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New player problems

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> @"Angel.3916" said:

> I was thinking about quitting guild wars 2. I started my account a week ago and enjoyed guild wars 2, so i bought the 2 expansions.


> There is a lot of things that bother me. The game is fun (guild wars 2 is fun) but i think that for a new player, there are things that guild wars 2 can improve on.


> So first off, i have to craft my ascended gear in order to get it or depend on lucky drops. No matter which mode i go in - WvW, Raids, SpVP , Fractals etc etc - basically it seems like i have to craft ascended armor.

> I thought you could win pvp tickets and cash them in for ascended armor. or cash in shards of glory or pristine fractal relics and get armor that way. But i have to craft in order to get ascended armor.

> I already have 30 gold and i can easily make more gold by farming. But crafting is a gold sink and i don't want to waste gold on crafting when i have to buy pets, dyes, skins, and other stuff for completion. Yes i know crafting has achievements but i feel like this is lazy game design trying to get me to buy gold.

> I do buy gems, but so far i only get tools, a colorful wing skin, and the copper salvage machine oh and also an account thingy with bank and bags.

> I am used to a traditional gear grind, and while i don't mind having ascended as the highest armor tier, i feel it's really bad for new players to have to use crafting.


> ALSO i noticed in wvw everyone has mounts. WvW is not new player friendly and it seems like WvW is more for people who already have hours and achievements in this game.

> Also i think that this game is not very new player friendly and might have a poor new player retention rate.


> I think they should help new players by putting them in areas before they get their war claw or before they have ascended armor. I think it's one of those - if you weren't here early, you must suffer with a horrible climb to get to their level.

> I think crafting is awful for getting gear instead of a badge system or a point system. I like season 3 heart of thorn's daily maps with the blood gems and other daily items. That makes for good gameplay.


> Any ways, this game seems to lack a new player friendly treadmill on all it's gameplay. I know i can be hardcore and go on discord and buy gold as well as complete the achievements and get to their level, but for the health of the game, it's not very good for other new players. Any ways, i hope this sheds some light on the new player experiences, I think new players have it really hard, especially if they come from world of warcraft or final fantasy.


> Any ways thanks all for hearing my feedback. I think i am going to take a break from guild wars 2 for awhile and relax for a bit. Thanks.


> (EDIT: sorry my paragraphs are disorganized. I was thinking how best to write this.)


You are exactly like a friend of mine. You jump right in, spend cash on something because the game is fun in that moment, start looking deeper, realize there is actual content you could play, then quit.


Yes, ascended gear can take time and usually the first set needs to get crafted (most direct approach, thouch there are alternatives). That's what exotic gear is for until you upgrade to ascended, and it's dirt cheap most of the time. This is also only valid for armor since weapons are available via collections and other achievements. Ascended armor is only required for tier 4 fractals (and not due to it's stat benefits). There is absolutely 0 reason for a player of 1 week to go for ascended armor. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada.


Yes, WvW has mounts. Takes about 8 hours to complete the mount track (with no bonus buffs running), the remaining achievements are very fast and easy. If you can't invest even 8 hours into WvW to get the mount, the game mode is not for you.


Overall your suggestion/complaint thread reads more like a single players observations coming into a MMO. If you expect to be cought up in a MMO within 1 week, this is most definately not the game type for you.

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Hi, i am coming back to the game. I been doing research and taking a break with my moods.


So i don't know how i will get the exotic armors for my builds with out crafting.


I don't care about zerker or knight. Although i will probably have to relay on the basic armor state sets from original game.


Viper minstrel marauder can't be bought anywhere in the game, exotic or ascended. So i feel like i won't do crafting or settle on berserker and soldier / giver knight armor.


Also i been thinking that i will have to play by my self for awhile since i won't be crafting. I know people want me to catch up but there is some game content i won't do (like crafting and maybe war claw).


War claw requires a bit of luck. Unless you're at the right time at the right place, you can catch a zerg invading a tower. Today is a good day since it's the wvw reset.


I don't like having to choose to spend my gold on achievement items or crafting. Means i would have to buy gold in order to feed both systems.


Right now i am going to buy dyes pets and armors for skins.


And yes ascended is not needed for most game content but if i want to get into endgame i would have to get ascended. THe only thing that doesn't require ascended is the basic dungeons in base game.


Thanks guys, i understand and heard where you're all coming from. I am probably just going to do map completion and achievements for now.


I also hate that tier 2 legendaries can't be bought with gold. Makes it hard to get legendary armors and weapons with gold and relaying on crafting again.

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> @"Angel.3916" said:

> And yes ascended is not needed for most game content but if i want to get into endgame i would have to get ascended. THe only thing that doesn't require ascended is the basic dungeons in base game.


I will repeat again what I said, the only place which requires ascended is fractals in tier 4. Until you reach fractals tier 4, you will have done fractals for weeks acquiring more than enough gold for multiple exotic sets and maybe even some ascended gear on the way.


- Spvp doesn't use gear.

- WvW you are far better off having multiple exotic gear sets to mix and match different builds than 1 ascended set.

- PvE is accross the board balanced for exotic gear, even raids. If you think ascended gear will make you suddenly raid viable, expect to get kicked from a LOT of groups. Exotic gear is more than fine for raids if someone practices a bit. It's even better since having multiple exotic geared characters makes a person more flexible.


While doing your research, I'm sure you came across:

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Equipment_acquisition_by_stats (which clearly shows how different stat combinations are acquired)

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ascended_equipment (the head site which links to sub sites like the one for trinkets)


As far as getting into endgame (not even sure which endgame you mean), you are lightyears away from that from how you are approaching this game. It's not the gear you are lacking but actual fundamental understanding of how this game works, starting with where what is.


> @"Angel.3916" said:

> I also hate that tier 2 legendaries can't be bought with gold. Makes it hard to get legendary armors and weapons with gold and relaying on crafting again.


Yes, how dare Arenanet add rewards which require people to actually play the game. The inhumanity.

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