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Each legend should have 5 utility skills to choose from


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> @Burtnik.5218 said:

> > @messiah.1908 said:

> > as mention above other class has only 5 utilities while we have 10. this 10 are fixed depending on our legend choose. so we have more diversity.

> You forgot about F keys




thief 17

ele 25-29

warrior 16-18

ranger 16-19

necro 15-20

gaurd 18

engi 19-23

mesmer 19

rev 21-23


also utilities are stronger than F skills in most cases.



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> @messiah.1908 said:

> as mention above other class has only 5 utilities while we have 10. this 10 are fixed depending on our legend choose. so we have more diversity.


Necromancer has 3 weapon sets if you wish, and they are still allowed to customize their utility skills.


Druids have the celestial avatar form which is like a 2nd utility bar - and they are still allowed to customize their utilities.


Firebrand has 15 extra skills in virtues - and they are still allowed to customize their utility skills.


Every other class has the privilige to customize all 5 slots of their right side bar even if they have more skills - revenant technically only has 2 "utility" slots aka legends to customize.


How is that more customization?


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Revenant, like all things HoT came out rushed, and incomplete.

It is an awesome concept but has the worse execution.

The best illustration of this is it's underwater combat. They only added Underwater skills at the very last beta weekend, and you can still see how it was rushed.

1) only 2 of the legends can even be equipped underwater

2) Its the only class that can weapon swap that only has 1 underwater weapon.


The class as a whole exudes the rushed nature of it's creation, which is why this "jack of all trades" profession has ONE good build (mace axe condi malix), and it's generally useless in end-game content.

And because of the way it was designed (pretty much each legend is self contained), your second legend is there just for the heal and pretty much nothing else.

With Renegade its a bit better, i play with Malix, using only the F skills form renegade, and a quick hop now and then for the extra heal.


It would be better if the weapon skills responded to the Legend, like mace AA skills on Ventari would apply regen and resistance, for example, instead of torment and poison; on Jalis they'd give protection and stab; on Shiro you'd apply vulnerability and fury, etc.


Also having a couple more utility skills (even a line of generic, non legend specific ones that you can use in all) would help the class feel a bit more flexible. Even the fact that we can't equip racial skils is a big oversight that reduces the character's flavor and utility.

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Revenant needs ability to choose between several options in utility slots. At least for core legends. Or may be some skills that can be used by any legend.

Above calculations of number of skills are senseless. Because it's request for ability to adjust builds to different game modes, not to be overpowered.


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I've said it before, and I'll say it again:

They don't even need to create entire new skills.

If they gave us two variant versions of each skill with slightly different particle effects, it'd do wonders while not diluting the theme at all.

It also has the added benefit of not being an excessive amount of work for the team, while also giving Rev the same skill love that other classes get.


Then again, I feel like there isn't really an excuse anyway, since they can create dozens of skills for an Elementalist elite... surely they can find the time to make core Rev better, right? Surely.


Honestly, the more time I spend playing GW2, the saltier I become. It's like being in an abusive relationship.

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