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[Suggestion] Instanced Mount-Racing League

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I think the reason there is limited continued interest in the existing tracks is that once you have everything you can buy with the currency there is no reward for doing them. So unless beetle racing is the only content someone enjoys they will always pick other content that they both enjoy and offers rewards. The nice thing about introducing some sort of competitive league is that it would represent a reward of a sort that would encourage continued participation . . .

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If implemented, I would like to have instances with specific players number limit, not everyone has a buffy computer, whereas for some a 100+ players race would be okay, for some other 5-10 players is the great maximum. I'm all for it if everyone has the same chance to make a great time doing a lap without lags.

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I like everything except for the PvP system behind it. The current PvE system should just be modified. If it has a PvP system, I want beetle (vehicle) collision like in actual racing and the ability to attack others in PvP like Rock n Roll Racing (think Mario Kart or CTR). If I can't play in a PvP style, it should just be PvE as it is now so it saves them extra work.

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> @"XYLO.7031" said:

> I like everything except for the PvP system behind it. The current PvE system should just be modified. If it has a PvP system, I want beetle (vehicle) collision like in actual racing and the ability to attack others in PvP like Rock n Roll Racing (think Mario Kart or CTR). If I can't play in a PvP style, it should just be PvE as it is now so it saves them extra work.


I realize the term pvp puts up red flags for a lot of people; please keep in mind that the only reason I used the term is because the pvp/wvw menu systems which are used to monitor our stats, queue for battles, and enter the instances seem like they could be re-used to queue for races, teleport to race instances, and keep track of best lap times per-course and other personal stats.


I want to be very clear, I am not advocating for a system to attack other players during the race, that would basically be adding a new game mode, and would require balancing and the development of new mechanics; I am simply advocating a system to streamline and enhance the existing races, to increase player participation in an incredibly fun type of event which is difficult to enjoy with other players in it's current state.


> @"VDAC.2137" said:

> I think it would be fun, although not having to pay to compete as this could only discourage new participants.


I agree that a fee would discourage players, which is why a fee should only be implemented on the structured racing league, with no charge to people using the other functions of the system, such as teleports to race courses for time trials, private race instances for guild events, and unstructured instanced races for people who just want to race for fun.


Payment should be an option, not a requirement, just like with the rest of the game.


> @"hugo.4705" said:

> If implemented, I would like to have instances with specific players number limit, not everyone has a buffy computer, whereas for some a 100+ players race would be okay, for some other 5-10 players is the great maximum. I'm all for it if everyone has the same chance to make a great time doing a lap without lags.


I agree completely, and had actually already mentioned all of that in my original post :P


When the races first came out, I was on a laptop from 2011 that could barely handle the burden of all the shiny people and their mounts with the game on the lowest settings, so I am well aware of the limitations posed by the current race structure, and instances with participant limits seems like the best way to even the playing field for players on older/lower-spec machines.

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