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The instruments are still broken after June 25, 2019 Patch Notes (7 months later)

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Did no one on the team run any tests before the fixes / improvements to the instruments were deployed? Adding new instruments is great, yet until the instruments truly get fixed (**and tested**), it defeated the purpose of releasing new instruments in this Patch.


**The June 25, 2019 Patch Notes say:**


"Increased the limit on the number of musical notes that can be played per second on all musical instruments before their skills are forced to cooldown."


However, that only fixed 'half' the issue with the instruments. **The other half of the issue is how fast players are able to play different notes at the same time across different octaves** (when the Change Octave buttons are pushed/activated manually by a script or a by using Midi Keyboard, like I use, which makes playing different notes at once across different octaves easier without having to push/activate the Change Octave buttons manually while doing so.


This patch did nothing to fix the real underlying issue with the instruments. Scripts and manually played music worked just fine for the longest time, and those who used scripts or used a Midi Keyboard did not have any issues until after Nov. of 2018.

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Pretty sure the Patch Notes said new travel toys and instruments have been added to the Black Lion Statuette vendor.



_The items available in exchange for Black Lion Statuettes have been updated. Black Lion Statuettes are redeemed by using the statuette itself or at any of the Black Lion Chest Merchants located in every major city._

_A new selection of travel toys and musical instruments has been added._

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Pretty sure the Patch Notes said new travel toys and instruments have been added to the Black Lion Statuette vendor.



> _The items available in exchange for Black Lion Statuettes have been updated. Black Lion Statuettes are redeemed by using the statuette itself or at any of the Black Lion Chest Merchants located in every major city._

> _A new selection of travel toys and musical instruments has been added._


That makes sense, then. That still leaves the other issue, though, with the instruments not being fixed after 7 months, even with the June 25, 2019 Patch.


To be specific, notes are still being played in the wrong octave, even when playing slow songs. I just tried to play FF9 - Court Jesters, and the notes/chords across different octaves are not playing right. It's like Anet only 'Increased the limit on the number of musical notes that can be played per second on all musical instruments before their skills are forced to cooldown.' like they said in the Patch Notes, **yet** they did not increase the limit on the number of times the Change Octave buttons can be pressed so notes/chords across different octaves can be played effectively at the same time.

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  • 1 year later...

I don't mean to disrespect but aren't there more glaring issues like the lack of balance which is leaven 2/3 of the game unpopulated, Lack of content for PvP and WvW, Lack of engaging content in PvE, Lack of end game content (fractals, raids..) .


I mean play the wrong octave is not as bad as not having any public to show it off . Right?

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