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Please work in additional weapon skills to current weapons

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I know most people ask for rework of professions or new elite specs with new weapons. I agree with that as I think new specs are fun/fresh to an extend.

As a returning player after a 5 or so years break, I feel that even though some specs make playstyle very different, certain things still feel very samey and stale.


For example, after so many years and 2 expansions of not playing, I come back to my guardian and realise that I'm still doing the old greatsword symbol, pull, spin2win, or the same old sceptre pew pew. Legend has it some guardians have been spinning for 7 years and still spinning till this day..... Not to mention certain weapons (that are not elite spec weapons) are more favoured than others due to skills/looks/playstyle (sword mesmers, GS/sword guardian, etc etc....)


Maybe to revitalize things abit, why not we have some additions to weapon skills for the weapons? For example, adding a couple of skills in weapons for us to select out of combat (skill 3 having 2 different skills for us to choose 1). This way, there will be more mix & match, tinkering of skills and will keep things interesting.


But to prevent it from being a balance nightmare like GW1, they can slowly just add in a couple first instead of adding in a whole set (e.g adding in an extra 2 or 3 skills for a particular weapon). With the additions of templates down the line, this will make things really interesting.


Note: Its not a rework, its just adding 1 or 2 more skills to each weapon for a start so we can tinker with skill builds, but not full on GW1 style to prevent balancing nightmare

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> or instead of reworking the weapon system just buff under preforming weapons ad nerf op ones


You can still do this together with adding some more weapon skills. The main aim of adding more weapon skills is also to allow us to tinker with skill builds and such. Doesnt need a rework to do that, just add 1 or 2 more skills for starters to each weapon.

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There appears to be some work in this regard already. By choosing a particular curses trait, the skill on sceptre 3 changes. This means there's a potential for whole new elite specs that don't use new weapons but do use new skills. Imagine a rifle warrior elite spec that turns your slow rifle into a cqb ar? Or a guardian staff spec that turns the staff into a melee martial weapon rather than a spell stick?

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> @"Metasynaptic.1093" said:

> There appears to be some work in this regard already. By choosing a particular curses trait, the skill on sceptre 3 changes. This means there's a potential for whole new elite specs that don't use new weapons but do use new skills. Imagine a rifle warrior elite spec that turns your slow rifle into a cqb ar? Or a guardian staff spec that turns the staff into a melee martial weapon rather than a spell stick?


Hmm... I like where this train of thought is going.

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