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Time for Protection to affect condition damage in PvP?


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> @Sigmoid.7082 said:

> > @"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:

> > They have a mechanic that controls the amount of stability that can be removed over time, they can just create something similar that limits the amount of conditions that can be applied in a particular time.


> This is the problem I always have with suggestions like this. Not only do they limit and punish multiple players attacking the same target and using the same main damage type but there is no functional limit to how much power damage you can take from any number of sources at any given time. This is not and never will be a real solution.


Suggest a real solution then.

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> @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> Not only "no" but "kitten no." If you nerfed condi that hard Mesmer would be pretty much out of the game. So would builds on other classes. You can't simply charge into a condition storm and hack your way through it. That's the way things are designed and it's as it should be.


Are you blind? Name 1 class that has been meta and strictly required (no compromise) in literally every single game mode for longer than any other class, and is still required in every one of those areas even now. That's right it's mesmer, it's not going anywhere, your comment shows your ignorance and your bias so I'd say your opinion doesn't hold any value.

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