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What are your mount names? - skyscale edition

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Depending on the characteras each character has different names for their mount friends and most have a backstory to their mounts. One naming example I could share is from my charr guardian (one of my two charr guards actually) who's also one of my two charrsonas.

His raptor is named Geist (which is German for "Ghost" referring to the Foefire influence on the mount), Springer is called Steinbock (German for "ibex/capricorn" due to the goat skin), skimmer is Ray, jackal is named Vulpeca, griffon is called Nashira (Named after one of the stars of the Capricornus star constellation), the beetle stayed at Petey, Warclaw is named Irontooth and the skyscale goes by Aurellia.

I made a post about that some time as well allthough there are only the base game mounts due to the fact that the post was made long before we got additional mounts.



Specificially for the Skyscale my naming plans were Aurellia (female) and Aureus (male) in honor and tribute to Aurene.

Funfact: During the PoF beta I came up with names for the 4 base mounts already. They were Jack (raptor), Skippy (springer), Ray (skimmer) and Anubis (jackal).

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Haven't been naming my mounts properly bc laziness but I do have my Raptor and Skyscale personally named on main as I use them most often:


- Raptor - Idiot (used endearingly) - I started refering to him as such before actually naming him and then realized I couldn't think of any other name because it stuck. (Also would like to think that my main refers to him as such because he runs into walls and rocks a lot/misses the intended jump (due to my bad guidance)) He uses the original skin just more red.


- Skyscale - Aura - She's my sweet baby girl that gave me an aura of happiness whenever she sqwuaked awkwardly as a hatchling. (I finally got the new shimmerwing skin and she's even more splendid)


And the Roller Beetle is Petey for the same reason as OP.


I find it interesting how when I use a different character and dye the mounts different, my impressions of what they are like also differs. (ex: red Raptor on main is an idiot and he cutely acts as such but green Raptor on other is the intelligent younger brother that still needs to be named)



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> @"Aru.4156" said:

> Haven't been naming my mounts properly bc laziness but I do have my Raptor and Skyscale personally named on main as I use them most often:


> - Raptor - Idiot (used endearingly) - I started refering to him as such before actually naming him and then realized I couldn't think of any other name because it stuck. (Also would like to think that my main refers to him as such because he runs into walls and rocks a lot/misses the intended jump (due to my bad guidance)) He uses the original skin just more red.


> - Skyscale - Aura - She's my sweet baby girl that gave me an aura of happiness whenever she sqwuaked awkwardly as a hatchling. (I finally got the new shimmerwing skin and she's even more splendid)


> And the Roller Beetle is Petey for the same reason as OP.


> I find it interesting how when I use a different character and dye the mounts different, my impressions of what they are like also differs. (ex: red Raptor on main is an idiot and he cutely acts as such but green Raptor on other is the intelligent younger brother that still needs to be named)




I love that thinking! Reminds me of the conversation I was having with my guild the other day about whether it's ok to be drunk in charge of a raptor as long as the raptor itself is sober. (Dragon Bash related - I finished a hologram stampede in south Dredgehaunt Cliffs, opened the coffers, consumed all the drinks then remembered I'd decided to run back to Hoelbrak instead of waypointing.)


I think we eventually agreed it depends on how much you trust the raptor in question. So I guess I was lucky Bitey got my norn home without incident!

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