be stored in a Shared Inventory Slot, which further conveniences you when you play multiple characters.


> Similarly, the **Master Salvage Kits**, **Mystic Salvage Kits**, and **Silver-fed Salvage-o-Matic** share the same salvage rates, while costing **61.44 copper,** **10.5 copper**, and **60 copper**, respectively, per salvage (assuming the Mystic Forge Stones needed to make the Mystic Salvage Kits have no gold value). While the Mystic has 250 uses per inventory slot, compared to the infinite of the Silver-fed, one has to also consider that "normal practice" is to use these kits to salvage only rare- and exotic-quality items. This means that even when shared among multiple characters, the Mystic Salvage Kits can last for considerable amounts of play time.


I agree, but there is another cost: the gem value. While they can be purchased for real money, they also can be bought with in-game gold. Gems are (very roughly) 180g each for the salvagers. So, it takes about 350 salvages to pay for the copper-fed. It takes a lot longer for the silver-fed, because the savings are almost nil.


One other thing: stones aren't free, either. I used to use mystic salvage kits all the time, until I ran out of stones. At 45 gems each, times 3 for each kit, that's about 2-3 silver for each salvage. So, the price is closer.

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